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Penguin Julius Caesar Шекспир Уильям

Penguin Julius Caesar Шекспир Уильям

цена 1 479 руб.
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'Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war, • That this foul deed shall smell above the earth • With carrion men, groaning for burial' • Fearful that Caesar will become a tyrant, his friends plot to assassinate him in order to save Rome. But the conspirators' high principles clash with personal malice and ambition, and as they vie to manipulate the mob, the nation is plunged into bloody civil war. A taut, profound drama exploring power and betrayal, Julius Caesar exposes the chasm between public appearance, political rhetoric and bitter reality подробнее
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"Julius Caesar" is among the best of Shakespeare's historical and political plays. Dealing with events surrounding the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 B.C., the drama vividly illustrates the ways in which power and corruption are linked. The cry 'Peace, freedom and liberty!' is used to exculpate brutal realities, while personal ambitions taint public actions. Rich in characterization and replete with eloquent rhetoric, "Julius Caesar" remains engrossing and topical: a play for today
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Young King Henry wages war on France. Tainted by his family's past crimes and with enemies among his own men, he must face the difficult responsibilities of kingship, unite his country and rouse his 'band of brothers' to battle at Agincourt. An heroic coming-of-age story and a work of stirring patriotic oratory, Henry V also has darker undercurrents that ultimately question the price of military victory
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 479 руб.
A storm rages. Prospero and his daughter watch from their desert island as a ship carrying the royal family is wrecked. Miraculously, all on board survive. Plotting, mistaken identities, bewitching love and enchantment follow as the travellers explore this mysterious place of spirits and monsters, and discover that all is not as it seems. Shakespeare's late, great play is a work filled with marvels, music and strangeness, fully exploiting the power of language and the magic of theatre
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 479 руб.
An embittered Roman general returns from war, having captured the Queen of the Goths and her three sons. Sacrificing the eldest in memory of his own sons killed in battle, he provokes the queen's unending hatred. And when she gains power by her marriage to the new emperor of Rome, she quickly begins to plot a murderous revenge of barely conceivable cruelty, in Shakespeare's first and most savagely bloody tragedy
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1 481 руб.
"Он почувствовал внезапную глубокую жалость к суставу пальца, который лежал там, на комоде, где несколько капель крови собрались вокруг белой кости" • Намеренно отрезанный палец, рождественское чудо наркомана и мошенник из Танжера, среди прочего, фигурируют в сборнике "Палец", этих галлюциногенных зарисовках и историях от Уильяма Берроуза • Книга на английском языке • Fifty new books, celebrating the pioneering spirit of the Penguin Modern Classics series, from inspiring essays to groundbreaking fiction and poetry • 'He felt a sudden deep pity for the finger joint that lay there on the dresser, a few drops of blood gathering around the white bone.' • A deliberately severed finger, a junky's Christmas miracle and a Tangier con-artist, among others, feature in these hallucinogenic sketches and stories from the infamous Beat legend
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Hubertus Bigend, the Machiavellian head of global ad-agency Blue Ant, wants to uncover the maker of an obscurely fashionable denim that is taking subculture by storm. Ex-musician Henry Hollis knows nothing about fashion, but Bigend decides she is the woman for the job anyway • Soon, though, it becomes clear that Bigend's interest in underground labels might have sinister applications. Powerful parties, who'll do anything to get what they want, are showing their hand. And Hollis is about to find herself in the crossfire • A gripping spy thriller by William Gibson, bestselling author of Neuromancer. Part prophesy, part satire, Zero History skewers the absurdity of modern life with the lightest and most engaging of touches. Readers of Neal Stephenson, Ray Bradbury and Iain M
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Soldier. Farmer. Felon. Writer. Father. Lover • One man, many lives • Born in 1799, Cashel Greville Ross experiences myriad lives: joyous and devastating, years of luck and unexpected loss. Moving from County Cork to London, from Waterloo to Zanzibar, Cashel seeks his fortune across continents in war and in peace. He faces a terrible moral choice in a village in Sri Lanka as part of the East Indian Army. He enters the world of the Romantic Poets in Pisa. In Ravenna he meets a woman who will live in his heart for the rest of his days. As he travels the world as a soldier, a farmer, a felon, a writer, a father, a lover, he experiences all the vicissitudes of life and, through the accelerating turbulence of the nineteenth century, he discovers who he truly is
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Уильям Шекспир - великий английский поэт, драматург, актер. Любовная лирика Уильяма Шекспира - величайшее явление мировой поэзии. Любовь, полет души и страсть, философские размышления и самоанализ, яркие образы и блестящие метафоры - все это в сонетах Шекспира
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
85 руб.
Уильям Шекспир на протяжении столетий является одним из самых любимых и читаемых писателей во всем мире. В эту книгу вошли две КУЛЬТОВЫЕ ТРАГЕДИИ великого английского драматурга — «Ромео и Джульетта» и «Гамлет», потрясающие внутренней правдой характеров и глубиной страстей, небывалой яркостью поэтического языка и верой автора в духовное величие человека • В бессмертных творениях Шекспира создана целая галерея ярких, наделенных могучей волей характеров, способных к героическому противоборству с судьбой, готовых погибнуть во имя великой идеи или страсти • Эти трагедии остаются непревзойденными шедеврами мировой культуры
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
170 руб.
William Shakespeare's comedy Love's Labours Lost is edited with an introduction by John Kerrigan in Penguin Shakespeare • 'What fool is not so wise • To lose an oath to win a paradise?' • Ferdinand, King of Navarre and his lords Berowne, Dumaine, and Longaville agree to form an austere academy, taking a solemn to have no contact with women for three years. But when the Princess of neighbouring France arrives with her female attendants, their pledge is quickly placed under strain. Soon all are smitten and confusion abounds, as each struggles to secretly declare his love in this comedy of deception, desire and mistaken identity • This book contains a general introduction to Shakespeare's life and Elizabethan theatre, a separate introduction to Love's Labours Lost, a chronology, suggestions for further reading, an essay discussing performance options on both stage and screen, and a commentary
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 479 руб.
William Shakespeare's comic encore for one of his best-loved characters - the rascally Falstaff from Henry IV and Henry V - The Merry Wives of Windsor is edited by G.R. Hibbard with an introduction by Catherine Richardson in Penguin Shakespeare • 'We'll leave a proof, by that which we will do, • Wives may be merry, and yet honest too' • In need of money, the fat and foolish Falstaff devises a scheme to seduce two married women and steal their husbands' wealth. By talking to each other, however, the wives soon discover his plan and begin to plot their own revenge. Relentlessly inventive, this comic humiliation of a foolish would-be seducer is a lively, compelling and ultimately joyous celebration of the all-conquering power of laughter • This book contains a general introduction to Shakespeare's life and Elizabethan theatre, a separate introduction to The Merry Wives of Windsor, a chronology, suggestions for further reading, an essay discussing performance options on both stage and screen, and a commentary
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 481 руб.
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