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Picador The Patience of the Spider Камиллери Андреа

Picador The Patience of the Spider Камиллери Андреа

цена 2 004 руб.
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The Patience of the Spider is the eighth novel in Andrea Camilleri's wryly humorous Inspector Montalbano series • Chief Inspector Montalbano is on enforced sick leave. But when a local girl goes mysteriously missing, the whole community takes an interest in the case. Why are the kidnappers so sure that the girl's impoverished father and dying mother will be able to find a fortune? The ever-inquisitive Montalbano steps in, to get to the heart of the matter in his own inimitable style подробнее
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GIGGED goes inside the Silicon Valley companies leading the way to this emerging ‘gig economy’. It tells the stories of the workers – from computer programmers to online comment moderators – who are getting by in a new wave of precarious, short-term employment. And it sketches out what tomorrow’s economy might look like: one where the fortunate get to work when they want, how they want, while the rest live lives of extraordinary hardship • It might just be the future of work for all of us
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When the Titanic sank, so did the Edwardian age that created it. In this brilliantly original history, Gareth Russell recasts a tragedy we think we know to explore an era of seismic change • With new research and previously unseen first-hand accounts, Gareth Russell peers through the most famous portholes in the world to follow six travellers. Amongst them, a Jewish-American immigrant, an American movie star, a member of the British nobility, and a titan of industry. Setting these lives against that of the Titanic, Russell investigates social class, technological advancement, political turmoil and pioneering ambition in an age that swang between folly and brilliance, hubris and triumph • A dramatic history of human endeavour told through extraordinary, diverse personalities, The Ship of Dreams dispels myth to revive the story of a ship that was to become symbolic of its own doomed era
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For centuries, scientists had only one way to study the brain: wait for misfortune to strike - strokes, seizures, infections, lobotomies, horrendous accidents, phantom limbs, Siamese twins - and see how the victims changed afterwards. In many cases their survival was miraculous, and observers marvelled at the transformations that took place when different parts of the brain were destroyed. Parents suddenly couldn't recognise their children. Pillars of the community became pathological liars and paedophiles. Some people couldn't speak but could still sing. Others couldn't read but could write • The stories of these people laid the foundations of modern neuroscience and, century by century, key cases taught scientists what every last region of the brain did
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В историю мировой литературы английский писатель Артур Конан Дойл (1859-1930) вошел как создатель Шерлока Холмса, гениального сыщика с Бейкер-стрит, 221-6. Приключения Холмса и его друга доктора Уотсона вот уже более столетия приковывают внимание читателей всего мира. Само имя Шерлок Холмс стало нарицательным. И это не случайно - рассказы и повести об этом бессмертном герое отмечены всеми достоинствами первоклассной беллетристики: богатой выдумкой, безукоризненной интригой, точной и легкой манерой изложения, а сам герой являет собой идеал рыцарственного борца со злом, воплощенным в преступлении • Настоящий том включает повести "Собака Баскервилей" (1902) и "Долина Страха" (1915) • Книга на английском языке • The Hound of the Baskervilles is the classic detective chiller
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The writings of one of the great woman adventurers of the twentieth century - the 'female Lawrence of Arabia' - and the subject of a new film starring Nicole Kidman • In the last century, few people lived more astounding - or influential - lives than Gertrude Bell. During World War I, she worked her way up from spy to army major to become one of the most powerful woman in the British Empire. After the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, she was instrumental in drawing the borders that define the region today, including creating an independent Iraq. This is the epic story of Bell's life, told through her letters, military dispatches, diary entries, and other writings. It offers a unique and intimate look behind the public mask of a woman who shaped nations
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Complete in five handsome volumes, each with an introduction by a Doyle scholar, a chronology, a selected bibliography, and explanatory notes, the Oxford Sherlock Holmes series offers a definitive collection of the famous detective's adventures. No home library is complete without it • Comprising the series of short stories that made the fortunes of the Strand, the magazine in which they were first published, this volume won even more popularity for Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Holmes is at the height of his powers in many of his most famous cases, including The Yellow face, The Final Problem, The Crooked man and the famous The Sigh Of the Four
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В этих двух захватывающих романах Герберт Уэллс рисует ужасающее будущее, в котором под угрозой оказывается сама цивилизация • Рассказчик "Войны миров" быстро обнаруживает, что то, что казалось падающей звездой, на самом деле было металлическим цилиндром, приземлившимся с Марса. Шесть миллионов человек начинают в панике покидать Лондон, когда появляются захватчики с щупальцами и захватывают город. Можно ли что-нибудь сделать, чтобы остановить марсиан? • В "Войне в воздухе" наивный, но находчивый Берт Смоллуэйз приходит в восторг от скорости и очарован новыми летательными аппаратами. Любопытство случайно увлекает его в немецкий план завоевания Америки, начинающийся с разрушения Нью-Йорка. Легкость передвижения в воздушной войне означает, что ничто и никто не находится в безопасности, когда вспыхивает Тотальная война, цивилизация рушится, а надежды Берта вернуться в Лондон, чтобы жениться на своей возлюбленной, кажутся невероятно далекими
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404 руб.
