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Vintage books The Summing Up Моэм Уильям Сомерсет

Vintage books The Summing Up Моэм Уильям Сомерсет

цена 2 088 руб.
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Редкая и ценная возможность поближе взглянуть на жизнь и внутренний мир одного из самых загадочных писателей XX века • Эта книга, которую Уильям Сомерсэт Моэм написал в возрасте шестидесяти четырёх лет, не автобиография, но она рассказывает историю его жизни. Не исповедь, но она полна откровений. "Подводя итоги" - уникальное выражение личного кредо, не только рассказывающее о взглядах великого писателя на стиль, литературу, искусство, театр и философию, но и позволяющее по-новому оценить его мастерство • Книга на английском языке • A rare glimpse into the life and mind of one of the most enigmatic of 20th century authors • Autobiographical without being an autobiography, confessional without disclosing his private self, The Summing Up, written when Maugham was sixty-four, is an inimitable expression of a personal credo подробнее
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People are going missing. Only one thing links their cases • They all disappear on the hill • A woman vanishes in the fog up on the Hill in Lafferton. The police have one lead - a pair of expensive cuff-links found in her flat, with a mysterious note attached to them • Then a young girl, an old man and even a dog disappear in quick succession in exactly the same place • Young policewoman Freya Graffham and Chief Inspector Simon Serrailler are given the task of unravelling the mystery. But can they find the Hill killer before he strikes again?
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The Ruppert Mundys, once the greatest baseball team in America, are now in a terminal decline, their line-up filled with a disreputable assortment of old men, drunks and even amputees. Around them baseball itself seems to be collapsing, brought down by a bizarre mixture of criminality, stupidity, and The Great Communist Conspiracy, aimed at the very heart of the American way of life • In this hilarious and wonderfully eccentric novel Philip Roth turns his attention to one of the most beloved of all American rituals: baseball. Players, tycoons and the paying public are all targets as Roth satirises the dense tapestry of myths and legends that have grown up around The Great American Pastime
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The vivid scenes on the Bayeux Tapestry depict the events leading up to the Battle of Hastings in 1066. It is one of Europe's greatest treasures and its own story is full of drama and surprise • Who commissioned the tapestry? Was it Bishop Odo, William's ruthless half-brother? Or Harold's dynamic sister Edith, juggling for a place in the new court? Hicks shows us this world and the miracle of the tapestry's making: the stitches, dyes and strange details in the margins. For centuries it lay ignored in Bayeux cathedral until its 'discovery' in the eighteenth century. It became a symbol of power as well as art: townsfolk saved it during the French Revolution; Napoleon displayed it to promote his own conquest; the Nazis strove to make it their own; and its influence endures today
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