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Harpercollins The Bear Who Went Boo! Board book Уолльямс Дэвид

Harpercollins The Bear Who Went Boo! Board book Уолльямс Дэвид

цена 778 руб.
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На вершине мира, среди снегов и льдов, живёт непоседливый белый медвежонок, который любит говорить… • БУ! • Вот только он не всегда понимает, что нужно остановиться • Полная снежных сюрпризов книжка «The Bear Who Went Boo!» от самого популярного авторского дуэта Великобритании, писателя Дэвида Уолльямса и художника Тони Росса, станет отличным подарком для детей • Книга на английском языке • From Number One bestselling picture book duo, David Walliams and Tony Ross, comes this bear-illiantly funny adventure for children of 3 and up • At the top of the world, surrounded by snow and ice, lives a very cheeky polar bear cub who loves to go… • BOO! • But this little bear cub doesn't always know when to stop… • Presenting a mischievous new picture book packed with snow and surprises, from two standout talents! подробнее
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778 руб.
Миранде нравится отличаться, поэтому на День питомца она принесла в школу очень… необычного зверя. Директриса миссис Блоут считает, что змеям не место в школе, но у питона Пенелопы на этот счёт своё мнение • Книга «There`s a Snake in My School!» от самого популярного авторского дуэта Великобритании, писателя Дэвида Уолльямса и художника Тони Росса, станет отличным подарком для детей • Книга на английском языке • From Number One bestselling picture book duo, David Walliams and Tony Ross, comes this ssssspectacularly funny picture book for children of 3 and up. Miranda loves to be different, and on Bring your pet to school Day she introduces everyone to her very DIFFERENT pet... Penelope the snake. Miss Bloat the headmistress doesn't think snakes should be allowed in school
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778 руб.
A brilliant new activity book containing over 100 stickers! Based on Judith Kerr’s beloved story The Tiger Who Came to Tea • Based on Judith Kerr’s best-loved story, The Tiger Who Came to Tea, this brilliant and fun-filled activity book is packed with games, puzzles, colouring in, and so much more! • Featuring artwork from the original story, celebrate the magic of teatime anew with this exciting activity book, full of things to do yourself or with an adult. Let’s count tea-time treats, create tiger-paw snacks, join the dots, spot the difference and stick, stick, stick with over 100 stickers! Bound to keep even the tiniest tigers busy, join Sophie, her mummy and the tiger and experience teatime as never before!
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‘We felt an urge to document what we had witnessed. If we who had experienced it, I reasoned, did not reveal the bitter truth, people simply would not believe the extent of the Nazis’ evil. I wanted to share our life, the events and our struggle to survive.’ • Thomas Geve was just 15 years old when he was liberated from Buchenwald concentration camp on 11 April 1945. It was the third concentration camp he had survived. Upon arrival at Auschwitz- Birkenau, Thomas was separated from his mother and left to fend for himself in the men’s camp of Auschwitz I, at the age of 13. During the 22 months he was imprisoned, he was subjected to, and forced to observe first-hand, the inhumane world of Nazi concentration camps • On his eventual release Thomas felt compelled to capture daily life in the death camps in more than eighty profoundly moving drawings
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A beautifully illustrated full-colour tribute to King Charles III, published to mark his coronation – from the bestselling creators of There Once Is a Queen • There once was a boy who was going to be king one day • From the Nation’s Favourite Storyteller Sir Michael Morpurgo comes a poetic celebration of our new monarch, King Charles III, beautifully illustrated in watercolour by acclaimed artist Michael Foreman • There once was a little boy, born a prince. Encouraged by his parents, he grew up with a passion for the countryside, wanting to look after it. Then, as the longest-serving Prince of Wales in British history, he dedicated decades of his life to raising awareness for conservation. Now our King, his devoted work will continue to inspire the protection of our planet for future generations
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When William Kamkwamba was just 14 years old, his family told him that he must leave school and come home to work on the farm – they could no longer afford his fees. This is his story of how he found a way to make a difference, how he bought light to his family and village, and hope to his nation • Malawi is a country battling AIDS, drought and famine, and in 2002, a season of floods, followed by the most severe famine in fifty years, brought it to its knees. Like the majority of the population, William's family were farmers. They were totally reliant on the maize crop. By the end of 2001, after many lean and difficult years, there was no more crop. They were running out of food – had nothing to sell – and had months until they would be able to harvest their crop again
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Sometimes the perfect friend tells the perfect lies… • Erin and Roisin were once friends until a fatal accident ruined both their lives. Now, Roisin has discovered a secret—one Erin has kept for over a decade—and she’s determined to make Erin pay for her lies • When Roisin suddenly disappears, suspicion soon lands on Erin. She would do anything to protect her family, but just how far is she willing to go when time is running out…? • A must read for fans of CL Taylor and BA Paris
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Столь же восхитительно ироничный и остроумный, как и его дебютный бестселлер "Столетний старик, который вылез из окна и исчез", это рассказ о том, как попытка одной женщины изменить свое будущее в конечном итоге изменила все. Номбеко Маеки скрывается от самой безжалостной секретной службы в мире - вместе с тремя сестрами-китаянками, близнецами, которые официально являются одним человеком, и пожилым фермером, выращивающим картофель. О, и судьба короля Швеции - и всего мира - лежит на ее плечах. Номбеко, родившемуся в лачуге в Соуэто в 1961 году, была уготована короткая и тяжелая жизнь. Когда ее сбил пьяный инженер, удача изменила ей. Живую, но обвиненную в несчастном случае, ее заставили работать на инженера, который, как оказалось, отвечал за проект, жизненно важный для безопасности Южной Африки
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