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Faber and Faber All My Puny Sorrows Тэйвз Мириам

Faber and Faber All My Puny Sorrows Тэйвз Мириам

цена 1 853 руб.
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Elf and Yoli are two smart, loving sisters • Elf is a world-renowned pianist, glamorous, wealthy, happily married: she wants to die • Yoli is divorced, broke, sleeping with the wrong men: she desperately wants to keep her older sister alive • When Elf’s latest suicide attempt leaves her hospitalised weeks before her highly anticipated world tour, Yoli is forced to confront the impossible question of whether it is better to let a loved one go подробнее
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Faber Stories, a landmark series of individual volumes, presents masters of the short story form at work in a range of genres and styles • Between his second and third tours of duty, a soldier returns home • To his former home, that is, using an old key while the new tenant is at work. Is he re-entering his old life or borrowing someone else’s? Where is the line he will not cross? Each day is the same: he exists in a state of suspension, barely knowing how he passes the time – until someone else intrudes on the intruder • Adrian Tomine, graphic master of alienation and regret, expertly expands the form to express the unsaid and the unbearable in this unforgettable evocation of a post-traumatic life • Bringing together past, present and future in our ninetieth year, Faber Stories is a celebratory compendium of collectable work
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