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Penguin To have and have not Хемингуэй Эрнест

Penguin To have and have not Хемингуэй Эрнест

цена 1 845 руб.
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Harry Morgan was hard - the classic Hemingway hero - rum-running, gun-running and man-running from Cuba to the Florida Keys in the Depression. He ran risks, too, from stray coastguard bullets and sudden double-crosses. But it was the only way he could keep his boat, keep his independence, and keep his belly full...This classic novella was turned into a brilliant film by Howard Hawks - the film in which Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Becall met - and remains an important work by one of the greatest American novelists of the twentieth century подробнее
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Эрнест Хемингуэй: Иметь и не иметь • Если вам понравился сериал "Хемингуэй" на канале BBC4, прочтите приключенческий роман Эрнеста Хемингуэя "На краю тропиков" • Гарри Морган - крутой парень, зарабатывающий на жизнь во время депрессии со своей моторной лодки в Ки-Уэсте, штат Флорида. Хотя обычно он устраивает рыбацкие вечеринки, иногда его лодку можно использовать и по-другому. Если предложенные деньги того стоят, Гарри будет возить оружие, ром и людей на Кубу и обратно. Но он играет в кости. Самый суровый герой Хемингуэя рискует не просто своим существованием, но и своей жизнью • Книга на английском языке • If you loved BBC4's Hemingway, read Ernest Hemingway's adventure novel set on the verge of the tropics • Harry Morgan is a tough guy making his living during the Depression from his motor boat in Key West, Florida
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Denise Van Outen, original 90s 'ladette', West End star and primetime TV favourite, reveals for the first time the true story of grit and graft beneath the famous Essex sparkle • In this refreshingly candid memoir, Denise speaks openly and sensitively about her rollercoaster career, her struggles in a past high-profile relationship and the betrayal she suffered at the hands of those once closest to her, with the hope that in doing so, she can help empower others to avoid and overcome any similar difficulties they may face • Denise shot to fame on The Big Breakfast in her early twenties. After a decade grafting through theatre jobs and children's TV shows, she was finally living the dream. However her life soon turned into a nightmare off-screen and behind the headlines as her heart was broken in a very public relationship, whilst her every move was printed in the tabloids thanks to her phone being tapped
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В интернет-магазине shop.buka.ru вы можете купить цифровую версию игры To Be or Not To Be с активацией в сервисе Steam • Это текстовая приключенческая игра, сочетающая в себе геймплей настольных питомцев и мини-игр. Вы можете продвигаться по сюжету, нажимая на диалог, или играть в мини-игры, накапливая ценности для запуска новых сюжетов, а также выращивать своих любимых персонажей, вешая их
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Эрнест Хемингуэй (1899 – 1961) – знаменитый американский писатель, журналист, лауреат Нобелевской премии по литературе. В издание вошли два самых известных сборника рассказов писателя – «Победитель не получает ничего» и «Мужчины без женщин». Если вы поклонник творчества Хемингуэя, эти рассказы станут для вас настоящим подарком. В рассказах есть все, что вы любите – все основные темы, к которым он обращался в своих романах – человек на войне и человек после войны, поиск себя, дружба, одиночество, предательство близких, и, наконец, любовь. Вы побываете и на испанской корриде, и в маленьких привокзальных забегаловках где-то в Швейцарии, и в парижских кафе, и на полях сражений, и в госпиталях. Вы насладитесь неповторимым стилем Хемингуэя – короткими, как будто рублеными фразами писатель описывал мир вокруг, примечал самые непримечательные детали, передавал еле уловимые оттенки чувств и переживаний
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Navigating day-to-day life can be a tricky business. By the time we are adults, our experiences have formed our way of thinking and we have learned patterns of behaviour that are not always helpful. We must unravel these to understand, accept, nurture and allow ourselves to rise with our vulnerabilities, not in spite of them • After having a breakdown in 2011, Will Young went about the process of interrogating everything he thought he knew: how he formed his identity, what he relied on for self-esteem and how he behaved and communicated. Everything he has learned over the past ten years, he has now condensed into this easy to access A-Z guide. He digs into how everyday life can affect our wellbeing, how we can navigate our emotions, where they come from and how to create a balanced mindset, offering practical techniques we can all use to ground ourselves and set boundaries
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The Shifts and the Shocks is not another detailed history of the crisis, but the most persuasive and complete account yet published of what the crisis should teach us us about modern economies and economics • There have been many books that have sought to explain the causes and courses of the financial and economic crisis which began in 2007-8. The Shifts and the Shocks is not another detailed history of the crisis, but the most persuasive and complete account yet published of what the crisis should teach us us about modern economies and economics • The book identifies the origin of the crisis in the complex interaction between globalization, hugely destabilizing global imbalances and our dangerously fragile financial system. It also shows how much of the orthodoxy that shaped monetary and financial policy before the crisis occurred was complacent and wrong
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'One swallow does not make a summer; neither does one day. Similarly neither can one day, or a brief space of time, make a man blessed and happy' • What does it mean to be a good person? Ranging over eternal questions of right and wrong, pleasure and self-control, friendship and courage, Aristotle's lectures on ethics are among the most lasting and profound philosophical works of all time • One of twenty new books in the bestselling Penguin Great Ideas series. This new selection showcases a diverse list of thinkers who have helped shape our world today, from anarchists to stoics, feminists to prophets, satirists to Zen Buddhists
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Immanuel Kant was one of the most influential philosophers in the whole of Europe, who changed Western thought with his examinations of reason and the nature of reality. In these writings he investigates human progress, civilization, morality and why, to be truly enlightened, we must all have the freedom and courage to use our own intellect • Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are
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You don’t have to do everything on the list to live your best life • Swap FOMO for JOMO and tick off ‘Bucket’, ’ F*ck it’ or ‘Done it’ for each of the 3,669 things to do, depending on whether you intend to do it, couldn’t care less/would rather die than do it or have already accomplished it • Bucket, F*ck it or Done it. Which box would you tick when it comes to … ? • * Drinking banana wine in the Canary Islands • * Eating every shape of pasta at least once • * Settling a dispute with a dance-off • * Naming your boat after the person you lost your virginity to • Checking stuff off just feels good!
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Юко Цусима — японская писательница. Настоящее имя — Сатоко Цусима • В романах "О собаках и стенах" и • "Их дом был новым, стена стояла там долгое время." Юко Цусима показывает, как воспоминания, мечты и мимолетные образы описывают границы нашей жизни • Книга на английском языке • 'Though their house was new, the wall had been there a long time.' • In these two stories, which have never before been translated into English, Tsushima shows how memories, dreams and fleeting images describe the borders of our lives • Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering a concentrated hit of its contemporary, international flavour. Here are authors ranging from Kathy Acker to James Baldwin, Truman Capote to Stanislaw Lem and George Orwell to Shirley Jackson; essays radical and inspiring; poems moving and disturbing; stories surreal and fabulous; taking us from the deep South to modern Japan, New York's underground scene to the farthest reaches of outer space
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From Nobel Prize-winning economist and bestselling author Joseph Stiglitz, this account of the dangers of free market fundamentalism reveals what has gone so wrong, but also shows us a way out • We all have the sense that our economy tilts toward big business, but as Joseph E. Stiglitz explains in "People, Power and Profits", a few corporations have come to dominate entire sectors, contributing to skyrocketing inequality and slow growth. This is how the financial industry has managed to write its own regulations, tech companies have accumulated reams of personal data with little oversight, and government has negotiated trade deals that fail to represent the best interests of workers. Too many have made their wealth through exploitation of others rather than through wealth creation
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