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Vintage books Mary Barton Гаскелл Элизабет

Vintage books Mary Barton Гаскелл Элизабет

цена 1 596 руб.
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'Gaskell's shocking, moving and contemporary account of the corrosive effects of injustice and poverty' Sunday Telegraph • Mary Barton is the pretty daughter of a factory worker who finds herself dreaming of a better life when the mill-owner's charming son, Henry, starts to court her. She rejects her childhood friend Jem's affections in the hope of marrying Henry and escaping from the hard and bitter life that is the fate of the workers, who are resentfully dependent on the callous mill-owners for their livelihoods. But when Henry is shot dead in the street Jem becomes the prime suspect and Mary finds her loyalties tested to the limit подробнее
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Жизнеописание Шарлотты Бронте, ставшее не только одной из самых популярных книг, но и вызвавшее немалые споры, обвинения и даже судебные процессы. Вряд ли будет преувеличением предположить,что биография, написанная по горячим следам известной писательницей, современницей и подругой Шарлотты - Элизабет Гаскелл (1810-1865), внесла немалую лепту в сохранение памяти и формирование культа Бронте. Предлагаемый читателю русский перевод основывается на полном первом издании "Жизни Шарлотты Бронте"
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Эта книга посвящена одной из самых знаменитых английских писательниц XIX века. О судьбе Шарлотты Бронте, ее литературном дебюте и славе, о встречах с писателями, о творчестве сестер Эмили и Энн рассказала другая известная английская писательница — Элизабет Гаскелл. Книга «Жизнь Шарлотты Бронте» — ценнейший биографический источник, основанный на богатом документальном материале
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Doctor Thorne was considered by Trollope to be the best of his works – a profound examination of the relationship between money and love, as it shifts away from the city of Barchester to a more rural setting • Frank Gresham is bankrupt and in love. Unfortunately, the woman he loves, Mary Thorne, is illegitimate and broke. Frank's overbearing mother is against the match, insisting that Frank marry a wealthy heiress. Meanwhile, Doctor Thorne, Mary's uncle, knows a secret that could change everything - Mary is about to inherit a considerable fortune. But he wants the young lovers to make their decision unburdened by the knowledge. Will Frank succumb to family pressure, or go with his heart?
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From the imagination of 18-year-old Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin) Shelley, wife of renowned poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, came perhaps the most celebrated monster in history. Created by the Mary Shelley's fictional Victor Frankenstein, the creature has inhabited nightmares, new editions, and movie screens for nearly two centuries. Mary Shelley (1797-1851) was the daughter of politically radical philosophers, friend of literary figures such as Lord Byron, and mistress and then wife of Percy Bysshe Shelley. FRANKENSTEIN, OR THE MODERN PROMETHEUS was first published anonymously in 1818
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Reissued in new series style to match Faulks's most recent novel Where My Heart Used to Beat, which was a major Sunday Times bestseller in 2016 • A vividly evocative novel set in Cold War and New Frontier era America, from the bestselling author of Birdsong and Charlotte Gray • America, 1959. With two young children she adores, loving parents back in London, and an admired husband, Charlie, working at the British embassy in Washington, the world seems an effervescent place of parties, jazz and family happiness to Mary van der Linden. But the Eisenhower years are ending, and 1960 brings the presidential battle between two ambitious senators: John Kennedy and Richard Nixon. But when Frank, an American newspaper reporter, enters their lives Mary embarks on a passionate affair, all the while knowing that in the end she must confront an impossible decision
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