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Vintage books Now We Have Your Attention. The New Politics of the People Shenker Jack

Vintage books Now We Have Your Attention. The New Politics of the People Shenker Jack

цена 1 995 руб.
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Now We Have Your Attention makes sense of what is happening in British politics by taking a radically different perspective: the people's • From a warehouse in Manchester to a pub in Essex, from the outskirts of Glasgow to a racecourse in Durham, Jack Shenker uncovers the root causes of our current crisis and the future direction of British politics through the lives of ordinary individuals. Taking us deep into communities hollowed out by austerity and decades of economic disadvantage, among a generation crippled by precarious work and unaffordable housing, he shows where the chaos at Westminster ultimately springs from - and how disillusionment with it is fuelling a passionate engagement with politics of a completely different kind: local, personal, effective and utterly fearless подробнее
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'Extraordinary... Cozzens has stripped the myth from these stories, but he is such a superb writer that what remains is exquisite' The Times • At the end of the Civil War, the American nation continued its expansion onto tribal lands, setting off a struggle that would last nearly three decades. Peter Cozzens chronicles the conflict from both sides in comprehensive and singularly intimate detail, bringing together a pageant of fascinating characters, including Custer, Sherman and Grant, as well as great native leaders such as Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull and Red Cloud. This is the tale of how the West was won... and lost
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От бунтовщиков до писателей, от спортсменов до астронавтов — присоединяйтесь к Кейт Фокс в увлекательном и поучительном путешествии по жизни этих необыкновенных женщин, чьи жизни и достижения слишком долго были скрыты • От Картимандуа, забытой королевы Севера железного века, до курящей Вудбайн футболистки Лили Парр, Кейт с ее фирменным остроумием и чувством юмора показывает, как эти удивительные первопроходцы заложили основу для современных звезд от Виктории Вуд до Little Mix. Никола Адамс, Бетти Бутройд и Хелен Шарман должны поблагодарить этих невоспетых чемпионов севера за то, что они проложили этот путь • Забавная, поучительная и призывающая к оружию, эта книга идеально подходит для нации, готовой заново открыть для себя своих скрытых героев
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Мы знаем, что Америка распространила свои деньги, язык и культуру по всему миру, но мы все еще думаем о ней как о замкнутой территории, окруженной Канадой сверху, Мексикой снизу и океанами по обе стороны. Но это огромное заблуждение • Книга Дэниела Иммервара "Как спрятать империю. Краткая история Великих Соединенных Штатов" - это история страны за пределами США – от завоеваний девятнадцатого века, таких как Аляска и Пуэрто-Рико, до каталога островов, архипелагов и военных баз, разбросанных по всему земному шару. Полная сюрпризов и ранее забытых эпизодов, эта увлекательная книга представляет прошлое и настоящее Америки в новом свете • Книга на английском языке • 'Wry, readable and often astonishing... A provocative and absorbing history of the United States' New York Times • The United States denies having dreams of empire
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Signatures Of The Sun Lily of the Valley Парфюмированная Вода Спрей Цитрусовый цветочный аромат для женщин и мужчин Свежий, пряный, сладкий, яркий, зеленый и восхитительный Верхние ноты: бергамот, грейпфрут и черная смородина Ноты сердца: петигрен и ландыш Базовые ноты: кедр и мускус Выпущен в 2021 году Подходит для повседневного применения и теплых сезонов
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Signatures Of The Sun Lily of the Valley Парфюмированная Вода Спрей Цитрусовый цветочный аромат для женщин и мужчин Свежий, пряный, сладкий, яркий, зеленый и восхитительный Верхние ноты: бергамот, грейпфрут и черная смородина Ноты сердца: петигрен и ландыш Базовые ноты: кедр и мускус Выпущен в 2021 году Подходит для повседневного применения и теплых сезонов
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An instant bestseller and one of the most celebrated history books of the year, Femina reveals the power and influence of medieval women who have been written out of our history. From royalty and religion to fame and fury, see the medieval world - and the women erased from it - with fresh eyes
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2 163 руб.
