г. Москва, Московская область
Стрельцова Е., отв. ред I can read if myself. Featuring paintings from the State Hermitage museum

Стрельцова Е., отв. ред I can read if myself. Featuring paintings from the State Hermitage museum

цена 183 руб.
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A delightful way to encourage children to learn to read using details from paintings in the Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg подробнее
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A delightful way to encourage children to learn numbers using details from paintings in the hermitage museum
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Formerly the official residences of the Tsars, the five buildings that comprise the State Hermitage Museum now house one of the finest art collections in the world. The collection is as vast and rich as it's surroundings - ranging from prehistoric artefacts to post-Impressionist masterpieces. Here, renowned Director Mikhail Piotrovsky brings his unique insight and expertise to bear on the collection, presenting us with his highlights from the Museum's extensive holdings. Here you will find masterpieces from the Italian Renaissance, the Dutch Golden Age and the Flemish Baroque, as well as Impressionist, Fauvist and Expressionist collections. The artists on display range from Michelangelo to Matisse via Velazquez, Van Gogh, Rubens and Renoir. Beautifully illustrated, this guide succeeds in condensing the Museum's array of treasures and making them accessible to all
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What makes the English so . . . English? The English are often confused about who they are. They say ‘British’ when they mean ‘English’, and ‘English’ when they should say ‘British.’ And when England, more than the rest of the UK, voted to leave the EU, polls showed national identity was a big concern. So it’s time the English sorted out in their minds what it means to be English. A nation’s character is moulded by its history. In Who Do the English Think They Are? historian and journalist Derek J. Taylor travels the length and breadth of the country to find answers. He discovers that the first English came from Germany, and then in the later Middle Ages almost became French. He tracks down the origins of English respect for the rule of law, tolerance and a love of political stability
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