г. Москва, Московская область
ГЭОТАР-Медиа Biochemistry of connective tissue. Biochemistry Губарева Александра Евгеньевна, Глухов Александр Иванович, Голенченко Вера Александровна

ГЭОТАР-Медиа Biochemistry of connective tissue. Biochemistry Губарева Александра Евгеньевна, Глухов Александр Иванович, Голенченко Вера Александровна

цена 1 031 руб.
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This tutorial contains information about the connective tissue chemical structure and metabolism, as well as the oral fluid chemical composition and functions. The book reviews the issues of dental caries and periodontal diseases pathogenesis. The manual consists of two parts and includes clinical cases. The tutorial is designed for students of specialty "Dentistry" studying biochemistry in English. The book was prepared in accordance with the curriculum approved by the Educational Board of the Faculty of Dentistry, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University подробнее
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This textbook is based on the Biochemistry lecture course of the Biological Chemistry Department, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. The textbook focuses on the modern basic principles of Biochemistry. This fi rst edition comprehensively covers the molecular basics of the human organism functioning in normal conditions and during adaptation to the changing environment. The book also provides modern insight into the molecular mechanisms of the most common human pathological conditions. Each topic includes the appropriate tests and situational problems, allowing to study the material more interactively and train students in clinical problem solving and diagnostic reasoning • The book “Essential Biochemistry for Medical Students with Problem-Solving Exercises” is intended for medical and pharmacy students studying in English, Biochemistry postgraduate students, and teachers
My-shop.ru г. Москва
4 333 руб.
This textbook is aimed at mastering theoretical foundations of legal science, basic provisions of the leading branches of Russian law and legal regulations in the fi eld of healthcare. This edition contributes to the formation of general cultural and professional competencies necessary for the main types of practical professional activities and skills in applying legal norms to specifi c legally signifi cant facts of medical workers • The textbook is written in compliance with the Federal Educational Standard and is intended for students of the medical faculty of medical universities studying the specialty 31.05.01 “General Medicine”
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 388 руб.
This issue is the second enlarged edition of the textbook ‘Sociology of Medicine’ byAcademician of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Social Science Doctor, Doctorof Medicine, and Professor A.V. Reshetnikov. This manual analyzes the evolution, theplace and future development of sociology of medicine in the system of modern scientificknowledge and in the practice of social systems functioning. The textbook sets outsystematic knowledge on the most important topics and areas of sociology of medicinewhich give an idea of the continuity of the formation of medical and sociological concepts, theories, and medicine and health care models, patterns of formulation of medicaland sociological problems and research in these fields, scientific instruments, rulesof evaluation of scientific and practical activities in the health care system
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 647 руб.
The manual covers the history of therapeutic dentistry, standards and requirements for the organization of dental care, principles of infection control, recommendations about keeping medical records, basic and special methods of examining the dental patient, as well as anatomy of oral organs and tissues, theories about the origin and pathogenesis of caries, microbiology of the oral cavity and techniques of removing dental plaque, treatment of carious and non-carious lesions, as well as the etiology, pathogenesis and methods of treating disorders of the pulp and periapical tissues. These issues • are considered from the point of view of current knowledge and in accordance with the principles of evidence-based medicine • The manual is intended for English speaking students of Dentistry departments at medical schools in Russia
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 785 руб.
This book provides essential facts of human anatomy for medical students. It demonstrates the basic knowledge for exam preparation and practice review of visual experiences. Plenty of clear illustrations (more than 900 pictures, radiographic and cross-sectional images) help students memorize the topics of anatomy. Modern imaging technologies allow the depiction of organs and systems in a variety of ways to gain thorough knowledge and to link to the clinical setting. The content of the book corresponds to the Federal Program for medical education • Material is divided according to systemic anatomy into three volumes. Volume 3 contains information about nervous system structure (Central, Peripheral, Autonomic nervous systems) and sense organs
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 146 руб.
This book provides essential facts of human anatomy for medical students. It demonstrates the basic knowledge for exam preparation and practice review of visual experiences. Plenty of clear illustrations (more than 900 pictures, radiographic and cross-sectional images) help students memorize the topics of anatomy. Modern imaging technologies allow the depiction of organs and systems in a variety of ways to gain thorough knowledge and to link to the clinical setting. The content of the book corresponds to the Federal Program for medical education • Material is divided according to systemic anatomy into three volumes. Volume 2 contains information about internal organs development (Respiratory, Urinary, Reproductive, Lymphoid, Cardiovascular systems and Endocrine glands)
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 934 руб.
