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Penguin Moon Tiger Лайвли Пенелопа

Penguin Moon Tiger Лайвли Пенелопа

цена 1 369 руб.
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Winner of the Booker Prize, Penelope Lively's Moon Tiger is the tale of a historian confronting her own, personal history, unearthing the passions and pains that have defined her life. This Penguin Modern Classics edition includes an introduction by Anthony Thwaite • Claudia Hampton, a beautiful, famous writer, lies dying in hospital. But, as the nurses tend to her with quiet condescension, she is plotting her greatest work: 'a history of the world ... and in the process, my own'. Gradually she re-creates the rich mosaic of her life and times, conjuring up those she has known. There is Gordon, her adored brother; Jasper, the charming, untrustworthy lover and father of Lisa, her cool, conventional daughter; and Tom, her one great love, both found and lost in wartime Egypt подробнее
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Penelope Lively's Booker Prize winning classic, Moon Tiger is a haunting story of loss and desire, published here as a Penguin Essential for the first time • Claudia Hampton - beautiful, famous, independent, dying • But she remains defiant to the last, telling her nurses that she will write a 'history of the world . . . and in the process, my own'. And it is her story from a childhood just after the First World War through the Second and beyond. But Claudia's life is entwined with others and she must allow those who knew her, loved her, the chance to speak, to put across their point of view. There is Gordon, brother and adversary; Jasper, her untrustworthy lover and father of Lisa, her cool conventional daughter; and then there is Tom, her one great love, found and lost in wartime Egypt
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 037 руб.
Claudia Hampton - beautiful, famous, independent, dying • But she remains defiant to the last, telling her nurses that she will write a 'history of the world . . . and in the process, my own'. And it is her story from a childhood just after the First World War through the Second and beyond. But Claudia's life is entwined with others and she must allow those who knew her, loved her, the chance to speak, to put across their point of view. There is Gordon, brother and adversary; Jasper, her untrustworthy lover and father of Lisa, her cool conventional daughter; and then there is Tom, her one great love, found and lost in wartime Egypt • Moon Tiger is a haunting story of loss and desire
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 144 руб.
Published in Penguin Modern Classics, Penelope Lively's Heat Wave is a moving portrayal of a fragile family damaged and defined by adultery, and the lengths to which a mother will go to protect the ones she loves • Pauline is spending the summer at World's End, a cottage somewhere in the middle of England. This year the adjoining cottage is occupied by her daughter Teresa and baby grandson Luke; and, of course, Maurice, the man Teresa married. As the hot months unfold, Maurice grows ever more involved in the book he is writing - and with his female copy editor - and Pauline can only watch in dismay and anger as her daughter repeats her own mistakes in love. The heat and tension will lead to a violent, startling climax • Penelope Lively (b. 1933) was born in Cairo
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2 384 руб.
This autobiography is about growing up in Egypt. It is also an investigation into childhood perception in which the author uses herself and her memories as an insight into how children see and know. It is a look at Eygpt up to, and including, World War II from a small girl's point of view, which is also, ultimately, a moving and rather sad picture of an isolated and lonely little girl
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2 264 руб.
Allersmead is a big shabby Victorian suburban house. The perfect place to grow up for elegant Sandra, difficult Gina, destructive Paul, considerate Katie, clever Roger and flighty Clare • But was it? • Now adults, the children return to Allersmead one by one. To their home-making mother and aloof writer father, and a house that for years has played silent witness to a family's secrets • And one devastating secret of which no one speaks
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'Do not open - destroy.' • The words on the envelope he has found are written in Kath's hand, but Glyn ignores his wife's instruction and breaks the seal. His life unwinds. For he finds a photograph showing Kath holding hands with another man. Unable to forget this long-ago act of betrayal he recklessly excavates the past, seeking out who knew what, tearing apart other lives as he tries to dig up the roots of his wife's infidelity. But what is the truth about Kath? What is the truth about their love? And can it survive this?
