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Vintage books Beneath the Lion's Gaze Mengiste Maaza

Vintage books Beneath the Lion's Gaze Mengiste Maaza

цена 2 380 руб.
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The powerful debut from 2020 Booker Prize shortlisted author of The Shadow King • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1974 - the eve of a revolution • Yonas kneels in his mother's prayer room, pleading to his god for an end to the violence that has wracked his family and country. His father, Hailu, a prominent doctor, has been ordered to report to jail after helping a victim of state-sanctioned torture to die • And Dawit, Hailu's youngest son, has joined an underground resistance movement-a choice that will lead to more upheaval and bloodshed across a ravaged Ethiopia • Emotionally gripping, poetic and indelibly tragic, Beneath the Lion's Gaze is a transcendent story that tells a gripping story of family and of the bonds of love and friendship. It is a story about the lengths to which human beings will go in pursuit of freedom and the human price of a national revolution подробнее
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The final novel from the bestselling author of the Inspector Wallander mysteries • Fredrik Welin is a seventy-year-old retired doctor. Years ago he retreated to the Swedish archipelago, where he lives alone on an island. He swims in the sea every day, cutting a hole in the ice if necessary. He lives a quiet life. Until he wakes up one night to find his house on fire • Fredrik escapes just in time, wearing two left-footed wellies, as neighbouring islanders arrive to help douse the flames. All that remains in the morning is a stinking ruin and evidence of arson. The house that has been in his family for generations and all his worldly belongings are gone. He cannot think who would do such a thing, or why. Without a suspect, the police begin to think he started the fire himself
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The fourth novel by Elizabeth Bowen, described by the Guardian as 'One of the last century's greatest woman writers' • Cecilia, capricious and unable to love, inches reluctantly towards a second marriage to the kind, passionless Julian Tower. Meanwhile, her sister-in-law, Emmeline, is surprised to find the calm tenor of her life disturbed by her attraction to the predatory Mark Linkwater. Markie's appearance disrupts the lives of both women, but in the pain of misunderstanding, it is Emmeline who reveals her vulnerability in a violent and tragic act
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Мистер и миссис Рэмзи вместе со своими детьми и близкими друзьями отдыхают на острове Скай. Они планируют посетить маяк, который виден из окна их летнего домика, но визит постоянно откладывается. Ничем не примечательные на первый взгляд события позволяют читателям узнать о сложных семейных взаимоотношениях в доме Рэмзи • «На маяк» считается самым популярным романом Вирджинии Вулф • Произведения Вулф для серии Vintage Classics были отобраны писательницей Джанет Уинтерсон. В издании используется оригинальный текст романа, опубликованного Вирджинией и Леонардом в Hogarth Press • По мотивам произведения был снят фильм «На маяке» • Книга на английском языке • The serene and maternal Mrs Ramsay, the tragic yet absurd Mr Ramsay, together with their children and assorted guests, are holidaying on the Isle of Skye
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Серия Vintage Voyages представляет: мир приключений – от горных вершин до глубин человеческого сознания • Каждое лето мистер и миссис Рамзи проводили в своем летнем домике на острове Скай в окружении детей и близких друзей. Но время идет. Начинается война, смерть следует за ней по пятам. Летний домик заброшен. Спустя несколько лет семейство Рамзи возвращается на остров, чтобы совершить давно запланированную поездку на маяк • В своем романе «На маяк» Вирджиния Вулф предлагает нам заглянуть в сознание каждого из персонажей и вместе с ними отправиться в путешествие длиною в десять лет • По мотивам произведения был снят фильм «На маяке» • Книга на английском языке • Woolf's textured prose invites us into each of the characters' minds as we follow them on a winding, decade-long journey to the lighthouse
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Tudor tells a family story like no other • The Tudors are a national obsession, undoubtedly British history's most notorious family. But beyond the well-worn headlines is a family still more extraordinary than the one we thought we knew • The Tudor canon typically starts with the Battle of Bosworth in 1485, before speeding on to Henry VIII and the Reformation. But this leaves out the family's obscure Welsh origins; it passes by the courage of the pregnant thirteen-year-old girl who would help found the Tudor dynasty; and the childhood and painful exile of her son, the future Henry VII. It ignores the fact that the Tudors were shaped by their past - those parts they wished to remember and those they wished to forget • With this background, Leanda de Lisle enables us to see the Tudors in their own terms and presents new perspectives and revelations on key figures and events, from the princes in the Tower to the Tudor Queens
