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Phoenix Citadel Мосс Кейт

Phoenix Citadel Мосс Кейт

цена 2 683 руб.
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1942, Nazi-occupied France. Sandrine, a spirited and courageous nineteen-year-old, finds herself drawn into a Resistance network in Carcassonne - codenamed 'Citadel' - a group of ordinary women who are prepared to risk everything for what is right. When she meets Raoul, they discover a shared passion for the cause, for their homeland, and for each other • But in a world where the enemy now lies in every shadow - where neighbour informs on neighbour; where friends disappear without warning and often without trace - love can demand the highest price of all подробнее
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1891. Seventeen-year-old Leonie Vernier and her older brother abandon Paris for the sanctuary of their aunt's isolated country house near Carcassonne, the Domaine de la Cade. But when Leonie stumbles across a ruined sepulchre she uncovers a timeless mystery and a unique deck of tarot cards that seem to hold power over life and death • 2007. Meredith Martin arrives at the Domaine de la Cade to research a biography. But Meredith is also seeking the key to her own complex legacy and becomes immersed in the story of a tragic love, a missing girl, a quest for revenge and the haunting events of one cataclysmic night a century ago
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2 683 руб.
July 1209, Carcassonne. Seventeen-year-old Alais Pelletier is given a mysterious book by her father, which he claims contains the secret of the true Grail. Although Alais cannot understand the strange words and symbols hidden within, she knows that her destiny lies in keeping the secret of the labyrinth safe • July 2005. Archaeologist Alice Tanner discovers two skeletons in a forgotten cave in the French Pyrenees. Puzzled by the labyrinth symbol carved into the rock, she realises she has disturbed something that was meant to remain buried. Soon, a link to a shocking secret - and her own past - is revealed
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 987 руб.
I hear someone coming. It has happened before • Rooted in the elemental landscapes of Sussex, Brittany and the Languedoc, here are tales of ghosts and spirits seeking revenge, of grief-stricken women and haunted men coming to terms with their destiny • Atmospheric and unforgettable, The Mistletoe Bride is a collection of stories inspired by ghost stories, folk tales and legends, from one of our most captivating writers
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2 442 руб.
The clock strikes twelve. Beneath the wind and the remorseless tolling of the bell, no one can hear the scream • 1912. A Sussex churchyard. Villagers gather on the night when the ghosts of those who will not survive the coming year are thought to walk. And in the shadows, a woman lies murdered • As the flood waters rise, Connie Gifford is marooned in a decaying house with her increasingly tormented father. He drinks to escape the past, but an accident has robbed her of her most significant childhood memories. Until the disturbance at the church awakens fragments of those vanished years
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2 442 руб.
Nothing is as it seems • France, 1928. It is ten years since the Great War ended, but Freddie Watson is still haunted by the loss of his beloved brother. Driving through the foothills of the Pyrenees, his car spins off the road in a snowstorm. He takes refuge in an isolated village and there meets the captivating Fabrissa. They spend the night talking of love and loss and war • By daybreak, Fabrissa has vanished and Freddie has discovered that he alone holds the key to an ancient mystery, one which leads him deep into the mountains and to a cave that conceals a shocking secret
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2 442 руб.
Каркассон, 1562 год. Девятнадцатилетняя Мину Жубер получает анонимное письмо в книжном магазине своего отца. Запечатанный фамильным гербом, он содержит всего пять слов: "она знает, что ты жив" • Но прежде чем Мину успевает расшифровать таинственное послание, случайная встреча с молодым новообращенным гугенотом Питом Рейдоном навсегда меняет ее судьбу. Потому что у Пита есть своя собственная опасная миссия, и ему нужна помощь Мину, если он хочет выбраться из Ла Сите живым • Захватывающее приключение и душераздирающая история любви, "Пылающие палаты" Кейт Мосс - исторический роман, полный волнения, заговоров и опасностей • Книга на английском языке • Carcassonne 1562. Nineteen-year-old Minou Joubert receives an anonymous letter at her father's bookshop
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1 944 руб.
