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Pearson Our Discovery Island 1. Activity Book + CD-ROM Erocak Linnette

Pearson Our Discovery Island 1. Activity Book + CD-ROM Erocak Linnette

цена 1 708 руб.
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What does Our Discovery Island do? • Reaches: Online adventures on themed islands develop the cognitive, emotional, and social skills of the whole learner • Teaches: Links to daily life through cross-curricular connections and authentic texts immerse pupils in English • Gets results: Guided communication, collaboration, fun characters, and engaging stories motivate learners and make learning English more exciting than ever подробнее
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Where learning is an adventure! • Welcome to Our Discovery Island, a six-level primary series that engages children in 21st century learning. Children uncover clues and solve mysteries as they learn English • Whole learner: Adventures on themed islands develop cognitive, emotional, and social skills • Authenticity: Children are safe, absorbed and happy playing and practising in the online world • Repetition: Songs, chants, and games reinforce essential vocabulary and grammar practice • Motivation: Stories, characters, and activities engage learners • Our Discovery Island is a groundbreaking new course that makes learning English an exciting and engaging experience
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Fly High Level 3. Activity Book + CD-ROM - Рабочая тетрадь с диском серии "Fly High". Fly High - это мотивирующий четырехуровневый курс для юных учащихся, который объединяет навыки чтения, грамматики, письма, аудирования и разговорной речи в веселой и увлекательной форме. Язык представлен в юмористических мультяшных историях и рассказывает о приключениях персонажей "Флай Хай" • Игры и песни используются для закрепления языка, а история "Чтение для удовольствия" развивает навыки чтения и переосмысливает язык в новом контексте • Тетрадь для занятий и компакт-диск ученика с интерактивными песнями и играми предоставляют дополнительные возможности для закрепления и пересмотра • Дополнительные ресурсы для учителей включают карточки, рабочие листы для ксерокопирования и плакаты • Компакт-диск Active Teach содержит интерактивную версию книги ученика, которая превращает Fly High в динамичный мультимедийный инструмент обучения
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 294 руб.
Where learning is an adventure! Welcome to Our Discovery Island, a six-level primary series that engages children in 21st century learning. Children uncover clues and solve mysteries as they learn English • * Whole learner: Adventures on themed islands develop cognitive, emotional, and social skills • * Authenticity: Children are safe, absorbed and happy playing and practicing in the online world * • Repetition: Songs, chants, and games reinforce essential vocabulary and grammar practice • * Motivation: Stories, characters, and activities engage learners. Our Discovery Island is a groundbreaking new course that makes learning English an exciting and engaging experience
My-shop.ru г. Москва
4 480 руб.
What does Our Discovery Island do? • Reaches: Online adventures on themed islands develop the cognitive, emotional, and social skills of the whole learner • Teaches: Links to daily life through cross-curricular connections and authentic texts immerse pupils in English • Gets results: Guided communication, collaboration, fun characters, and engaging stories motivate learners and make learning English more exciting than ever
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 924 руб.
What does Our Discovery Island do? • Reaches: Online adventures on themed islands develop the cognitive, emotional, and social skills of the whole learner • Teaches: Links to daily life through cross-curricular connections and authentic texts immerse pupils in English • Gets results: Guided communication, collaboration, fun characters, and engaging stories motivate learners and make learning English more exciting than ever
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 924 руб.
What does Our Discovery Island do? • Reaches: Online adventures on themed islands develop the cognitive, emotional, and social skills of the whole learner • Teaches: Links to daily life through cross-curricular connections and authentic texts immerse pupils in English • Gets results: Guided communication, collaboration, fun characters, and engaging stories motivate learners and make learning English more exciting than ever
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 627 руб.
What does Our Discovery Island do? • Reaches: Online adventures on themed islands develop the cognitive, emotional, and social skills of the whole learner • Teaches: Links to daily life through cross-curricular connections and authentic texts immerse pupils in English • Gets results: Guided communication, collaboration, fun characters, and engaging stories motivate learners and make learning English more exciting than ever
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 708 руб.
What does Our Discovery Island do? • Reaches: Online adventures on themed islands develop the cognitive, emotional, and social skills of the whole learner • Teaches: Links to daily life through cross-curricular connections and authentic texts immerse pupils in English • Gets results: Guided communication, collaboration, fun characters, and engaging stories motivate learners and make learning English more exciting than ever
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 055 руб.
What does Our Discovery Island do? • Reaches: Online adventures on themed islands develop the cognitive, emotional, and social skills of the whole learner • Teaches: Links to daily life through cross-curricular connections and authentic texts immerse pupils in English • Gets results: Guided communication, collaboration, fun characters, and engaging stories motivate learners and make learning English more exciting than ever
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 473 руб.
Where learning is an unforgettable adventure! • Welcome to Our Discovery Island, a six-level primary series that engages children in 21st century learning. Children uncover clues and solve mysteries as they learn English • Whole learner: Adventures on themed islands develop cognitive, emotional, and social skills • Authenticity: Children are safe, absorbed and happy playing and practicing in the online game • Repetition: Songs, chants, and games reinforce essential vocabulary and grammar practice • Motivation: Stories, characters, and activities engage learners • Our Discovery Island is a groundbreaking new course that makes learning English an exciting and engaging experience
My-shop.ru г. Москва
4 682 руб.
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