This book provides essential facts of human anatomy for medical students. It demonstrates the basic knowledge for exam preparation and practice review of visual experiences. Plenty of clear illustrations (more than • 900 pictures, radiographic and cross-sectional images) help students memorize the topics of anatomy. Modern imaging technologies allow the depiction of organs and systems in a variety of ways to gain thorough knowledge and to link to the clinical setting. The content of the book corresponds to the Federal Program for medical education • Material is divided according to systemic anatomy into three volumes. Volume 1 contains Introduction, Human development, and Locomotor apparatus
My-shop.ru г. Москва
4 533 руб.
The textbook is based on modern organic chemistry and considers the structure and chemical transformations of organic compounds, especially those that have biological importance. Special attention is given to the chemical reactions that have analogies in living systems. The book contains about 250 tasks on all topics and solutions for them • This book conforms to the Federal Educational Program on Bioorganic Chemistry for medical schools and universities. It is meant for students who study Bioorganic Chemistry during one term. The book may also be useful for teachers and students of specialized sec ondary schools with instruction conducted in English and colleges, whose main interest is medicine, pharmacy, biology and agriculture
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 731 руб.
Практическая ценность руководства заключается в том, что, помимо описания лекарственных препаратов, используемых в работе фельдшера (в том числе фельдшера с возложенными функциями лечащего врача), приведены посиндромные укладки для оказания неотложной помощи • Для удобства использования и формирования рекомендаций пациентам лекарственные препараты имеют цветовую маркировку (градацию стоимости — низкая, средняя, высокая) • Отдельная глава посвящена вопросам федеральных и региональных льгот на лекарственные препараты. Особое внимание уделено проблеме мониторинга эффективности и безопасности лекарственных препаратов и системе сбора информации о нежелательных последствиях их применения. В книге также рассмотрен алгоритм действий для выписывания рецепта, даны формы рецептурных бланков и указан порядок их заполнения
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 242 руб.
Руководство подготовлено специалистами Санкт-Петербургского НИИ скорой помощи им. И.И. Джанелидзе, Военно-медицинской академии им. С.М. Кирова и Северо-Западного государственного медицинского университета им. И.И. Мечникова на основании многолетнего опыта по обследованию и лечению пострадавших и раненых с тяжелой сочетанной механической травмой, а также анализа сведений современной литературы по этой проблеме. Освещены вопросы клиники, диагностики и лечения тяжелых механических повреждений всех частей тела • Особое внимание уделено использованию способов оценки тяжести повреждений и травмы, лечебно-тактического прогнозирования, тактики Damage Control, современных высокотехнологичных лечебно-диагностических лучевых (МСКТ, МРТ, ангиография, ультрасонография), рентгенэндоваскулярных, эндоскопических, эндовидеохирургических и малоинвазивных травматологических методов
My-shop.ru г. Москва
7 795 руб.
В атласе изложены этапы дооперационной, интраоперационной и послеоперационной специфической диагностики болезней околощитовидных желез, продемонстрированы возможности и недостатки различных методик выполнения паратиреоидэктомии (открытые вмешательства, видеоассистированные, субаксиллярные, трансоральные и др.), а также современной хирургической аппаратуры • Приведено описание хирургической техники паратиреоидэктомии как при традиционном подходе — билатеральной ревизии шеи, так и при минимально инвазивных подходах — методике открытой минимально инвазивной, видеоассистированной, повторной паратиреоидэктомии, а также трансоральной эндоскопической паратиреоидэктомии через вестибулярный доступ и эндоскопической латеральной паратиреоидэктомии. В каждой главе представлено клиническое наблюдение, определяющее выбор хирургического вмешательства
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 037 руб.
Второе издание национального руководства по детской хирургии содержит актуальную информацию о диагностике и лечении основных пороков развития и хирургических заболеваний детского возраста (головы и шеи, грудной клетки, брюшной полости и забрюшинного пространства, мочеполовой системы, опорно-двигательного аппарата) с учетом возрастных особенностей детского организма. Большое внимание уделено современным методам диагностики и лечения, включая эндоскопические и мини-инвазивные • В подготовке настоящего издания в качестве авторов-составителей и рецензентов принимали участие ведущие детские хирурги. Все рекомендации прошли этап независимого рецензирования • Руководство предназначено детским хирургам, педиатрам, хирургам общего профиля, врачам смежных специальностей, клиническим интернам и ординаторам, аспирантам, студентам старших курсов медицинских вузов
My-shop.ru г. Москва
7 406 руб.
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