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The Borough Press The Virgin Blue Шевалье Трейси

The Borough Press The Virgin Blue Шевалье Трейси

цена 1 660 руб.
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She was called Isabelle, and when she was a small girl her hair changed colour in the time it takes a bird to call to its mate… • Midwife Isabelle du Moulin is marked as different, by both her red hair and her love for the Virgin Mary in her rich blue robes. As religious fervour sweeps 16th-century France, Isabelle’s striking likeness to the Madonna puts her in danger when her village is enraptured by new Protestant doctrine • Four centuries later, Ella Turner moves to the French village of Lisle-sur-Tarn and finds her dreams are haunted by the colour blue. Ella hopes to become both a midwife and a mother, but her plans unravel as she discovers her link to Isabelle, and her ancestor’s shocking fate подробнее
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1792 год, Англия. Семейство Келлавеев переезжает из провинции в Лондон, город величия и порока. В столице неспокойно. За Ла-Маншем бунтует Франция. Всех неблагонадежных и сочувствующих французским революционерам ставят под подозрение – кто не за короля, тот против Бога. Беда приходит и в семью Келлавеев. Дочь Томаса Келлавея, Мейси, становится жертвой похоти сына владельца цирка и дома, в котором они обитают. Сам Томас, отказавшись поставить подпись под декларацией преданности королю, настраивает против себя общество. Единственный, кто не побоялся прийти на помощь изгоям, это Уильям Блейк, поэт, вольнодумец, художник, мистик, умеющий разглядеть в человеке то, что скрыто под его временной оболочкой • "Тигр, светло горящий" - очередной шедевр от Трейси Шевалье
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The thrilling, long-awaited return of the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Revenant • In 1866, with the country barely recovered from the Civil War, new war breaks out on the western frontier – a clash of cultures between a young, ambitious nation and the Native tribes who have lived on the land for centuries. Colonel Henry Carrington arrives in Wyoming’s Powder River Valley to lead the US Army in defending the opening of a new road for gold miners and settlers. Carrington intends to build a fort in the middle of critical hunting grounds, the home of the Lakota. Red Cloud, one of the Lakota’s most respected chiefs, and Crazy Horse, a young but visionary warrior, understand full well the implications of this invasion. For the Lakota, the stakes are their home, their culture, their lives
My-shop.ru г. Москва
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The remarkable true story of ‘Big Red,’ one of America’s finest racehorses • When her beloved Meadow Stables is faced with closure following her father’s illness, housewife and mother Penny Chenery agrees to take over. Despite her lack of horse-racing knowledge she calls in assistance from trainer Lucien Laurin and a host of successful jockeys • Pitted against the Phipps’ racing dynasty, Penny takes the decision to breed her mare Somethingroyal to the Phipps’ Bold Ruler, the nation’s favourite stallion. With the toss of a coin it is agreed that one family will take Somethingroyal’s first foal with the losing stable taking the colt out of Hasty Matelda and Somethingroyal’s second foal. Penny loses the toss, but the wait for the unborn foal proves fortuitous when a bright red chestnut colt is born, Secretariat
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The novel that inspired the epic new movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy • Hugh Glass isn’t afraid to die. He’s done it once already • Rocky Mountains, 1823 • The trappers of the Rocky Mountain Fur Company live a brutal frontier life. Hugh Glass is one of the most respected men in the company, an experienced frontiersman and an expert tracker • But when a scouting mission puts Glass face-to-face with a grizzly bear, he is viciously mauled and not expected to survive. Two men from the company are ordered to remain with him until his inevitable death. But, fearing an imminent attack, they abandon Glass, stripping him of his prized rifle and hatchet • As Glass watches the men flee, he is driven to survive by one all-consuming desire: revenge
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 757 руб.
The year is 1999. Returning to practice after a suspension for stealing opioids, a young Scottish doctor takes the only job he can find: a post as a senior house officer in the struggling east London hospital of St Luke’s • Amid the maelstrom of sick patients, over-worked staff and underfunded wards a darker secret soon declares itself: too many patients are dying • Which of the medical professionals our protagonist has encountered is behind the murders? And can our unnamed narrator’s version of the events be trusted?
