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William Collins The Wood Age. How Wood Shaped the Whole of Human History Ennos Rolans

William Collins The Wood Age. How Wood Shaped the Whole of Human History Ennos Rolans

цена 1 545 руб.
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When our ancestors came down from the trees, they brought the trees with them and remade the world • How did the descendants of small arboreal primates manage to stand on our own two feet, become top predators and take over the world? • In The Wood Age, Roland Ennos shows that the key to humanity’s success has been our relationship with wood. He takes us on a sweeping ten-million-year journey from great apes who built their nests among the trees to early humans who depended on wood for fire, shelter, tools and weapons; from the structural design of wheels and woodwinds, to the invention of paper and the printing press • Drawing together recent research and reinterpreting existing evidence from fields as far-ranging as primatology, anthropology, archaeology, history, architecture, engineering and carpentry, Ennos charts for the first time how our ability to exploit wood’s unique properties has shaped our bodies and minds, societies and lives подробнее
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An enchanting biography of the most resonant – and most necessary – chemical element on Earth • Carbon. It is the building block of every cell that makes up every living thing. It is the essential component of the food we eat, the fuel we burn, the wood we use and the air we breathe. It is worth billions as a luxury and half a trillion as a necessity, but there are still mysteries to be solved about the element that can be both diamond and coal. Where does it come from, what does it do, and why, above all, does life need it? • In Symphony in C, leading carbon scientist Robert M. Hazen takes us on a vibrant journey through the origin and evolution of life’s most widespread element. The story unfolds in four movements – Earth, Air, Fire and Water – and transports us through nearly 14 billion years of cosmic history, explaining how carbon is formed in the hearts of stars and why all life forms – earthbound or alien – use it as the basis of their biology
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1 545 руб.
From the bestselling author Simon Winchester, a human history of land around the world: who mapped it, owned it, stole it, cared for it, fought for it and gave it back • In 1889, thousands of hopeful people raced southward from the Kansas state line and westward from the Arkansas boundary to stake claims on the thousands of acres of unclaimed pastures and meadows. Across the twentieth century, water was dammed and drained in Holland so that a new province, Flevoland, rose up, unchartered and requiring new thinking. In 1850, California legislated the theft of land from Native Americans. An apology came in 2019 from the governor, but what of the call for reparations or return? What of government confiscation of land in India, or questions of fairness when it comes to New Zealand’s Maori population and the legacy of settlers? • The ownership of land has always been complicated, opaque, and more than a little anarchic when viewed from the outside
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1 545 руб.
From a long-term planning lead for the Mars Exploration Rover Project comes this vivid insider account of some of NASA’s most vital and exciting missions to the Red Planet, illustrated with full-colour photographs—a wondrous chronicle of unprecedented scientific discovery and the search for evidence of life on Mars • ‘There are probably just a few of moments in human history when a small group of humans stood on the margins of a vast new world, and it is no stretch of the romantic imagination that the arrival of two rovers on the surface of another planet was surely one of them.’ • Human exploration of Mars is the most ambitious and exciting scientific goal of the 21st century, and few people on earth know as much about this fascinating planet as Dr Larry Crumpler
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Born into nobility and married into the royal family, Catherine Howard was attended every waking hour – secrets were impossible to keep. In this thrilling reappraisal of Henry VIII’s fifth wife, Gareth Russell’s history unfurls as if in real time to explain how the queen’s career ended with one of the great scandals of Henry’s reign. This is a grand tale of the Henrician court in its twilight, a glittering but pernicious sunset during which the king’s unstable behaviour and his courtiers’ labyrinthine deceptions proved fatal to many, not just to Catherine Howard
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In this shimmering masterpiece of American nature writing, Edward Abbey ventures alone into the canyonlands of Moab, Utah, to work as a seasonal ranger for the United States National Park Service • Living out of a trailer, Abbey captures in rapt, poetic prose the landscape of the desert; a world of terracotta earth, empty skies, arching rock formations, cliffrose, juniper, pinyon pine and sand sage. His summers become spirit quests, taking him in search of wild horses and Ancient Puebloan petroglyphs, up mountains and across tribal lands, and down the Glen Canyon by river. He experiences both sides of his new home; its incredible beauty and its promise of liberation, but also its isolating, cruel side, at one point discovering a dead tourist at an isolated area of the Grand Canyon
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1 545 руб.
