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William Collins A Curious Boy. The Making of a Scientist Fortey Richard

William Collins A Curious Boy. The Making of a Scientist Fortey Richard

цена 1 545 руб.
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What makes a scientist? • Charming, funny and wise, in this memoir Richard Fortey shows how restless curiosity about the natural world led him to become a leading scientist and writer, with adventures and misadventures along the way • From a garden shed laboratory where he manufactured the greatest stink in the world to a tent high in the Arctic in pursuit of fossils, this is a story of obsession and love of nature, flavoured with the peculiarities and restrictions of post-war Britain. Fortey tells the story of following his father down riverbanks to fish for trout, and also of his father's shocking death. He unfolds his early passions - fungi, ammonite hunting and eyeing up bird's eggs. He evokes with warmth and wit how the natural world started out as his playground and refuge, then became his life's work подробнее
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Отредактированная и представленная Биллом Брайсоном, при участии Ричарда Докинза, Маргарет Этвуд, Ричарда Холмса, Мартина Риса, Ричарда Форти, Стива Джонса, Джеймса Глейка и Нила Стивенсона, среди прочих, эта прекрасная, богато иллюстрированная книга рассказывает историю науки и Королевского общества с 1660 года по настоящее время • С момента своего основания в 1660 году Королевское общество было пионером в области научных открытий и исследований. Старейшая из существующих научных академий, ее основой является Братство самых выдающихся ученых в истории, включая Чарльза Дарвина, Исаака Ньютона и Альберта Эйнштейна. Сегодня его стипендиатами являются самые влиятельные мужчины и женщины в науке, многие из которых внесли свой вклад в создание этого новаторского тома наряду с некоторыми из самых знаменитых в мире романистов, эссеистов и историков
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Starting from the ocean and from the forgotten histories of ocean-facing communities, this is a new history of the making of our world • After revolutions in America and France, a wave of tumult coursed the globe from 1790 to 1850. It was a moment of unprecedented change and violence especially for indigenous peoples. By 1850 vibrant public debate between colonised communities had exploded in port cities. Yet in the midst of all of this, Britain struck out by sea and established its supremacy over the Indian and Pacific Oceans, overtaking the French and Dutch as well as other rivals • Cambridge historian Sujit Sivasundaram brings together his work in far-flung archives across the world and the best new academic research in this remarkably creative book
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This is an astonishing new account of Alexander the Great – one of the most important figures of the ancient world, whose earlier years have until now been a mystery • Alexander the Great’s story often reads like fiction: son to a snake-loving mother and a battle-scarred father; tutored by Aristotle; a youth from the periphery of the Greek world who took part in his first campaign aged sixteen, becoming king of Macedon at twenty and king of Asia by twenty-five; leading his armies into battle like a Homeric figure • Each generation has peered through the frosted glass of history and come to their own conclusion about Alexander, be it enlightened ruler, military genius, megalomaniac, drunkard or despot. Yet the first two decades of his life have until now been a mystery – a matter of legend and myth
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As a young civil servant, Jeremy Heywood's insightful questioning of the status quo pushed him to the centre of political power in this country for more than 25 years • He directly served four Prime Ministers in various roles including as the first and only Permanent Secretary of 10 Downing Street, the Cabinet Secretary and the Head of the Home Civil Service. He was at the centre of every crisis from the early 1990s until 2018 and most of the key meetings. Invariably, when faced with a new policy initiative a Prime Minister's first response would be: 'but what does Jeremy think?' • Jeremy worked up until his death, retiring just a few days before he died from lung cancer in October 2018. This book began as a joint effort between Jeremy and his wife Suzanne - working together in the last months of his life
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With God’s Little Book of Hope, words of refreshment and encouragement are always at hand, and they will bring renewed inspiration and vigour to our daily lives • ‘What a caterpillar calls the end, the rest of the world calls a butterfly.’ • When times are hard we struggle to find purpose and meaning, and we need reassurance. This is when hope is most valuable, yet can seem so hard to find • There are people dying with no hope and, perhaps even worse, people living with no hope … and yet in the midst of such a seemingly dark and gloomy outlook, there is a ray of light. We can experience life and be optimistic of a bright future and a hopeful tomorrow. It is God’s desire that we live life abundantly, but how can we do this? • Open this little book at any page, and the answers will be provided, enabling you to experience a life worth living
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In a brilliant blend of memoir and manifesto, renowned educator Clarissa Farr tells stories from the frontlines of schools to offer vital lessons for the way we teach • What are the challenges facing students and schools today? How do we encourage girls to become tomorrow’s leaders? What must change for students of all backgrounds to find ambition and succeed? • A handbook, a memoir, an urgent message for our time. If we care about the future of our schools and young people, here are the changes we must make
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Это был самый необыкновенный год. В книге "Создание поэзии. Кольридж, Вордсворты и их Год чудес", наполненной поэзией и описанием природы, биографией и приключениями, Адам Николсон идет по стопам Кольриджа, Вордсворта и его сестры Дороти в те месяцы конца 1790-х годов, которые они провели вместе в Куанток-Хиллз • Из него вышли "Древний мореход", "Кубла Хан", лирические баллады и "Аббатство Тинтерн"; непревзойденные гимны Кольриджа дружбе и отцовству; революционные стихи Вордсворта и гимны единству души и космоса, любви и взаимопониманию. Это поэзия, которая стремилась переделать мир • Книга на английском языке • It was the most extraordinary year. In a book brimming with poetry and nature writing, biography and adventure, Adam Nicolson walks in the footsteps of Coleridge, Wordsworth and his sister Dorothy during the months in the late 1790s they spent together in the Quantock Hills
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