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Vintage books The Lion House. The Rise of Suleyman the Magnificent de Bellaigue Christopher

Vintage books The Lion House. The Rise of Suleyman the Magnificent de Bellaigue Christopher

цена 2 163 руб.
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Venice, 1522. Intelligence arrives from the east confirming Europe's greatest fear: the vastly rich Ottoman Sultan has all he needs to wage total war - and his sights are set on Rome. With Christendom divided, Suleyman the Magnificent has his hand on its throat • From the palaces of Istanbul to the blood-soaked fields of central Europe and the scorched coasts of north Africa, The Lion House tells the true story of two civilisations in an existential duel and the rise of the most feared man of the sixteenth century. It is a tale of the timeless pull of power, dangerous to live with, deadly to live without подробнее
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