Роман Кейт Мосс "Город слез" - захватывающая историческая эпопея о любви во время войны • Май 1572: в течение десяти жестоких лет религиозные войны бушевали по всей Франции. Соседи стали врагами, погибло бесчисленное множество людей, и страна раздирается на части из-за вопросов религии, гражданства и суверенитета. Но теперь шаткий мир висит на волоске, и были проведены переговоры о королевской свадьбе. Этот брак может наконец привести к воссоединению Франции • Мину Жубер и ее семье приходит приглашение посетить эту историческую свадьбу в Париже в августе. Но чего Мину не знает, так это того, что там также будет давний враг семьи Жубер, Видаль. И что через несколько дней после свадьбы, накануне праздника святого Варфоломея, ее семья будет рассеяна по всем четырем ветрам, а один из ее любимых детей бесследно исчезнет… • Книга на английском языке
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 944 руб.
A haunting ghost story from the French mountains. The Great War took much more than lives. It robbed a generation of friends, lovers and futures. In Freddie Watson's case, it took his beloved brother and, at times, his peace of mind. Unable to cope with his grief, Freddie has spent much of the time since in a sanatorium. In the winter of 1928, still seeking resolution, Freddie is travelling through the French Pyrenees - another region that has seen too much bloodshed over the years. During a snowstorm, his car spins off the mountain road. Shaken, he stumbles into the woods, emerging by a tiny village. There he meets Fabrissa, a beautiful local woman, also mourning a lost generation. Over the course of one night, Fabrissa and Freddie share their stories of remembrance and loss
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871 руб.
A breathtaking historical novel of revenge, persecution and loss, The City of Tears by Kate Mosse follows on from her Sunday Times number one bestseller, The Burning Chambers • May 1572: for ten violent years the Wars of Religion have raged across France. Neighbours have become enemies, countless lives have been lost, and the country has been torn apart over matters of religion, citizenship and sovereignty. But now a precarious peace is in the balance and a royal wedding has been negotiated. It is a marriage that could see France reunited at last • An invitation has arrived for Minou Joubert and her family to attend this historic wedding in Paris in August. But what Minou does not know is that the Joubert family's oldest enemy, Vidal, will also be there
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The Black Mountain is a Quick Read short story from bestselling author Kate Mosse • It is May, 1706. Ana, a young Spanish woman, lives in a small town on the north-west coast of Tenerife with her mother and twin younger brothers. The town is in the shadow of a mighty volcano, which legend says has the devil living inside it. However, there has been no eruption for thousands of years and no one believes it is a threat • One day, Ana notices that the air feels strange and heavy, that the birds have stopped singing. Tending the family vineyard, a sudden strange tremor in the earth frightens her. Very soon it will be a race against time for Ana to help persuade the town that they are in danger and should flee before the volcano erupts and destroys their world
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895 руб.
В интернет-магазине shop.buka.ru вы можете купить цифровую версию игры Citadel of Chaos (Fighting Fantasy Classics) с активацией в сервисе Steam • Воссоздайте боевую фантастику - любимые текстовые интерактивные приключения 80-х и 90-х годов! Испытайте свою ловкость, выносливость и удачу, исследуя ужасающую Цитадель Бальтуса Дайра
БУКА г. Москва
550 руб.
Когда-то давно истребление демонов и зомби было для Кейт Коннор настоящей работой, серьезной и очень опасной. Впоследствии Кейт отошла от дел, обзавелась семьей и порядком подзабыла прежние навыки. Однако силы зла вновь зашевелились. Что-то притягивает их в маленький уютный городок, в котором обосновалась Кейт. Вот и приходится ей в перерывах между стиркой, уборкой и воспитанием детей заниматься устранением нежелательных элементов, угрожающих существованию человечества. u003Cbru003E Новая книга от автора знаменитых бестселлеров Код Givenchy и Матрица Manolo
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
264 руб.
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