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Harpercollins The Dog Who Saved the World Welford Ross

Harpercollins The Dog Who Saved the World Welford Ross

цена 850 руб.
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Когда одиннадцатилетняя Джорджи заводит дружбу с эксцентричным ученым на пенсии, она становится испытуемым для нового захватывающего эксперимента: 3D-версии будущего в виртуальной реальности • Но затем смертельная болезнь угрожает жизни каждой собаки в стране, и любимый пес Джорджии, мистер Мэш, заболевает. И это только начало ее неприятностей • Вскоре Джорджи и мистеру Мэшу предстоит отправиться в отчаянное путешествие: спасти каждую собаку на земле, а может быть, даже все человечество … • фактически не выходя из комнаты • Экстраординарный квест с самыми высокими ставками и грандиозной идеей в его основе - это путешествие во времени, но не в том виде, в каком вы его знаете • Книга на английском языке • The astounding new novel from the bestselling and Costa-shortlisted author of Time Travelling with a Hamster, this is a story for everyone of ten and older who loves adventure, laughs and tears подробнее
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Столь же восхитительно ироничный и остроумный, как и его дебютный бестселлер "Столетний старик, который вылез из окна и исчез", это рассказ о том, как попытка одной женщины изменить свое будущее в конечном итоге изменила все. Номбеко Маеки скрывается от самой безжалостной секретной службы в мире - вместе с тремя сестрами-китаянками, близнецами, которые официально являются одним человеком, и пожилым фермером, выращивающим картофель. О, и судьба короля Швеции - и всего мира - лежит на ее плечах. Номбеко, родившемуся в лачуге в Соуэто в 1961 году, была уготована короткая и тяжелая жизнь. Когда ее сбил пьяный инженер, удача изменила ей. Живую, но обвиненную в несчастном случае, ее заставили работать на инженера, который, как оказалось, отвечал за проект, жизненно важный для безопасности Южной Африки
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Driving is the most dangerous thing each of us does on a daily basis - and yet the average learner receives just eighteen hours' training - less than a Starbucks barista • In this inspirational, fully illustrated, highly entertaining book, former Top Gear star Ben Collins uses his super-charged experience of racing, stunt-work and cutting-edge scientific knowledge to tell you all of the things you didn't learn on your test - and in the process will make your driving safer, more economical and a lot more enjoyable • The skills described in How to Drive, from skid control to gear changes that are as smooth as a cashmere codpiece, have been honed on racing tracks by the greatest drivers in the world. This is the stuff your instructor missed, your dad forgot and your mates pretend to know
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This is the definitive story of the science behind the cars of our dreams, featuring inside information from the major players of the supercar world - including design legend Adrian Newey, McLaren F1 creator Gordon Murray, supercar mavericks Horacio Pagani and Christian von Koenigsegg, as well as contributions from manufacturers such as Lamborghini, Porsche, Bugatti and McLaren. What powers the greatest cars in the world? How did we get from the crude mechanics of yesteryear to the high-tech, computer aided designs we see today? Which cars broke the mould? Featuring bespoke technical drawings from F1 championship-winning engineer Neil Waterman, The Science of Supercars traces the evolution of the supercar through the technology that drives it
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#1 New York Times bestselling author Dava Sobel returns with a captivating, little-known true story of women in science • Before they even had the right to vote, a group of remarkable women were employed by Harvard College Observatory as ‘Human Computers’ to interpret the observations made via telescope by their male counterparts each night • The author of Longitude, Galileo’s Daughter and The Planets shines light on the hidden history of these extraordinary women who changed the burgeoning field of astronomy and our understanding of the stars and our place in the universe
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Shawnee chief Tecumseh was a man destined for greatness – the son of a prominent war leader, he was supposedly born under a lucky shooting star. Charismatic, intelligent, handsome, he was both a fierce warrior and a savvy politician. In the first biography of Tecumseh in more than twenty years, Peter Cozzens thoroughly revises our understanding of this great leader and his movement, arguing that his overlooked younger brother Tenskwatawa, the ‘Shawnee Prophet’, was a crucial partner in Tecumseh’s success • Until Tecumseh’s death in 1813, he was, alongside Tenskwatawa, the co-architect of the greatest pan-Indian confederation in history. Over time, Tenskwatawa has been relegated to the shadows, described as a talentless charlatan and a drunk. But Cozzens argues that while Tecumseh was the forward-facing diplomat, appealing even to the white settlers attempting to steal Shawnee land, behind the scenes, Tenskwatawa unified multiple tribes with his deep understanding of Shawnee religion and culture
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'Extraordinary... Cozzens has stripped the myth from these stories, but he is such a superb writer that what remains is exquisite' The Times • At the end of the Civil War, the American nation continued its expansion onto tribal lands, setting off a struggle that would last nearly three decades. Peter Cozzens chronicles the conflict from both sides in comprehensive and singularly intimate detail, bringing together a pageant of fascinating characters, including Custer, Sherman and Grant, as well as great native leaders such as Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull and Red Cloud. This is the tale of how the West was won... and lost
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История, которая пересекает времена и поколения, для читателей, любящих приключения, от мала до велика • - Мой отец умирал дважды. Один раз, когда ему было тридцать девять, и еще раз четыре года спустя, когда ему было двенадцать.” • На двенадцатый день рождения Эла Чаудхури его любимый дедушка Байрон дарит ему письмо от покойного отца Эла. В нем Эл получает задание: вернуться в 1984 год на секретной машине времени и спасти жизнь своего отца • Вскоре Эл обнаруживает, что путешествие во времени требует смелости и воображения. Это также требует лжи, воровства, поджога его школы и игнорирования философских советов дедушки Байрона. И все это без потери своего любимого хомячка Алана Ширера… • Путешествие во времени с хомячком - это забавное, согревающее душу приключение наперегонки со временем и между поколениями, от которого вы не сможете оторваться
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1 050 руб.