Shawnee chief Tecumseh was a man destined for greatness – the son of a prominent war leader, he was supposedly born under a lucky shooting star. Charismatic, intelligent, handsome, he was both a fierce warrior and a savvy politician. In the first biography of Tecumseh in more than twenty years, Peter Cozzens thoroughly revises our understanding of this great leader and his movement, arguing that his overlooked younger brother Tenskwatawa, the ‘Shawnee Prophet’, was a crucial partner in Tecumseh’s success • Until Tecumseh’s death in 1813, he was, alongside Tenskwatawa, the co-architect of the greatest pan-Indian confederation in history. Over time, Tenskwatawa has been relegated to the shadows, described as a talentless charlatan and a drunk. But Cozzens argues that while Tecumseh was the forward-facing diplomat, appealing even to the white settlers attempting to steal Shawnee land, behind the scenes, Tenskwatawa unified multiple tribes with his deep understanding of Shawnee religion and culture
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1 493 руб.
In the twenty-first century, we increasingly push our daily routines into the night, carrying out work, exercise and our social lives long after dark. But we have forgotten that our bodies are governed by a 24-hour biological clock which guides us towards the best time to sleep, eat and think. New science has proven that living out of sync with this clock is not only disrupting our sleep, but leaving us more vulnerable to infection, cancer, obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease and mental illness • In Life Time, Professor Russell Foster shares his life's work, taking us on a fascinating and surprising journey through the science of our body clocks. Using his own studies, as well as insights from an international community of sleep scientists and biologists studying circadian rhythms, he illustrates the surprising effects the time of day can have on our health • - how a walk outside at dawn can ensure a better night's sleep • - how eating after sundown can affect our weight • - the extraordinary effects the time we take our medication can have on our risk of life-threatening conditions, such as strokes • In the modern world, we have neglected an essential part of our biology
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3 395 руб.
From a world-leading microbiome scientist and surgeon with over two decades of experience comes Dark Matter - the definitive book on the science of the microbiome and how unlocking its potential can protect our health, our immunity and our planet • Why are we living longer, but not happier? • The microbiome - our inner ecosystem of viruses, bacteria and other microbes - is critically important to our health and wellbeing. It is given to us by our mothers at birth, adapts with us as we age, influences our moods, determines how fast we run and even who we choose as a partner • Yet it is only now, as we are beginning to discover the microbiome's enormous potential, that we are realising it is in grave danger, being irrevocably destroyed through the globalisation of our diets, the war on bugs and the industrialised world
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 937 руб.
Eggs or Anarchy is one of the great, British stories of the Second World War yet to be told in full. It reveals the heroic tale of how Lord Woolton, Minister for Food, really fed Britain. As a nation at war, with supply routes under attack from the Axis powers and resources scarce, it was Woolton's job to fulfil his promise to the British people, and Prime Minister Winston Churchill in particular, that there would be food on the shelves each week. Persuading the public to not resort to the black market and to manage on the very limited ration was one thing, but Woolton had to fulfil his side of the bargain and maintain supplies in time of crisis. A grammar school-educated genius, he was a fish out of water in Churchill's cabinet and the PM himself doubted Woolton would survive due to the unstinting criticism he faced from colleagues, the press and public
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#1 New York Times bestselling author Dava Sobel returns with a captivating, little-known true story of women in science • Before they even had the right to vote, a group of remarkable women were employed by Harvard College Observatory as ‘Human Computers’ to interpret the observations made via telescope by their male counterparts each night • The author of Longitude, Galileo’s Daughter and The Planets shines light on the hidden history of these extraordinary women who changed the burgeoning field of astronomy and our understanding of the stars and our place in the universe
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1 314 руб.
Более тысячелетия полинезийцы занимали самые отдаленные острова в Тихом океане, огромный треугольник, простирающийся от Гавайев до Новой Зеландии и острова Пасхи. До прибытия европейских исследователей они были единственными людьми, которые когда-либо жили там. Будучи как наиболее близкородственным, так и наиболее широко расселенным народом в мире до эпохи массовой миграции, полинезийцы могут проследить свои корни до группы легендарных путешественников, которые отважились отправиться в неизвестность в одном из величайших приключений в истории человечества • Как первые полинезийцы нашли и колонизировали эти отдаленные острова? Как люди, не имевшие письменности и металлических орудий труда, покорили самый большой океан в мире? Эта головоломка, получившая известность как проблема происхождения полинезийцев, возникла в XVIII веке как одна из величайших географических загадок человечества
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 623 руб.
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