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Penguin Focus Миллер Артур

Penguin Focus Миллер Артур

цена 2 962 руб.
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A reticent personnel manager living with his mother, Mr Newman shares the prejudices of his times and of his neighbours - and neither a Hispanic woman abused outside his window nor the persecution of the Jewish store owner he buys his paper from are any of his business. Until Newman begins wearing glasses, and others begin to mistake him for a Jew • Arthur Miller's chilling novel displays the same searing moral precision and emotional intensity of his plays, as the intensity of anti-Semitism in 1945 New York mounts, and the prejudices Newman shares begin to turn threateningly against him подробнее
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A car wreck on the slopes of Mount Morgan puts insurance tycoon Lyman Felt in the hospital. While Lyman recovers, two women meet in the hospital waiting room only to discover that they are both married to him. With his secrets exposed, Lyman tries to justify himself to the two women - the prim, cultured Theo and the restless, ambitious Leah - at the same time hoping to convince himself that he is blameless • Moving between broad farce and delicate tragedy, The Ride Down Mt. Morgan explores the struggle between honesty with others and honesty with oneself
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Victor, a New York cop nearing retirement, moves among furniture in the disused attic of a house marked for demolition. Cabinets, desks, a damaged harp, an overstuffed armchair - the relics of a lost life of affluence he's finally come to sell. But when his brother Walter, who he hasn't spoken to in years, arrives, the talk stops being just about whether Victor's been offered a fair price for the furniture, and turns to the price that one and not the other of them paid when their father lost both his fortune and the will to go on • Fraught, but cut through with humour, The Price is one of Arthur Miller's finest plays
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In Joe and Kate Keller's family garden, an apple tree - a memorial to their son Larry, lost in the Second World War - has been torn down by a storm. But his loss is not the only part of the family's past they can't put behind them. Not everybody's forgotten the court case that put Joe's partner in jail, or the cracked engine heads his factory produced which caused it and dropped twenty-one pilots out of the sky
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In Vichy France, 1942, a group of men sit outside an office, waiting to be interviewed. The reason they have been pulled off the street and taken there is obvious enough. They are, for the most part, Jews. But how serious an offence this is, and how they are to suffer for it, is not clear, and they hope for the best. But as rumours pass between them of trains full of people locked from the outside and furnaces in Poland, and although they reassure themselves that nothing so monstrous could be true, their panic rises • Arthur Miller's claustrophobic play of how the inconceivable becomes allowed to pass, Incident at Vichy is one of the most indispensable, moving pieces of art about the Holocaust
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Arthur Miller's penultimate play, Resurrection Blues, is a darkly comic satirical allegory that poses the question: What would happen if Christ were to appear in the world today? • In an unidentified Latin American country, General Felix Barriaux has captured an elusive revolutionary leader. The rebel, known by various names, is rumoured to have performed miracles throughout the countryside. The General plans to crucify the mysterious man, and the exclusive television rights to the twenty-four-hour reality-TV event have been sold to an American network. An allegory that asserts the interconnectedness of our actions and each person's culpability in world events, Resurrection Blues is a comedic and tragic satire of precarious morals in our media-saturated age
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Quentin is a successful lawyer in New York, but inside his head he is struggling with his own sense of guilt and the shadows of his past relationships. One of these an ill-fated marriage to the charming and beautiful Maggie, who went from operating a switchboard to become a self-destructive star - a singer everyone wanted a piece of • With tremendous psychological acuity and depth, and a brilliant, dreamlike structure, After the Fall is a literary masterpiece, drawing on Miller's own life - the story of a man striving to comprehend his feelings for his friends, family and the women he has loved
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Nexus is the third volume of the scandalous trilogy The Rosy Crucifixion, Henry Miller's major life work • The exhilarating final volume of Henry Miller's semi-autobiographical trilogy, Nexus follows his last months in New York. Trapped in a bizarre menage-a-trois with his fiery wife Mona and her lover Stasia, he finds his life descending into chaos. Finally, betrayed and exhausted, he decides to leave America and sail for Paris, to discover his true vocation as a writer
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Plexus is the second volume of the scandalous trilogy The Rosy Crucifixion, Henry Miller's major life work • Exploring one man's desperate desire for freedom, Plexus is the central volume of Henry Miller's scandalous semi-autobiographical trilogy The Rosy Crucifixion. It finds him in the midst of his stormy marriage to the volatile, duplicitous Mona, and joyfully quitting his dreary job for a hand-to-mouth existence in Brooklyn, as he takes his first steps towards becoming a writer
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Борьба добра со злом продолжается веками – в большинстве случаев мы становимся ее свидетелями, иногда, к сожалению, непосредственными участниками. Прогресс цивилизации сделал зло более изощренным, позволяя ему маскироваться, иногда даже под прикрытием благих намерений. Методы противодействия ему также развиваются, но, к сожалению, не столь быстро, как нам того хотелось бы. Казалось бы, извечная тема, о которой много было сказано, но научных исследований этой борьбы было проведено крайне мало. Авторы этой книги решили восполнить этот пробел, бросив своеобразный вызов всей области психологии, которая всегда старалась держаться в стороне от подобных этически спорных вопросов. Авторы предлагают фундаментальный анализ всевозможных проявлений зла, его форм, факторов (индивидуальных, социальных, ситуативных), последствий (как для самих инициаторов, так и для жертв, краткосрочных и долгосрочных), аргументируют причины появления и способы его избежать, затрагивают вопросы ответственности и мотивации, роли технологий и глобализации в распространении зла
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Артур Ивлин Сент-Джон Во (1903–1966) – выдающийся британский писатель, романист, журналист, эссеист, биограф, критик, один из тончайших стилистов в английской прозе ХХ века, признанный мастер черного юмора и остроумной, ядовитой сатиры, создатель гротескно-смешных фантазий, где причудливо преломляются жизненный уклад, психологические типы, сословные предрассудки, социальные язвы и идеологические парадоксы медленно, но верно уходящей в прошлое Британской империи • В книге представлен один из самых известных романов Ивлина Во «Пригоршня праха». Любовная интрижка со светским бездельником Джоном Бивером, затеянная от скуки леди Брендой Ласт, вскоре превращается в безрассудную страсть, которая приводит к драматичным последствиям: ее муж Тони, наивный идеалист и романтик, спрятавшийся от городской суеты в идиллическом поместье Хеттон и воображавший себя средневековым лендлордом, столкнувшись с изменой, внезапно обнаруживает, что его гармоничный и рационально устроенный мир обратился в «пригоршню праха»
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2 277 руб.
Penguin Readers is a graded reading series for English Language Teaching (ELT) markets, designed for teenagers and young adults learning English as a foreign or second language • In Yukon, Canada during the 1890s Klondike Gold Rush, strong sled dogs are in high demand. Buck is stolen from his comfortable home in California and sold into service as a sled dog in Alaska. Will he survive life in the wild? • Penguin Readers is a series of the best new fiction, essential non-fiction and popular classics written for learners of English as a foreign language. Beautifully illustrated and carefully adapted, the series introduces language learners around the world to the bestselling authors and most compelling content from Penguin Random House. The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework and include language activities that help readers to develop key skills
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Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online • Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content • The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers story comprehension and develop vocabulary
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