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Vintage books Life Without Children Дойл Родди

Vintage books Life Without Children Дойл Родди

цена 2 392 руб.
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Love and marriage, children and family, death and grief. Life touches everyone the same, but living under lockdown? It changes us alone • A man abroad wanders the stag-and-hen-strewn streets of Newcastle, as news of the virus at home asks him to question his next move. An exhausted nurse struggles to let go, having lost a much-loved patient in isolation. A middle-aged son, barred from his mother's funeral, wakes to an oncoming hangover of regret. Told with Doyle's signature warmth, wit and extraordinary eye for the richness that underpins the quiet of our lives, Life Without Children cuts to the heart of how we are all navigating loss, loneliness and the shifting of history underneath our feet подробнее
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We last saw Henry Smart, his leg severed in an accident with a railway boxcar, crawl into the Utah desert to die - only to be discovered by John Ford, who's there shooting his latest Western • The Dead Republic opens in 1951. Henry is returning to Ireland for the first time since his escape in 1922. With him are the stars of Ford's latest film, John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara, and the famous director himself, who has tried to suck the soul out of Henry and turn it into Hollywood gold-dust • Ten years later Henry is in Dublin, working in Ratheen as a school caretaker. When he is caught in a bomb blast, he loses his leg for the second time. He is claimed as a hero, and before long Henry will discover he has other uses too, when the peace process begins in deadly secrecy
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2 380 руб.
Life and Fate is an epic tale of a country told through the fate of a single family, the Shaposhnikovs. As the battle of Stalingrad looms, Grossman's characters must work out their destinies in a world torn by ideological tyranny and war • Completed in 1960 and then confiscated by the KGB, this sweeping panorama of Soviet Society remained unpublished until it was smuggled into the West in 1980, where it was hailed as a masterpiece
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 922 руб.
The second novel in world renowned film-maker, Ingmar Bergman’s trilogy of novels plotting the fractious marriage of his parents • Over the course of one summer, eight-year-old Pu Bergman makes the terrible realisation that his father and mother are no longer in love. Surrounded by the quiet idyll of the Swedish countryside, with its ponds, its rivers and woods, the daily chaos of the family’s ramshackle summer home threatens to bring to a close the bright, brilliant haze of Pu’s childhood world • Based upon film-maker Ingmar Bergman’s own family life, Sunday’s Children is the second part in Bergman’s loose trilogy of books that started with The Best Intentions, and closes with Private Confessions
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Set against the backdrop of the collapsing Ottoman Empire, Birds Without Wings traces the fortunes of one small community in south-west Anatolia - a town in which Christian and Muslim lives and traditions have co-existed peacefully for centuries • When war is declared and the outside world intrudes, the twin scourges of religion and nationalism lead to forced marches and massacres, and the peaceful fabric of life is destroyed. Birds Without Wings is a novel about the personal and political costs of war, and about love: between men and women; between friends; between those who are driven to be enemies; and between Philothei, a Christian girl of legendary beauty, and Ibrahim the Goatherd, who has courted her since infancy. Epic in sweep, intoxicating in its sensual detail, it is an enchanting masterpiece
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 382 руб.
Set during the Hundred Years War, the protagonist of The White Company is a cloister-raised young nobleman who discovers that his father's will stipulated he travelled for a year before taking his vows. Setting off on his adventures, he finds himself part of the White Company - a group of mercenary archers en route to France.The horror of fighting awaits him - but so does the promise of valour • This is a lively and action-packed account of the exploits of a crew of Saxon archers, realistic and incredibly atmospheric in its depictions of medieval life, with a satisfying and compelling combination of breathless adventure and romantic chivalry
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A timely and powerful must-read on how the big tech companies are damaging our culture – and what we can do to fight their influence • Four titanic corporations are now the most powerful gatekeepers the world has ever known • We shop with Amazon, socialise on Facebook, turn to Apple for entertainment, and rely on Google for information. They have conquered our culture and set us on a path to a world without private contemplation or autonomous thought: a world without mind • In this book, Franklin Foer makes a passionate, deeply informed case for the need to restore our inner lives and reclaim our intellectual culture before it is too late. At stake is nothing less than who we are, and what we will become. It is a message that could not be more timely
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2 384 руб.
