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Hodder & Stoughton Malory Towers. Collection 3. Books 7-9 Blyton Enid, Cox Pamela

Hodder & Stoughton Malory Towers. Collection 3. Books 7-9 Blyton Enid, Cox Pamela

цена 1 806 руб.
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There's more to life than lessons at Malory Towers, Enid Blyton's best-loved boarding school series. This fantastic bumper collection contains Malory Towers books 7-9, with a brand-new cover illustrated by Pippa Curnick • New Term • Felicity Rivers is excited to be Head Girl of the third form and there are three new girls to help settle in this term. But Felicity's in for a shock when someone starts playing spiteful tricks. The girls suspect an old enemy is to blame. How will they find out for sure? • Summer Term • Summer at Malory Towers means picnics, swimming and horse-riding. There are also the usual tricks to play and secrets to keep, but no one was expecting a mystery to solve. So when a horse is stolen from the riding school run by old girls Bill and Clarissa, all the third-formers want to help подробнее
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There's more to life than lessons at Malory Towers, Enid Blyton's best-loved boarding school series. This fantastic bumper collection contains Malory Towers books 10-12, with a brand-new cover illustrated by Pippa Curnick • Fun and Games • It's competition time at Malory Towers and this term there's a tennis tournament and a music prize to be won! Tensions are running high, with games captain June and orchestra leader Millicent willing to do anything to succeed. But the girls have more to worry about when belongings start disappearing from dorms • Secrets • Mischievous Daffy loves playing tricks, but when she goes too far, there are a few surprises in store . . . Meanwhile, there's something familiar about new pupil Alice. The girls are certain they've met her before - could she be hiding a secret? • Goodbye • Head Girl Felicity Rivers can hardly believe it's nearly time to leave her beloved school
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There's more to life than lessons at Malory Towers, Enid Blyton's best-loved boarding school series. This fantastic bumper collection contains Malory Towers books 4-6, with a brand-new cover illustrated by Pippa Curnick • Upper Fourth • Darrell Rivers is Head Girl of her class and her sister Felicity has joined Malory Towers. It looks set to be a wonderful term until Felicity makes friends with young trouble-maker June. With twins Connie and Ruth causing problems in their form too, Darrell's first term in charge is a big challenge • In the Fifth • Now that Darrell Rivers and her friends are fifth-formers, it's their turn to produce the school play. There is plenty of talent on show but everyone has their own ideas and competition for the starring role is fierce
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This book is a novelisation of the whole of the gripping new CBBC/Family Channel series • When Darrell joins Malory Towers, she's thrilled to be at the beautiful boarding school on the Cornish coast. There are new friends to make, lacrosse games to play, midnight feasts to eat and many stories to share. Should Darrell believe lively Alicia's tale of a school ghost? Are there some stories of her own that Darrell would rather keep to herself? As soon as she meets spiky, spoilt new girl Gwendoline, Darrell knows it's going to be a struggle to hide her secret and keep hold of her famously hot temper
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In book five, a sinister-looking man gets George in trouble with the police. The Secret Seven are outraged. Spying on him, the gang are certain he's bad news, but what exactly is he up to? They need to investigate, and solve the mystery, once and for all • Solve the mystery! • Cover and inside illustrations are by the brilliant Tony Ross, illustrator of David Walliams's books. The story was first published in 1953. This edition features the classic text and comes with a Bonus Blyton section at the back with quizzes, puzzles and other bonus extras! • Enid Blyton , The Secret Seven and Enid Blyton's signature are Registered Trademarks of Hodder and Stoughton Limited. No trademark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trademark and copyright owner
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The Secret Seven are Peter and his sister Janet, Jack, Colin, George, Pam and Barbara. They meet every holiday in the shed at the bottom of Peter and Janet's garden - and solve mysteries, and eat lots of delicious food. But no one can enter the shed without whispering the secret password! There are 15 Secret Seven novels, and a collection of short stories. What on earth would the Secret Seven do without Scamper the spaniel • First he discovers an unwanted visitor - then he protects them as they spy on a thief late at night in Bramley Woods! • Each book features rarely seen bonus Blyton: extra stories, a quiz, additional artwork and insights into Blyton's life and writing process
My-shop.ru г. Москва
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The Secret Seven are Peter and his sister Janet, Jack, Colin, George, Pam and Barbara. They meet every holiday in the shed at the bottom of Peter and Janet's garden - and solve mysteries, and eat lots of delicious food. But no one can enter the shed without whispering the secret password! There are 15 Secret Seven novels, and a collection of short stories • There are strange happenings at Torling Castle. Someone is hiding out in the ruined tower, making the resident jackdaws very unsettled • Who is it - and what do they want The Secret Seven are on to it • Each book features rarely seen bonus Blyton: extra stories, a quiz, additional artwork and insights into Blyton's life and writing process
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 317 руб.
