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Allen Lane What's Eating the Universe? And Other Cosmic Questions Davies Paul

Allen Lane What's Eating the Universe? And Other Cosmic Questions Davies Paul

цена 3 394 руб.
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The story of the universe in thirty cosmological conundrums • In the constellation of Eridanus there lurks a cosmic mystery. It's as if something has taken a huge bite out of the universe, leaving a super-void. What could be the culprit? A super massive black hole? Another, bigger universe? Or an expanding vacuum bubble, destined to envelop and annihilate everything in existence? • Scientists now understand the history of our universe better than the history of our own planet, but they continue to uncover startling new riddles-the hole in the universe being just one. In this electrifying book, award-winning physicist Paul Davies walks us through the puzzles and paradoxes that have preoccupied cosmologists from ancient Greece to the present day. Laying bare the audacious research that has led us to mind-bending solutions, Davies reveals how we might begin to approach the greatest outstanding enigmas of all подробнее
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Howard Lovecraft (1890—1937) was an American writer who achieved posthumous fame through his influential works of horror fiction. Despite the fact that he was virtually unknown before he died, today he is known as the most influential author in his genre. "The Alchemist and Other Stories" is a collection of wonderful short stories such as "The Beast in the Cave", "The Alchemist", "Polaris" and others. These stories, full of mystery and fantastic creatures, have captured the minds of readers all over the world
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The Solar System – so what is it? • We've all learned the basics at school but how much can you remember? Expert astronomers and co-presenters of The Sky at Night Chris North and Paul Abel take a fascinating guided tour of our Solar System and explain its wonders • They look at all the major players, including our more familiar neighbours – the Sun, the planets and their moons – the occasional visitors to our planet – asteroids, meteors and comets – as well as distant stars and what might be beyond our Solar System – Earth Mark II? • Chris and Paul recount the history of how everything came about and the myths that once shaped astronomy. They explain the latest science and discoveries, and reveal how any amateur astronomer can view and interpret the Solar System
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The third and final part of Gollancz's definitive collection of Moorcock's short fiction, this selection features some of his finest work • From 'The Time Dweller' to 'Breakfast in the Ruins', the stories here are incredibly varied in their style, execution and subject matter • The stories included in this collection are • Breakfast in the Ruins • The Time Dweller • Escape from Evening • A Dead Singer • London Flesh • Behold the Man
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В этой книге, сочетающей в себе передовые научные достижения с их практическими применениями в реальной жизни, Чопра и Кафатос переосмысляют природу нашей реальности и то, что возможно • В книге поднято 9 вопросов • Что было до Большого взрыва? • Почему во Вселенной все так идеально сочетается? • Откуда взялось время? • Из чего состоит Вселенная? • Есть ли дизайн во Вселенной? • Связан ли квантовый мир с повседневной жизнью? • Живем ли мы в сознательной Вселенной? • Как зародилась жизнь? • Мозг создает разум? • You Are The Universe предлагает ответы, которые открывают для всех нас новые возможности вести более плодотворную, мирную и успешную жизнь • язык издания: Английский • In this book, that combines cutting edge science with real world applications, Chopra and Kafatos redefine our nature of reality and what is possible
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