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Harpercollins The Adventures of Paddington. A Busy Bear's Big Sticker Book Holowaty Lauren

Harpercollins The Adventures of Paddington. A Busy Bear's Big Sticker Book Holowaty Lauren

цена 1 476 руб.
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"Приключения Паддингтона. Большая книга с наклейками" - фантастическая новая книжка, основанная на популярном телесериале "Приключения Паддингтона", с большим количеством наклеек! • Множество интересных головоломок, заданий, раскрасок и наклеек доставит много радости маленьким медвежатам! • Книга на английском языке • A fantastic new Paddington bumper activity book based on the hit TV series The Adventures of Paddington with lots and lots of stickers! • Join Paddington Bear and the Browns for loads of fun puzzles, activities, colouring pages and sticker scenes based on their laugh-out-loud adventures at 32 Windsor Gardens. With loads and loads of stickers, this book will provide endless fun for little cubs подробнее
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Eddie Albert and the amazing animal gang are back! • Eddie and best friend Flo are spending the Easter holidays on the Romney Marshes with Aunt Budge and all his animals - Butch the dog, Bunty the hamster and pirate goldfish Dan and Jake • When the terrible Rancid Twins arrive in town, set on uncovering the secret mystery of the smugglers' treasure, Eddie and Flo are drawn into a thrilling new adventure. Eddie must use his ability to speak to animals to enlist the help of two elegant alpaca, a friendly sheep called Doris and a famous film-star rabbit to save the day and reveal a treasure of epic proportions • Action-packed and hilarious, Eddie Albert is a technicolour cinematic adventure full of friendship, animals… and, of course, a wicked sense of humour
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The story of a naughty wooden puppet who has a penchant for lying and dreams of becoming a real boy, The Adventures of Pinocchio has entered our collective imagination and fascinated generations of young and adult readers since its first publication in 1883. Part fable, part coming-of-age novel, part cautionary tale, Pinocchio’s rollicking exploits through an unforgiving and often incomprehensible world – populated by unforgettable characters such as the Talking Cricket, Candlewick, Mangiafuoco and the Fairy with Turquoise Hair – have had a profound impact on our culture and attained universal significance as a mirror of the human condition • Here presented in a brand-new and lively translation by Stephen Parkin and illustrated beautifully by Peter Bailey, this edition of The Adventures of Pinocchio brings extra sparkle to one of the greatest and most celebrated works of children’s literature
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Если вам нравится звук сплава по могучей Миссисипи, то "Приключения Гекльберри Финна" Марка Твена - это история для вас! Это издание не только включает полный текст без сокращений, но и содержит множество дополнительных материалов, которые помогут вам извлечь максимальную пользу из истории, и дает множество рекомендаций по другим приключениям, которые могут вам понравиться • Книга на английском языке • If you like the sound of rafting down the mighty Mississippi then The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is the story for you! Not only does this edition include the complete, unabridged text, it is also full of extra material to help you get the most from the story and gives lots of recommendations for other adventures you might enjoy
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