The Secret Seven are Peter and his sister Janet, Jack, Colin, George, Pam and Barbara. They meet every holiday in the shed at the bottom of Peter and Janet's garden - and solve mysteries, and eat lots of delicious food. But no one can enter the shed without whispering the secret password! There are 15 Secret Seven novels, and a collection of short stories • When Peter and Jack go looking for their lost model aeroplane in an old abandoned house, they find a lit fire in one of the rooms. So who is living there, and why • Looks like the Secret Seven have another interesting case to solve • Each book features rarely seen bonus Blyton: extra stories, a quiz, additional artwork and insights into Blyton's life and writing process
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Solve the mystery with the Secret Seven - everyone's favourite detective club! These timeless stories are perfect for young fans of mystery, adventure or detective series. Also available in audiobook! • In book seven, the Secret Seven have a fantastic new hiding place, but somebody else has been using it too. Whoever it is is going there at night, and the gang are determined to catch the cheeky intruder, whatever it takes • Solve the mystery! • Cover and inside illustrations are by the brilliant Tony Ross, illustrator of David Walliams's books. The story was first published in 1955. This edition features the classic text and comes with a Bonus Blyton section at the back with quizzes, puzzles and other bonus extras!
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1 264 руб.
Знакомьтесь: это Джулиан, Дик, Энн, Джордж (ни в коем случае не называйте её Джорджиной!) и пёс Тимоти. Вместе они Знаменитая Пятёрка – герои самого популярного цикла Энид Блайтон • «Последнее приключение лета» – девятая книга об их приключениях. В ней у Пятёрки появляется повод для беспокойства: Джордж и её верный пёс куда-то пропали. Мало того, в Киррин-коттедж ещё и пробрались воры! Может, эти два несчастья как-то связаны между собой? • Смогут ли Дик, Джулиан и Энн найти Джордж и Тимми? • Данное издание с новой обложкой от художницы Лоры Эллен Андерсон несомненно привлечёт внимание нового поколения читателей к этой нестареющей классике детского детектива • Книга на английском языке • «Знаменитая пятёрка» – один из известнейших англоязычных циклов детской литературы, начавшийся с романа «На острове сокровищ»
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1 415 руб.
Знакомьтесь: это Джулиан, Дик, Энн, Джордж (ни в коем случае не называйте её Джорджиной!) и пёс Тимоти. Вместе они Знаменитая Пятёрка – герои самого популярного цикла Энид Блайтон • Мало того, что юные сыщики нахватали плохих оценок и вынуждены сидеть в четырёх стенах с репетитором, так ещё и Киррин-коттеджу угрожает вор. Пятёрке кажется, что они знают имя виновника, но им не хватает доказательств. И тут они находят загадочную и очень старую карту. Поможет ли она раскрыть дело? • Данное издание с новой обложкой от художницы Лоры Эллен Андерсон несомненно привлечёт внимание нового поколения читателей к этой нестареющей классике детского детектива • «Знаменитая пятёрка» – один из известнейших англоязычных циклов детской литературы, начавшийся с романа «На острове сокровищ»
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 264 руб.
Знакомьтесь: это Джулиан, Дик, Энн, Джордж (ни в коем случае не называйте её Джорджиной!) и пёс Тимоти. Вместе они Знаменитая Пятёрка – герои самого популярного цикла Энид Блайтон • «Возвращение на остров сокровищ» – третья книга об их приключениях. В ней ребята выясняют, что кто-то вернулся на остров Киррин. А ещё им предстоит раскрыть тайну запертого сундука, спрятанного где-то на острове сокровищ. Пятёрка уверена: они вышли на след контрабандистов! Но однажды ночью они слышат детский крик, и это меняет всё • Данное издание с новой обложкой от художницы Лоры Эллен Андерсон несомненно привлечёт внимание нового поколения читателей к этой нестареющей классике детского детектива • «Знаменитая пятёрка» – один из известнейших англоязычных циклов детской литературы, начавшийся с романа «На острове сокровищ»
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 264 руб.
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