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Green Tree Strong, Calm and Free. A modern guide to yoga, meditation and mindful living Hobbs Nicola Jane

Green Tree Strong, Calm and Free. A modern guide to yoga, meditation and mindful living Hobbs Nicola Jane

цена 3 906 руб.
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If you have always wanted to live more peacefully, love more fully, and discover a deeper, more meaningful spiritual life, yoga is the path • Heartfelt and deeply practical, Strong, Calm and Free brings alive the possibility of a life of inner peace, compassion and joy. Grounded in both modern science and ancient wisdom, this beautiful and inspiring book demystifies the philosophy and psychology of yoga, making the 4000-year old practice accessible for modern life • Whether you've never stepped foot on a yoga mat before or want to deepen your home practice, this beautifully-illustrated book is suitable for all abilities, gently guiding you through a ten-week journey of yoga sequences, meditations and mindful living practices that will build strength, bring insight and offer a path to healing and freedom подробнее
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