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Picador Lights In The Distance. Exile and Refuge at the Borders of Europe Trilling Daniel

Picador Lights In The Distance. Exile and Refuge at the Borders of Europe Trilling Daniel

цена 1 865 руб.
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A mother who puts her children into a refrigerated lorry and asks 'what else could I do?' A runaway teenager who comes of age on the streets and in abandoned buildings. A student who leaves his war-ravaged country behind because he doesn't want to kill. Each of the thousands of people who come to Europe in search of asylum every year brings a unique story with them. But their stories don't end there • In Lights in the Distance, acclaimed journalist Daniel Trilling draws on years of reporting to build a portrait of the refugee crisis, seen through the eyes of the people who experienced it first-hand. As the European Union has grown, so has a tangled and often violent system designed to filter out unwanted migrants - one that extends from the border into cities подробнее
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