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Penguin Brain Food. How to Eat Smart and Sharpen Your Mind Mosconi Lisa

Penguin Brain Food. How to Eat Smart and Sharpen Your Mind Mosconi Lisa

цена 2 384 руб.
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Brain Food makes clear the connection between nutrition and our brain's health, focusing attention on how crucial dietary recommendations are - three eggs, for example, provide the daily amount of brain super-nutrients that are often deficient in Alzheimer's patients. Based partly on her own discoveries, and using dynamic dietary concepts and emerging science, such as the connection between the brain and the gut, Dr Lisa Mosconi expertly reveals the importance of starting work to prevent dementia, stress and memory loss now, no matter how old we are • Innovative and timely, and with accompanying recipes and guides to show each of us how we can most effectively change our diets, Brain Food demonstrates how being smart about our diet can make us smarter overall подробнее
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