The Pyramid of Mud is the twenty-second Montalbano mystery from Italy's finest crime writer, Andrea Camilleri • It's been raining for days in Vigata, and the persistent downpours have led to violent floods overwhelming the Inspector's beloved hometown, sweeping across the land and leaving only a sea of mud behind. It is on one of these endless grey days that a man - a Mr Giuglu Nicotra - is found dead, his body discovered in a large sewage tunnel, half naked and with a bullet in his back • The investigation is slow and slippery to start with, but when Montalbano realizes that every clue he uncovers and every person he interviews is leading to the same place - the world of public spending and, with it, the Mafia - the case begins to pick up pace
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 944 руб.
Andrea Camilleri's sensational and darkly humorous Inspector Montalbano series continues in the fourteenth instalment, The Age of Doubt • A chance encounter with a strange young woman leads Inspector Montalbano to Vigata harbour - and into a puzzling new mystery. The crew of a mysterious yacht - the Vanna - due to dock in the area has discovered a corpse floating in the water, the dead man's face badly disfigured. It isn't long before Montalbano becomes suspicious of the Vanna's inhabitants. Who is the yacht's owner, the glamorous and short-tempered Livia Giovannini? How has she accrued her riches? And why does she spend so much time at sea? • Meanwhile Montalbano finds himself getting into tangles with the dreaded Commissioner, the exasperating Dr Lattes and a very beautiful young woman at the harbour, with whom he becomes dangerously besotted
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 944 руб.
From Andrea Camilleri, the bestselling author of the Inspector Montalbano mysteries, comes The Brewer of Preston, a hilarious standalone comedy • 1870s Sicily. Much to the displeasure of Vigata's stubborn populace, the town has just been unified under the Kingdom of Italy. They're now in the hands of a new government they don't understand, and they definitely don't like • Eugenio Bortuzzi has been named Prefect for Vigata, a regional representative from the Italian government tasked to oversee the town. But the rowdy and unruly Sicilians don't care much for this rather pompous mainlander nor the mediocre opera he's hell-bent on producing in their new municipal theatre. The Brewer of Preston, it's called, and the Vigatese are revving up to wreak havoc on the performance's opening night
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 944 руб.
Тихим воскресным утром инспектора Монтальбано вызывают на место убийства на побережье Сицилии. Мужчина обнаружил своего отца мертвым в своем домике на пляже Вигатан, его тело распростерто на полу столовой, утренний кофе разлит по столу, а в основании черепа - одиночное огнестрельное ранение • Первые появления указывают на то, что сын больше всего выиграет от безвременной кончины своего отца, и это мнение его сестра не может не подкрепить. Но когда Монтальбано углубляется в это дело и узнает о бесчестной жизни, которую вела жертва, вскоре становится ясно, что у половины Вигаты есть мотив для убийства, и это будет не так просто, как когда-то надеялся инспектор • Книга на английском языке • A Nest of Vipers is the twenty-first novel in Andrea Camilleri's irresistible Inspector Montalbano series
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 004 руб.
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 004 руб.
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