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Random House First to Fight. The Polish War 1939 Moorhouse Roger

Random House First to Fight. The Polish War 1939 Moorhouse Roger

цена 2 583 руб.
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A new and definitive account of the German invasion of Poland that initiated WWII in 1939, written by a historian at the height of his abilities • 'Deeply researched, very well-written... This book will be the standard work on the subject for many years to come' - Andrew Roberts, author of Churchill: Walking with Destiny • The Polish campaign is the forgotten story of the Second World War • The war began on 1 September 1939, when German tanks, trucks and infantry crossed the Polish border, and the Luftwaffe began bombing Poland's towns and cities. The Polish army fought bravely but could not withstand the concentrated attack. When the Red Army invaded from the east, the country's fate was sealed • This is the first history of the Polish war for almost half a century подробнее
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