The amazing tale of a resourceful and unscrupulous early-19th-century American adventurer who forges his own kingdom in the wilds of Afghanistan • In the year 1838, a young adventurer, surrounded by his native troops and mounted on an elephant, raised the American flag on the summit of the Hindu Kush and declared himself Prince of Ghor, the heir to Alexander the Great • Josiah Harlan, the first American to set foot in Afghanistan, would become the model for Kipling’s ‘The Man Who Would be King’, but the true story of his life is stranger than fiction. A soldier, spy, doctor, naturalist and writer, Harlan set off into the wilds of Central Asia after a failed love affair in 1820. Following a brief stint as a surgeon in the East India Company’s army, he joined the court of the deposed Afghan monarch Shah Shujah, and then slipped into Kabul disguised as a Muslim priest to foment rebellion
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The second book by the bestselling author of Extraordinary Insects • Trees clean air and water; hoverflies and bees pollinate our crops; the kingfisher inspired the construction of high-speed trains. In Tapestries of Life, bestselling author Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson explains how closely we are all connected with the natural world, highlighting our indelible link with nature’s finely knit system and our everyday lives • In the heart of natural world is a life-support system like no other, a collective term that describes all the goods and services we receive – food, fresh water, medicine, pollination, pollution control, carbon sequestration, erosion prevention, recreation, spiritual health and so much more. In this utterly captivating book, Anne Sverdrup-Thygeson sets out to explore these wonderful, supportive elements – taking the reader on a journey through the surprising characteristics of the natural world
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The Four Elements of The Perfect Shave Набор с Сумкой - Bergamot & Neroli: Масло до Бритья + Крем для Бритья + Бальзам после Бритья + Кисть + Бритва The Four Elements of The Perfect Shave Набор с Сумкой - Bergamot & Neroli: 1x Масло до Бритья - Bergamot & Neroli 30мл/1унц 1x Крем для Бритья - Bergamot & Neroli 45мл/1.5унц 1x Бальзам после Бритья - Bergamot & Neroli 30мл/1унц 1x Кисть для Бритья 1x Бритва Идеально подходит как для личного использования, так и в качестве подарка
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The 4 Elements Of The Perfect Shave Набор - Lavender: Масло до Бритья 30мл + Крем для Бритья 45мл + Бальзам после Бритья 30мл + Кисть для Бритья The 4 Elements Of The Perfect Shave Набор - Lavender: 1x Масло до Бритья - Lavender 30мл/1унц 1x Крем для Бритья - Lavender 45мл/1.5унц 1x Бальзам после Бритья - Lavender 30мл/1унц 1x Кисть для Бритья Идеально подходит как для личного использования, так и в качестве подарка
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You've heard of the Horse Whisperer - now meet the woman who uses similar methods to train dogs • Jan Fennell's remarkable gifts have earned her the nickname "the dog listener". Her unique understanding of the canine world and its instinctive language has enabled her to bring even the most desperate and delinquent of dogs to heel • This easy-to-follow guide to understanding Jan's simple techniques draws on her countless case histories of problem dogs - from biters and barkers to bicycle chasers - to show how we can bridge the language barrier that separates man from his best friend • In The Dog Listener Jan shares her secrets, telling us how she grew determined to find a more compassionate alternative to standard "obedience" training techniques and ultimately how to communicate with canines
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