Салим Синай, родившийся ровно в полночь, в самый момент обретения Индией независимости, - особенный ребенок. Однако это совпадение рождения имеет последствия, к которым он не готов: телепатические способности связывают его с 1000 другими "Детьми Полуночи", все из которых наделены необычными дарами. Неразрывно связанная со своей нацией, история Салима - это вихрь катастроф и триумфов, отражающий ход современной Индии в ее самых невероятных и славных проявлениях • Книга на английской языке • Born at the stroke of midnight at the exact moment of India's independence, Saleem Sinai is a special child. However, this coincidence of birth has consequences he is not prepared for: telepathic powers connect him with 1,000 other 'midnight's children' all of whom are endowed with unusual gifts
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Three generations. More than a century of famine, war, violence and love • At sixteen Nancy, the only member of her family to survive the Great Famine, leaves her small island for the mainland. Finding work in a grand house on the edge of Cork City, she feels irrepressibly drawn to the charismatic gardener Michael Egan, sparking a love affair that soon throws her into a fight for her life • In 1920, Nancy's son Jer has lived through battles of his own as a soldier in the Great War. Now drunk in a jail cell, he struggles to piece together where he has come from, and who he wants to be • And in the early 1980s, Jer's youngest child Nellie is nearing the end of her life in a council house, moments away from her childhood home; remembering the night when she and her family stole back something that was rightfully theirs, she imagines what lies in store for those who will survive her
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Элизабет пытается пережить смерть своего любовника; ее муж собирается уйти от нее к Лесе, которую больше интересуют динозавры, нежели мужчины. Над их жизнями нависает тень покойного мужчины… • «Мужчина и женщина в эпоху динозавров» – это один из ранних романов Маргарет Этвуд. Книга станет прекрасным подарком для поклонников творчества писательницы • Книга на английском языке • Life Before Man explores the lives of three people imprisoned by walls of their own construction and in thrall to the tragicomedy we call love • Elizabeth, with her controlled sensuality and suppressed rage, has just lost her latest lover to suicide. Nate, her gentle, indecisive husband, is planning to leave her for Lesje, a perennial innocent who prefers dinosaurs to men
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 382 руб.
Arthur Conan Doyle leaves Baker Street far behind in this ripping yarn about a undiscovered land where dinosaurs and ape-men roam • The notorious Professor Challenger claims that dinosaurs still walk the earth. When the press and the scientific community ridicule him, Challenger vows to show them proof. And so he sets off for South America, accompanied by a big game hunter, a scientist and a young reporter eager to impress the woman he loves. On a remote plateau in the middle of impenetrable jungle, they discover the impossible truth, but must battle monsters and men before they can bring their testimony home
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2 382 руб.
"Мужчины без женщин" - потрясающий сборник рассказов от любимого всемирно известного Харуки Мураками • В "семи рассказах" Харуки Мураками применяет свою наблюдательность к жизни людей, которые по-своему оказываются в одиночестве. Здесь исчезающие кошки и прокуренные бары, одинокие сердца и загадочные женщины, бейсбол и "Битлз", сплетенные воедино, чтобы рассказать истории, которые касаются всех нас • Отмеченный тем же ироничным юмором, который определяет все его творчество, Мураками создал в этой коллекции еще одну современную классику • Книга на английском языке • A dazzling Sunday Times bestselling collection of short stories from the beloved internationally acclaimed Haruki Murakami • Across seven tales, Haruki Murakami brings his powers of observation to bear on the lives of men who, in their own ways, find themselves alone
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