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Allen Lane The Ruin of All Witches. Life and Death in the New World Gaskill Malcolm

Allen Lane The Ruin of All Witches. Life and Death in the New World Gaskill Malcolm

цена 3 996 руб.
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In the frontier town of Springfield in 1651, peculiar things begin to happen. Precious food spoils, livestock ails and property vanishes. People suffer fits and are plagued by strange visions and dreams. Children sicken and die. As tensions rise, rumours spread of witches and heretics, and the community becomes tangled in a web of spite, distrust and denunciation. The finger of suspicion falls on a young couple struggling to make a home and feed their children: Hugh Parsons the irascible brickmaker and his troubled wife, Mary. It will be their downfall • The Ruin of All Witches tells the dark, real-life folktale of witch-hunting in a remote Massachusetts plantation. These were the turbulent beginnings of colonial America, when English settlers' dreams of love and liberty, of founding a 'city on a hill', gave way to paranoia and terror, enmity and rage подробнее
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In the frontier town of Springfield in 1651, peculiar things begin to happen. Precious food spoils, livestock ails and property vanishes. People suffer fits and are plagued by strange visions and dreams. Children sicken and die. As tensions rise, rumours spread of witches and heretics, and the community becomes tangled in a web of spite, distrust and denunciation. The finger of suspicion falls on a young couple struggling to make a home and feed their children: Hugh Parsons the irascible brickmaker and his troubled wife, Mary. It will be their downfall • The Ruin of All Witches tells the dark, real-life folktale of witch-hunting in a remote Massachusetts plantation. These were the turbulent beginnings of colonial America, when English settlers' dreams of love and liberty, of founding a 'city on a hill', gave way to paranoia and terror, enmity and rage
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 966 руб.
One of our most celebrated historians shows how we can use the lessons of the past to build a new post-covid society in Britain • The 'duty of care' which the state owes to its citizens is a phrase much used, but what has it actually meant in Britain historically? And what should it mean in the future, once the immediate Covid crisis has passed? • In A Duty of Care, Peter Hennessy divides post-war British history into BC (before covid) and AC (after covid). He looks back to Sir William Beveridge's classic identification of the 'five giants' against which society had to battle - want, disease, ignorance, squalor and idleness - and laid the foundations for the modern welfare state in his wartime report. He examines the steady assault on the giants by successive post-war governments and asks what the comparable giants are now
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 997 руб.
В последние дни апреля 1945 года на Берлин обрушилась страшная буря. Охваченный неудержимой силой Востока и Запада, разрывные снаряды били по зданиям, а жители некогда славного города укрывались в темных подвалах - как и их фюрер в своем бункере. Битва за Берлин стала ключевым моментом в истории: ознаменовав конец смертоносного режима, поверженный город был разорван на две части соперничающими сверхдержавами холодной войны • В книге Berlin. Life and Loss in the City That Shaped the Century историк Синклер Маккей, ставший бестселлером, опираясь на никогда ранее не публиковавшиеся свидетельства первых лиц, рисует картину города, опустошенного идеологией, войной и горем. Однако, чтобы полностью понять падение Берлина, необходимо подробно изучить предшествующие годы и проследить, как город отстраивался заново, как два города, в последующий период
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 997 руб.
From the acclaimed historian of global empire, the dramatic story of how steam power reshaped our cities and our seas, and forged a new world order • Steam power transformed our world, initiating the complex, resource-devouring industrial system the consequences of which we live with today. It revolutionized work and production, but also the ease and cost of movement over land and water. The result was to throw open vast areas of the world to the rampaging expansion of Europeans and Americans on a scale previously unimaginable • Unlocking the World is the captivating history of the great port cities which emerged as the bridgeheads of this new steam-driven economy, reshaping not just the trade and industry of the regions around them but their culture and politics as well
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10 September 1961: at the boomerang-shaped racetrack at Monza half a dozen teams are preparing for the Italian Grand Prix. It is the biggest race anyone can remember. Phil Hill – the first American to break into the top ranks of European racing – and his Ferrari teammate, Count Wolfgang von Trips – a German nobleman with a movie-star manner – face one another in a race that will decide the winner of the Formula One drivers’ championship. By the day’s end, one man will clinch that prize. The other will perish face down on the track • Seeped in danger, seductive glamour and burning rivalry, this is the story of two young men living in the shadow of oblivion and dicing with death
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‘That is how it works in the City. Every time you think you know the answer to a question, you discover that the question makes no sense . . .’ • This is the story of Anna Blume and her journey to find her lost brother, William, in the unnamed City. Like the City itself, however, it is a journey that is doomed, and so all that is left is Anna’s unwritten account of what happened • Paul Auster takes us to an unspecified and devastated world in which the self disappears amidst the horrors that surround us. But this is not just an imaginary, futuristic world: like the settings of Kafka stories, it is one that echoes our own, and in doing so addresses some of our darker legacies • In the Country of Last Things is a tense, psychological take on the dystopian novel
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1 552 руб.
