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Harper Voyager Ray Bradbury Stories Volume 1 Bradbury Ray

Harper Voyager Ray Bradbury Stories Volume 1 Bradbury Ray

цена 2 804 руб.
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Сборник "Рассказы Рэя Брэдбери. Том 1" содержит сто классических рассказов от знаменитого автора "451 градуса по Фаренгейту" • Присоединяйтесь к злосчастному экипажу астронавтов, доведенных до грани безумия непрекращающимся едким дождем на Венере, к высокотехнологичной игровой комнате виртуальной реальности, оживающей с ужасными последствиями, и к сафари-компании, предлагающей богатым людям туры в доисторическую эпоху для преследования и убийства динозавров, в результате чего настоящее, в которое они возвращаются, оказывается безвозвратно измененным • Этот сборник - редкая сокровищница чудес; в нем столько же опасений по поводу технологий и судьбы человечества, сколько элегии по поводу его неудержимого прогресса. Каждый рассказ представляет собой познавательную и поэтическую грань творчества Брэдбери, и каждый из них так же актуален сейчас, как и тогда, когда он был впервые написан подробнее
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Второй том необычного сборника, опубликованного вскоре после смерти автора. В этих двадцати трех рассказах яркое осознание Азимовым потенциала технологий воплощается в человеческих дилеммах • Окончательный сборник рассказов Айзека Азимова, величайшего мастера жанра научной фантастики, продолжает второй том "Полных рассказов". Хороший доктор всегда опережал свое время, и его работа сегодня является самым ярким выражением наших коллективных надежд и опасений за будущее. Но постоянно растущая популярность его рассказов как у молодых, так и у пожилых читателей объясняется их остроумием, живостью и человеческим интересом • В этом томе собраны рассказы, которые часто признаются одними из лучших научно-фантастических рассказов всех времен. В этих рассказах яркое осознание Азимовым потенциала технологий воплощается в человеческих дилеммах, которые сегодня более актуальны, чем когда-либо прежде
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Voyager Classics – timeless masterworks of science fiction and fantasy • The classic collection of robot stories from the master of the genre • In these stories Isaac Asimov creates the Three Laws of Robotics and ushers in the Robot Age • Earth is ruled by master-machines but the Three Laws of Robotics have been designed to ensure humans maintain the upper hand • 1) A robot may not injure a human being or allow a human being to come to harm • 2) A robot must obey orders given to it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law • 3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law • But what happens when a rogue robot’s idea of what is good for society contravenes the Three Laws?
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Follow a space shuttle crew as they voyage sixty million miles from home; discover what happens when a writer 'with the future's eye' believes his friend is aboard a UFO; and listen in on a couple talking themselves backwards through time to the moment when they first held hands. Meanwhile radio voices become indomitable flesh and the dead arise to recapture life in this searching and speculative collection of never-before published stories. Whether he's exploring the myriad ways to be reborn, or the circumstances that can make any man a killer, or returning us to Mars, Bradbury opens the world to us and beckons us in
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Во второй том антологии «Смертельно опасны» вошел рассказ «Соседи» Меган Линдхольм (также известной под псевдонимом Робин Хобб). Причудливая вдова живет в полном одиночестве. Все ее соседи – молодые семейные пары. В чем причина странностей одинокой вдовы – деменция или нечто другое? • В сборник также вошли рассказы от таких авторов бестселлеров, как Диана Гэблдон (рассказ из цикла «Чужестранка»), Шэрон Кей Пенман и Лев Гроссман • Книга на английском языке • This second volume features an original short story by Megan Lindholm (who also writes as Robin Hobb). In the bittersweet ‘Neighbors’ Sarah, a rather strange widow, lives isolated and alone, surrounded by young families. But is the old lady afflicted by dementia – or by something far more odd? • Other contributors to this volume of stories of formidable women include worldwide bestselling authors Diana Gabaldon, with an Outlander story, Sharon Kay Penman and Lev Grossman
