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Penguin Asylums. Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates Goffman Erving

Penguin Asylums. Essays on the Social Situation of Mental Patients and Other Inmates Goffman Erving

цена 3 099 руб.
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Asylums presents four interlinked essays that explore life in the 'total institutions': the closed systems of prisons, boarding schools, nursing homes and, most importantly, mental institutions. Focusing on the relationship between an inmate and the institution that contains them, Goffman unpicks how lives are managed 'on the inside', and how the setting more often than not works against the inmate's best interests • A radical exploration of the institutions that rule over the lives of men, women and children, Asylums is one of Erving Goffman's most insightful and long-lived works подробнее
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