In a dazzling, lively new literary biography, Daisy Dunn weaves together the lives of two Roman greats: Pliny the Elder, author of Natural History, and his nephew Pliny the Younger, who inherited his uncle’s notebooks and intellectual legacy • Breathing vivid life back into the Plinys, Daisy Dunn charts the extraordinary lives of two outstanding minds and their lasting legacy on the world
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In 2011 Sy Montgomery wrote a feature for Orion magazine entitled 'Deep Intellect' about her friendship with a sensitive, sweet-natured octopus named Athena and the grief she felt at her death. It went viral, indicating the widespread fascination with these mysterious, almost alien-like creatures. Since then, Sy has practised true immersion journalism, from New England aquarium tanks to the reefs of French Polynesia and the Gulf of Mexico, pursuing these wild, solitary shape-shifters • Octopuses have varied personalities and intelligence they show in myriad ways: endless trickery to escape enclosures and get food; jetting water playfully to bounce objects like balls; and evading caretakers by using a scoop net as a trampoline and running around the floor on eight arms
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Why can’t we think straight when hungry? What’s the point of nightmares? And why is it so impossible to forget embarrassing memories? • Emotions can be a pain. After losing his dad to Covid-19, Dean Burnett found himself wondering what life would be like without them. And so, he decided to put his feelings under the microscope – for science • In Emotional Ignorance, Dean takes us on an incredible journey of discovery, stretching from the origins of life to the end of the universe. Along the way he reveals • – why we would ever follow our gut • – whether things really were better in the old days • – why doomscrolling is so addictive • – and how sad music can make us happier • Combining expert analysis, brilliant humour and powerful insights into the grieving process, Dean uncovers how, far from holding us back, our emotions make us who we are
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 017 руб.
Shortlisted for the British Psychological Society Book Award for Popular Science • Much of value has been written about sleep, but rest is different; it is how we unwind, calm our minds and recharge our bodies. The Art of Rest draws on ground-breaking research Claudia Hammond collaborated on: ‘The Rest Test’, the largest global survey into rest ever undertaken, completed by 18,000 people across 135 different countries. The survey revealed how people get rest and how it is directly linked to your sense of wellbeing • Counting down through the top ten activities which people find most restful, Hammond explains why rest matters, examines the science behind the results to establish what really works and offers a roadmap for a new, more restful and balanced life
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 551 руб.
Невероятные мемуары одного из самых выдающихся кардиохирургов мира, в которых он вспоминает некоторые из самых замечательных и острых случаев, над которыми он работал • Кардиохирургия - занятие не для слабонервных • Профессор Стивен Вестаби рискнул и раздвинул границы кардиохирургии. За свою тридцатипятилетнюю карьеру он спас сотни жизней, и теперь в своих поразительных мемуарах Уэстэби подробно описывает некоторые из своих самых замечательных и трогательных случаев - таких, как ребенок, перенесший множественные сердечные приступы в возрасте шести месяцев, женщина, пережившая кошмар синдрома замкнутости, и человек, чья жизнь в течение восьми лет питалась от батареи • Мощная, важная и невероятно трогательная книга "Хрупкие жизни" предлагает исключительное представление о волнующем, а иногда и трагическом мире кардиохирургии и о том, каково это - держать чью-то жизнь в своих руках
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932 руб.
На протяжении всего двадцатого века Берлин находился в центре судорожно меняющегося мира. Эту историю часто рассматривают как отдельные акты: страдания Первой мировой войны, космополитический город науки, культуры и сексуальной свободы, которым стал Берлин, резкое падение экономики, приход нацистов, разрушения Второй мировой войны, психоз геноцида и город, расколотый надвое конкурирующими идеологиями. Но люди не проживают свою жизнь в фиксированных эпохах. Эпоха заканчивается, а люди продолжают жить - или пытаются жить - так же, как и раньше. Берлин рассказывает историю города глазами не правителей, а тех, кто ходил по его улицам • В этой магической биографии города и его жителей историк-бестселлер Синклер Маккей проливает новый свет на известных персонажей - от ученого-идеалиста Альберта Эйнштейна до нацистского архитектора Альберта Шпеера - и опирается на никогда ранее не встречавшиеся рассказы от первого лица, чтобы познакомить нас с людьми из всех слоев берлинской жизни
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 967 руб.
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