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The first novel from the Orange Prize-winning author of We Need to Talk about Kevin is a compelling and provocative story of love and how we suffer for it • Still unattached and childless at fifty-nine, world-renowned anthropologist Gray Kaiser is seemingly invincible-and untouchable. Returning to make a documentary at the site of her first great triumph in Kenya, she is accompanied by her faithful middle-aged assistant, Errol McEchern, who has loved her for years in silence • When young graduate assistant Raphael Sarasola arrives on the scene, Gray is captivated and falls hopelessly in love-before an amazed Errol's eyes. As he follows their affair with jealous fascination, Errol watches helplessly from the sidelines as a proud and fierce woman is reduced to miserable dependence through miserable dependence
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1 845 руб.
Это история одного портрета. История одного художника. История одной любви. История, которая могла произойти — а может быть, и произошла — в старом доме на одной из живописных улочек голландского города Делфта в далеком семнадцатом столетии • Когда Грит становится горничной в доме художника Йоханнеса Вермеера, она думает, что знает свою роль: работа по дому, стирка и уход за его шестью детьми. Но по мере того, как она становится частью его мира и его работы, их растущая близость распространяет напряжение и обман в упорядоченном домашнем хозяйстве и, по мере того как скандал выходит наружу, в город за его пределами • Роман Трейси Шевалье "Девушка с жемчужной сережкой" впервые увидел свет в Америке в 1999 году и сразу же стал бестселлером во многих странах мира
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“One in ten trees comes up sweet…” • In the inhospitable Black Swamp of Ohio, the Goodenough family are barely scratching out a living. Life there is harsh, tempered only by the apples they grow for eating and for the cider that dulls their pain. Hot-headed Sadie and buttoned-up James are a poor match, and Robert and his sister Martha can only watch helplessly as their parents tear each other apart. One particularly vicious fight sends Robert out alone across America, far from his sister, to seek his fortune among the mighty redwoods and sequoias of Gold Rush California. But even across a continent, he can feel the pull of family loyalties…
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Издание полностью на английском языке • Jean Le Viste, a fifteenth-century nobleman close to the King, hires an ambitious artist to design six tapestries celebrating his rising status at Court. A talented miniaturist, Nicolas des Innocents overcomes his surprise at being offered this commission when he catches sight of his patron's sumptuous daughter, Claude • In Brussels, renowned weaver Georges de la Chapelle takes on the biggest challenge of his career. Never before has he attempted a work that puts so much at stake. Sucked into a world of temptation and seduction, he and his family are consumed by the project and by their dealings with the rogue painter from Paris
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1 763 руб.
Honor Bright is a sheltered Quaker who has rarely ventured out of 1850s Dorset when she impulsively emigrates to America. Opposed to the slavery that defines and divides the country, she finds her principles tested to the limit when a runaway slave appears at the farm of her new family. In this tough, unsentimental place, where whisky bottles sit alongside quilts, Honor befriends two spirited women who will teach her how to turn ideas into action
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 660 руб.
Сборник коротких рассказов, посвященный Шарлотте Бронте, изданный в год ее двухсотлетия и основанный на бессмертных словах из ее великого произведения "Джейн Эйр" • Двадцать один рассказ из сборника "Читатель, я вышла за него замуж" - одной из самых известных строк в художественной литературе - вдохновлен Джейн Эйр и сформирован ее неизменно увлекательными темами любви, компромисса и самоопределения • Этот сборник, отредактированный Трейси Шевалье, объединяет некоторые из лучших и наиболее креативных голосов современной фантастики • Книга на английском языке • A collection of short stories celebrating Charlotte Bronte, published in the year of her bicentenary and stemming from the now immortal words from her great work Jane Eyre • The twenty-one stories in Reader, I Married Him - one of the most celebrated lines in fiction - are inspired by Jane Eyre and shaped by its perennially fascinating themes of love, compromise and self-determination
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 660 руб.
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