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Harpercollins My Decade in the Premier League Rooney Wayne

Harpercollins My Decade in the Premier League Rooney Wayne

цена 1 763 руб.
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‘My Decade in the Premier League’ is Wayne’s first hand account of his 10 years playing at the highest level in English football – and for the biggest club in the world. This is his inside story of life on the pitch for Manchester Utd; the League titles, FA Cups, League Cups and Champions League adventures. A must for any Utd fan • Wayne Rooney is widely regarded as one of the leading football players of his generation. A talisman for Manchester United, since his move to the club in 2004, Rooney is their star player and an all-time great at the club • In the 10 years since he made his debut as a 16 year old for Everton, he has acquired trophy after trophy, accolade after accolade and headline after headline • ‘My Decade in the Premier League’ is the inside account of life as a Premier League footballer from the man every one wants to hear from подробнее
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"Танит Лоу в "Малефисенте"" - блестящий, веселый роман от автора бестселлеров номер один Дерека Лэнди • На этот раз на сцену выходят плохие парни • Танит Лоу вербует банду злодеев, чтобы выследить и украсть четыре оружия уровня Убийцы Богов, которые могут навредить Даркесс, когда она в конце концов появится. Также по следу оружия идет тайная группа магов Санктуария, и некто Мистер Ужасный делает все возможное, чтобы не отставать и сохранить Танит в живых • Когда злодеи вокруг нее лгут, плетут интриги и заговоры, Танит нужно быть на два шага впереди своих товарищей по команде и врагов. В конце концов, у нее есть свои собственные планы обмана - и она сама злодейка • Книга на английском языке • A brilliant, hilarious one-off novel in the Skulduggery Pleasant universe, from number-one-bestselling author Derek Landy - now in paperback
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How did English football - once known for its stale pies, bad book-keeping and hooligans - become a commercial powerhouse and the world's premium popular entertainment? • This was a business empire built in only twenty-five years on ambition, experimentation and gambler's luck. Lead by a motley cast of executives, Russian oligarchs, Arab Sheikhs, Asian Titans, American Tycoons, battle-hardened managers, ruthless agents and the Murdoch media - the Premier League has been carved up, rebranded and exported to phenomenal 185 countries. The United Nations only recognizes 193 • But the extraordinary profit of bringing England's ageing industrial towns to a compulsive global attention has come at a cost. Today, as players are sold for hundreds of millions and clubs are valued in the billions, local fans are being priced out - and the clubs' local identities are fading
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The witty and perceptive diaries kept by Cecil Beaton's authorised biographer during his many fascinating encounters with extraordinary - often legendary - characters in his search for the real Cecil Beaton • Hugo Vickers's life took a dramatic turn in 1979 when the legendary Sir Cecil Beaton invited him to be his authorised biographer. The excitement of working with the famous photographer was dashed only days later when Cecil Beaton died. But the journey had begun - Vickers was entrusted with Beaton's papers, diaries and, most importantly, access to his friends and contemporaries. The resulting book, first published in 1985, was a bestseller • In Malice in Wonderland, Vickers shares excerpts from his personal diaries kept during this period
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Эффекты: антибактериальный эффект • Тип кожи: любой • Объем: 12 шт • Гигиенические прокладки Oh! My Pads от Consly - это тонкие прокладки с крылышками, которые обеспечивают надежную защиту и комфорт во время месячных • Они незаметны при использовании, но гарантируют безопасность и уверенность во время менструации. Высокая впитываемость и дышащий материал обеспечивают сухость в течение всего дня • Прокладки защищают от протеканий и способствуют поддержанию чистоты и свежести, благодаря анионовому чипу • Способ применения: удалите защитную бумагу с клеевой полосы и закрепите прокладку на внутренней поверхности белья. Для поддержания гигиены рекомендуется менять прокладку каждые 4-6 часов. Утилизируйте прокладки, заворачивая их в специальные гигиенические пакеты и выбрасывая в мусорный контейнер
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