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Highly original and magnificent in scope, Albion: The Origins of the English Imagination discovers the roots of English cultural history in the Anglo-Saxon period, and traces it through the centuries • What does it mean to be English? This dazzling book demonstrates that a quintessentially English quality can be discovered in all forms of English culture, not only in literature but also in painting, music, architecture, philosophy and science • Just as London: The Biography guided the reader through the capital city with a mixture of narrative and theme, so Albion, employing the same techniques, engages the reader with stories and surprises - From Beowulf to King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, via Chaucer and Shakespeare, to the Bronte sisters, Alice through the Looking Glass and Lord of the Rings • Witty, provocative and anecdotal, this is Peter Ackroyd at his most brilliant and exuberant
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A great thinker's final testament: a characteristically wise and forthright collection of essays from the author of Postwar and Thinking the Twentieth Century that feels all the more potent and important in today’s political climate • Edited and introduced by Jennifer Homans • Tony Judt’s widow and fellow historian, Jennifer Homans, has gathered together important essays from the span of Judt’s career that chronicle both the evolution of his thought and the remarkable consistency of his passionate engagement and intellectual elan • Whether the subject is the scholarly poverty of the new social history, the willful blindness of French collective memory about what happened to the country’s Jews during World War II, or the moral challenge to Israel of the so-called Palestinian problem, the majesty of Tony Judt’s work lies in his combination of unsparing honesty, intellectual brilliance, and ethical clarity
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How did the human brain evolve? Why did it evolve as it did? What is man’s place in evolution? In the final decades of the nineteenth century, these questions began to occupy scientists. With Darwin’s theory of evolution now accepted, modern neuroscience began • Headhunters traces the intellectual journey of four men who met at Cambridge in the 1890s and whose lives interlinked for the next three decades – William Rivers, Grafton Elliot Smith, Charles Myers and William McDougall. It follows their voyages of discovery, taking the reader from anthropological field studies in Melanesia and archaeological excavations in Egypt to the psychiatric wards of the First World War. Their work ranged across fields that today carry a variety of labels – neurology, psychology, psychiatry, zoology – but which for these men formed part of the same enquiry: the search for a science of the mind
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В Пойнз-холле, принадлежащем семейству Оливер, должен состояться ежегодный летний праздник. Постановкой пьесы об истории Англии занимается эксцентричная мисс Ла Троб • В последнем романе «Между актов» Вирджинии Вулф искусство переплетается с жизнью, а прошлое и настоящее сливаются воедино. Произведение было опубликовано посмертно • Книга на английском языке • A village pageant is to take place at Pointz Hall, the country home of the Oliver family for time beyond memory. Written and directed by the energetic Miss La Trobe, the pageant will take in the history of England from the Middle Ages. The past blends with the present and art blends with life in a narrative full of invention, affection and lyricism • Between the Acts was Virginia Woolf's final novel, and this edition contains the original text that she was working on when she died
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If you loved BBC4's Hemingway, rediscover this poignant story of the inability to capture lost youth, by the Nobel Prize-winning author of A Farewell to Arms • Richard Cantrell is an American colonel living in Venice just after the Second World War. The fighting has left him scarred and embittered, a middle-aged man with a heart condition. It seems that only the love of Renata, a nineteen-year-old countess can save him. But Cantrell is living in the shadow of war, every move he makes dictated by old battle instincts, and it is possible that for him the longed-for peace may have come too late • 'The most important author since Shakespeare' New York Times
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In settings that range from small town Illinois to the Upper East Side of Manhattan, these stories are distinguished by Maxwell's inimitable wisdom and kindness, his sense of the small details that make up a life, the nuances of joy and sadness that change its direction. Whether describing the reunion of two brothers who will never agree, the furniture of the apartment that becomes everything to a childless couple, the search for the perfect French meal or the life of a ne'er-do-well uncle, Maxwell's stories capture responses that are recognisable in us all
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A subtle and insightful story about boredom, passion, curiosity and memory from the Nobel Prize-winner Jose Saramago • A subtle and insightful story about boredom, passion, curiosity and memory from the Nobel Prize-winner Jose Saramago • Senhor Jose is a lonely civil servant who spends his days labouring in the labyrinthine stacks of Lisbon's central registry. Among the file-cards for the living and the dead, one - of an apparently ordinary woman - will transform his life. Breaking away from his strict routine, Jose resolves to track the woman down, obsessively following a thread of clues in a bid to rescue her from an oblivion deeper than the grave • 'When a very good book finds us at just the right moment in life, it can become stitched into our own identity
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2 380 руб.
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