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Headline The Olive Branch Thomas Jo

Headline The Olive Branch Thomas Jo

цена 2 162 руб.
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You can buy almost anything online these days. For Ruthie Collins, it was an Italian farmhouse • Yet as she battles with a territorial goat and torrential rain just to get through the door of her new Italian home, the words of Ed, her ex, are ringing in her ears. She is daft, impetuous and irresponsible • But Ruthie is determined to turn things around and live the dream • First, though, she must win over her fiery neighbour, Marco Bellanouvo, and his family... Then there's the small matter of running an olive farm. As the seasons change and new roots are put down, olives and romance might just flourish in the warmth of the Mediterranean sun подробнее
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Could the lemon groves of Sicily be the perfect place to start over? The irresistible new novel from Jo Thomas, the author of Sunset Over the Cherry Orchard, will transport you to the island of mountains and sparkling blue seas • When life hands you lemons ... is it ever too late for a second chance? • Zelda's impulsive nature has got her precisely nowhere up until now. A fresh start in a beautiful hilltop town in Sicily looking for new residents, together with her best friend Lennie, could be just what she needs. And who better to settle down with than the person who knows her best? • But the sun-filled skies and sparkling seas can't hide the shadow hanging over Citta d'Ora, which means not everyone is pleased to see their arrival. The dreams Zelda and her fellow new residents had of setting up a new life might be slipping away
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"Поздним летом на винограднике" • - любовный роман Джо Томас • Эмми Бриджес получила возможность, которая выпадает раз в жизни • Что может быть лучше, чем три месяца работы у винодела на холмистых виноградниках Франции? • Это, безусловно, меняет подход к организации офисных коллекций и покупке подарков для свадеб коллег и младенцев. Особенно учитывая, что в ближайшее время не будет ни одной для Эмми • Но по мере того, как Эмми будет справляться с амбициозными коллегами и любовными заигрываниями, она поймет, что самые лучшие - и самые неожиданные - вещи случаются, когда ты доверяешь своим инстинктам • Пришло время отпустить прошлое и, наконец, начать жить • Книга на английском языке • Emmy Bridges has landed the opportunity of a lifetime • What could be better than three months working for a winemaker in the rolling vineyards of France? • It certainly makes a change from organising office collections to buy gifts for colleagues' weddings and babies
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Jodi Taylor, author of the internationally bestselling Chronicles of St Mary's series, brings all her comic writing skills to this heart-warming tale of self-discovery • Getting a life isn't always easy. And hanging on to it is even harder • Known as 'The Nothing Girl' because of her severe stutter and chronically low self-confidence, Jenny Dove is only just prevented from ending it all by the sudden appearance of Thomas, a mystical golden horse only she can see. Under his guidance, Jenny unexpectedly acquires a husband - the charming and chaotic Russell Checkland - and for her, nothing will ever be the same again • With over-protective relatives on one hand and the world's most erratic spouse on the other, Jenny needs to become Someone. And fast!
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Set in seventeenth-century Iran, The Blood of Flowers is the powerful and haunting story of a young girl's journey from innocence to adulthood • The novel begins in the 1620s in a remote village where the narrator (whose name, in the Iranian storytelling tradition, we are never to know) lives with her mother and rug-maker father. On the sudden death of her father, our heroine and her mother fall upon hard times and are forced to travel to the bustling, beautiful, exotic city of Isfahan where relatives take them in • Everything is new: the grudging charity of her aunt, the encouragement of her uncle, one of the finest carpet-makers in the world, who begins to teach her his craft, the treacherous friendship of the daughter of rich neighbours. And there's an adventure ahead which will introduce her to the sensual side of life as well as to the cruelty of betrayal and rejection before she finds her way to contentment and possibly, even, to happiness, in a world full of contrasts and dangers
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London, 1947: Besieged by a harsh winter, burdened by shortages and rationing, the people of post-war Britain are suffering despite their nation's recent victory. For Ann Hughes and Miriam Dassin, embroiderers at the famed Mayfair fashion house of Norman Hartnell, a glimmer of brightness comes in the form of their unlikely friendship and being chosen for a once-in-a-lifetime honour: taking part in the creation of Princess Elizabeth's wedding gown • Toronto, 2016: Heather Mackenzie seeks to unravel the mystery of a legacy from her late grandmother. How did her beloved nan, who never spoke of her old life in Britain, come to possess the priceless embroideries that so closely resemble the motifs on the stunning gown worn by Queen Elizabeth II at her wedding almost seventy years before? And what was her nan's connection to the celebrated textile artist and Holocaust survivor Miriam Dassin? • With The Gown, Jennifer Robson takes us inside the workrooms where one of the most famous wedding gowns in history was created to tell a story of women whose lives are woven together by the pain of survival, the bonds of friendship, and the redemptive power of love
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1919: Sir Edward Horner, the most celebrated artist of his day, destroys his world-famous painting, The Little Birds, shortly before his death. But why? • The new novel by Sunday Times bestseller Harriet Evans is the unputdownable tale of a family torn apart and the house they lived in. Harriet writes the most delicious, epic stories from the heart since Maeve Binchy and Kate Morton • Millions around the world once queued up to see the painting that captured a perfect moment: Horner's two children, John and Eliza, playing in the garden of their magical, mysterious Nightingale House, the family home he and his wife created deep in the heart of the English countryside • But such moments cannot last for ever • Almost a century later, Horner's great-granddaughter Juliet inherits Nightingale House, now weighed down with unspoken secrets
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