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Ироничные, сострадательные и блистающие остроумием истории Пенелопы Лайвли проникают сквозь повседневность к бьющемуся сердцу человеческого опыта • В интимных рассказах о взрослении и старости, случайных встречах и отношениях длиною в жизнь Лайвли исследует, как отдельные люди могут запутаться в истории, а маленькие поступки передаются из поколения в поколение • От новых и никогда ранее не публиковавшихся рассказов до забытых сокровищ, сборник "Метаморфозы" демонстрирует все самое лучшее от литературного мастера • Книга на английском языке • Including new and never-before-published stories and forgotten treasures: the definitive selection of short stories from one of our greatest living writers, curated by the author herself • Wry, compassionate and glittering with wit, Penelope Lively's stories get beneath the everyday to the beating heart of human experience
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 266 руб.
The definitive selection of short stories from one of our greatest living writers, curated by Penelope Lively herself • Wry, compassionate and glittering with wit, Penelope Lively's stories get beneath the everyday to the beating heart of human experience • In intimate tales of growing up and growing old, chance encounters and life-long relationships, Lively explores with keen insight the ways that individuals can become tangled in history, and small acts ripple through the generations • From new and never-before-published stories to forgotten treasures, Metamorphosis showcases the very best from a literary master
My-shop.ru г. Москва
4 772 руб.
In this powerful and compelling 'view from old age', Penelope Lively, at eighty, reports back on what she finds. There are meditations on what it is like to be old as well as on how memory shapes us. There are intriguing examinations of key personal as well as historical moments she has lived through and her thoughts on her own bookishness - both as reader and writer. Lastly, she turns to six treasured possessions to speak eloquently about who she is and where she's been - fragments of memories from a life well lived
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 491 руб.
Прилаживая новую раму в комнате на чердаке старого коттеджа, рабочий роняет бутылку из зеленоватого стекла, спрятанную за наличником. С такого незначительного происшествия и началась эта история в провинциальном английском городишке Лэдшеме. Но дальше - больше. На грифельной доске перед калиткой кто-то оставил весьма загадочное послание, написанное архаичным языком: это объявление, в котором предлагаются знахарские и магические услуги. Семья любознательного Джеймса Харрисона переехала в этот уютный скрипучий и приземистый дом "с историей" всего две недели назад • Роман Пенелопы Лайвли "Призрак Томаса Кемпе", впервые изданный в 1973 г., был отмечен Медалью Карнеги, старейшей и престижнейшей британской наградой в детской литературе • Книга на английском языке
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 476 руб.
"Сборник рассказов для шестилетних детей" под редакцией Венди Кулинг объединяет истории, идеально подходящие для каждого шестилетнего ребенка - марсианин в супермаркете, обезьяна в беде и волшебное жемчужное дерево. Это полная коллекция захватывающих историй, полных приключений и волшебства, написанных любимыми писателями, в том числе Джеральдины Маккогрин, Филиппы Пирс и Пенелопы Лайвли • Книга на английском языке • The Puffin Book of Stories for Six-year-olds, edited by Wendy Cooling is essential reading for all six-year-olds! • Brilliant stories from some of our best-loved authors, including Geraldine McCaughrean, Philippa Pearce and Penelope Lively • With a Martian in a supermarket, a monkey in trouble, and a magic pearl tree, there's something for everyone to discover in this special collection
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 065 руб.
How are great turning points in history experienced by individuals? • As Britain pulls away from Europe great British writers come together to give voice to their innermost feelings. These writers include novelists, writers of books for children, of comic books, humourists, historians, biographers, nature writers, film writers, travel writers, writers young and old and from an extraordinary range of backgrounds. Most are famous perhaps because they have won the Booker or other literary prizes, written bestsellers, changed the face of popular culture or sold millions of records. Others are not yet household names but write with depth of insight and feeling • There is some extraordinary writing in this book. Some of these pieces are expressions of love of particular places in Europe
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 109 руб.
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