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George R.R. Martin’s epic fantasy masterwork A Song of Ice and Fire is brought to life in the pages of this full-colour graphic novel. This is the third part of a four-volume adaptation of the second book in the series, A Clash of Kings • New York Times bestselling author Landry Q. Walker and illustrator Mel Rubi continue to serve up a feast in this penultimate volume. In the south, Renly is dead at his brother's hand, but even as Stannis seeks a way to subdue Renly's hold of Storm's End, Tywin Lannister continues his march toward King's Landing, harried by the forces of Robb Stark and Edmure Tully. As Robb wins victory after victory, his sister Arya finds her own small way to turn the tides against the Lannister forces from her secret place inside Harrenhal – while back at Winterfell, their brother Bran is about to discover the true meaning of his prophetic dreams
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George R.R. Martin’s epic fantasy masterwork A Song of Ice and Fire is brought to life in the pages of this full-colour graphic novel. This is the second part of a four-volume adaptation of the second book in the series, A Clash of Kings • As chaos grips Westeros, a flaming red comet continues to burn a crimson path across the sky. Some see this fiery herald as a sign of their impending victory. Others see it as a mark of the blood and terror that will soon engulf this divided kingdom. But one thing is certain: None of the six contenders who seek either the Iron Throne, or the lands their ancestors once held as kings, are willing to back down. And as factions scatter or come together, there are many witnesses to the unrest that is to come • Arya Stark finds herself in the heart of enemy territory at Harrenhal, while her mother is trapped between two brothers battling each other for their dead brother’s throne
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"Золото" - это последний сборник научной фантастики Айзека Азимова, содержащий все его несобранные научно-фантастические рассказы, которые ранее никогда не издавались в виде книг. "Золото" - это последнее и завершающее достижение пятидесятипятилетней карьеры трансцендентного гения научной фантастики, всемирно известного автора, который определил область научной фантастики для ее практиков, "для миллионов читателей" и для мира в целом • Книга на английском языке • The last Isaac Asimov science fiction collection which contains all of his previously uncollected stories • Gold is Isaac Asimov's last science fiction collection‚ one containing all of his uncollected SF stories that had never before appeared in book form. Gold is the final and crowning achievement of the fifty-five year career of science fiction's transcendent genius‚ the world-famous author who defined the field of SF for its practitioners‚ for its millions of readers‚ and for the world at large
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The final volume in New York Times bestselling author Raymond E. Feist’s epic heroic fantasy series, The Firemane Saga • War has swept across Marquensas. Ruthless raiders have massacred the inhabitants of Beran's Hill, including Gwen, the beloved wife of Declan Smith. Hollow of heart, his hopes burned to ashes, Declan swears to track down and destroy the raiders, an ambition shared by Baron Daylon Dumarch, whose family was massacred as they fled the capital • Meanwhile Hava, whose gift for piracy has seen her acquire the treasure ship Borzon's Black Wake and the swift Azhante sailing vessel, Queen of Storms, and won her the name of 'the Sea Demon', is closing in on the whereabouts of those who unleashed the murderous hordes • Her husband, Hatushaly, the last remaining member of the ruling family of Ithrace, the legendary Firemanes, seeks to control the magical powers he has inherited
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The never-before-seen history of Westeros and the lands beyond. With hundreds of pages of all-new material from George R.R. Martin • If the past is prologue, then George R.R. Martin's masterwork-the most inventive and entertaining fantasy saga of our time-warrants one hell of an introduction. At long last, it has arrived with The World of Ice and Fire • George R.R. Martin, in collaboration with Elio M. Garcia, Jr. and Linda Antonsson, has written a comprehensive history of the Seven Kingdoms, featuring the epic battles, bitter rivalries, and daring rebellions that lead up to the events in the bestselling A Song of Ice and Fire series • Collected within this volume is the accumulated knowledge, scholarly speculation, and inherited folk tales of maesters and septons, maegi and singers, including over 170 full-colour illustrations and maps, family trees for the Houses Stark, Lannister and Targaryen, and in-depth explanations of the history and culture of Westeros
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