From the brilliantly original and critically acclaimed Sally Bayley, a literary story of working class childhood, absent or broken men and the power of literature to save and rebuild a world • In Sally Bayley's childhood, the men were often missing. Missing because they were drunk, or out of work, or wandering. Or missing because their behaviour meant women banned them from the house • The man who was around for Sally was Shakespeare, and he brought men with him to fill the gaps. Sally grew up with a troupe of sad kings and lonely heroes. Her mind ran away from home with Falstaff and Prince Hal, with deceivers and mavericks and geniuses • In her signature and extraordinary style, this is Sally's story of her childhood - one lived with darkness snapping at heels, with real and imagined people passing through interchangeably, and with trauma a spiky memory to be skirted and avoided
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1 545 руб.
Кому принадлежит Англия? • За этим простым вопросом скрывается старейший и лучше всего хранимый секрет этой страны. Это история о том, как элита Англии стала владельцем нашей земли, и вдохновляющий манифест о том, как снова открыть нашу сельскую местность • Книга Гая Шрубсоула "Кому принадлежит Англия? Как мы потеряли нашу Землю и как вернуть ее обратно" долго готовилась. На протяжении веков английская элита скрывала, как они прибрали к рукам миллионы акров нашей земли, возводя стены, проводя геологоразведочные работы, а в последнее время укрываясь за оффшорными компаниями-подставными лицами. Но с появлением цифрового картографирования и Закона о свободе информации им становится все труднее скрываться • Книга на английском языке • Who owns England? • Behind this simple question lies this country's oldest and best-kept secret
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Three hundred years ago no one knew the true shape of the world • It wasn't a sphere - but did it bulge at the equator or was it pointed at the poles? Until we found out no map could ever be truly accurate. So a team of scientists was sent to South America - to measure one full degree of latitude • But South America was a land of erupting volcanoes, sodden rainforests, earthquakes, deadly diseases, tropical storms and violent unrest. And the misfit scientists had an unfortunate tendency to squander funds, fight duels, stumble into mutinies or die horribly • The tale of their ten-year odyssey of exploration, discovery, flirtations with failure and ultimate triumph becomes in Nicholas Crane's hands the greatest scientific adventure story ever told
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Frank Buckland was an extraordinary man – surgeon, natural historian, popular lecturer, bestselling writer, museum curator, and a conservationist before the concept even existed • Eccentric, revolutionary, prolific, he was one of the nineteenth century’s most improbable geniuses. His lifelong passion was to discover new ways to feed the hungry. Rhinoceros, crocodile, puppy-dog, giraffe, kangaroo, bear and panther all had their chance to impress, but what finally - and, eventually, fatally - obsessed him was fish • Forgotten now, he was one of the most original, far-sighted and influential natural scientists of his time, held as high in public esteem as his great philosophical enemy, Charles Darwin
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Нет ничего прекраснее английского загородного дома летом. И никогда еще не было такого лета, как то бабье лето между двумя мировыми войнами, периода плавного упадка, когда солнце медленно садилось над Британской империей, а тени удлинялись на лужайках тысяч величественных домов • Реальная жизнь в загородном доме в 1920-1930-е годы не всегда была такой солнечной. То богатые, то обычные, благородные и порочные, но их тени становились все темнее. В «Длинных выходных» Адриан Тиннисвуд раскрывает правду о полузабытом мире, окутанном мифами и скрытом за жесткими губами и улыбками кинозвезды • Опираясь на сотни мемуаров, неопубликованные письма и дневники, на свидетельства очевидцев подпоясанных графов, несчастных наследниц и задиристых дворецких, The Long Weekend дает голос людям, населяющим этот мир, и показывает, как образ загородного дома тщательно охранялся обитателями над и под лестницей, и что реальность оказалась намного интереснее мечты
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 937 руб.
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