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Everyman The Scarlet Letter Готорн Натаниель

Everyman The Scarlet Letter Готорн Натаниель

цена 2 559 руб.
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The Scarlet Letter is the story of Hester Prynne, a woman taken in adultery, arraigned by her Puritan community, and abandoned by her husband and her lover – a gripping narrative which provides the framework for the author’s reflections on the metaphysics of good and evil. Often hailed as the first great American novel, Hawthorne’s masterpiece combines moral force with austere beauty and acute psychology подробнее
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Безумно романтичная и чрезвычайно влиятельная "Алая буква" Натаниэля Готорна - это история об Эстер Принн, заключенной в тюрьму, публично опозоренной и вынужденной носить алую букву "А" за прелюбодеяние и рождение внебрачного ребенка Перл • Повествование о женщине, несущей свой "позор" с высоко поднятой головой, о ее бесконечной силе духа • Книга на английском языке • The Penguin English Library Edition of The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne • 'Shame, Despair, Solitude! These had been her teachers, - stern and wild ones, - and they had made her strong, but taught her much amiss' • Fiercely romantic and hugely influential, The Scarlet Letter is the tale of Hester Prynne, imprisoned, publicly shamed, and forced to wear a scarlet 'A' for committing adultery and bearing an illegitimate child, Pearl
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Roger Chillingworth arrives in New England after two years' separation from his wife, Hester Prynne, to find her on trial for adultery. She refuses to reveal her lover and is sentenced to wear a scarlet letter 'A' sewn onto her clothes. Resolving to discover the man's identity, Roger sets out to destroy his rival, while Hester desperately tries to protect her illegitimate daughter from a society determined to condemn them both • A smash hit in its day, The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne is the gripping tale of three New England settlers at odds with the seventeenth-century Puritan society in which they live, and remains one of literature's most evocative portraits of a love triangle • This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The Scarlet Letter features an afterword by broadcaster Jonty Claypole
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Пожилой муж Эстер Принн неожиданно возвращается в их деревню в Новой Англии и обнаруживает, что его жена кормит грудью незаконнорожденного ребенка и на ее платье вышита алая буква "А" - "прелюбодейка". В то время как ее муж отправляется на мстительную охоту за отцом ребенка, Эстер отказывается называть его имя, потому что он занимает почетное положение в пуританском сообществе. В отчаянии влюбленные составляют тайный план бегства в Европу вместе со своей маленькой дочерью. Классическая повесть, которая вызвала ажиотаж в Америке 1850-х годов и остается важной вехой в американской художественной литературе • Книга на английском языке • The elderly husband of Hester Prynne returns unexpectedly to their New England village to find his wife nursing an illegitimate baby and wearing a scarlet letter 'A' - for Adulteress - embroidered on her dress
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The classic American novel, rejacketed with a new foreword by Tom Perotta and introduction by Hawthorne scholar Robert Milder • Set in the harsh Puritan community of 17th century Boston, this is a tale of an adulterous entanglement that results in an illegitimate birth. The mother of the child, Hester Prynne, is publicly disgraced and ostracized but emerges as the first true heroine of American fiction
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"Одна из величайших аллегорий во всей литературе» Д. Х. Лоуренс • Эстер Принн — красивая молодая женщина и изгой. В глазах соседей она совершила непростительный грех. Все знают, что ее маленькая дочь Перл родилась вне брака, но никто не знает личности отца Перл. Отказ Эстер назвать его имя вызывает еще большее осуждения со стороны окружающих. Но она стойко переносит общественное презрение, даже когда ее заставляют носить знак ее позора, вышитый на ее одежде: алую букву «А», означающую «Прелюбодейка» • язык издания: Английский • 'One of the greatest allegories in all literature' D.H. Lawrence • Hester Prynne is a beautiful young woman. She is also an outcast. In the eyes of her neighbours she has committed an unforgivable sin. Everyone knows that her little daughter, Pearl, is the product of an illicit affair but no one knows the identity of Pearl's father
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A tale of sin, punishment and atonement, The Scarlet Letter exposes the moral rigidity of a 17th-Century 'puritan New England community when faced with the illegitimate child of a young mother. Regarded as the first real heroine of American fiction, it is Hester Prynne's strength of character that resonates with the reader when her harsh sentence is cast. It is in her refusal to reveal he identity of the father in the face of her accusers hat Hawthorne champions his heroine and berates he weakness of society for attacking the innocent
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The Scarlet Letter: A Romance is considered to be Hawthorne's "masterwork". Set in 17th-century Puritan Boston, it tells the story of Hester Prynne, who conceives a daughter through an affair and struggles to create a new life of repentance and dignity. Throughout the book, Hawthorne explores themes of legalism, sin, and guilt
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The Scarlet Letter Collection от Jim Thompson (W01024/03 (JT021024/003)) – универсальны и на 100% соответствуют, если вы ищете обои следующих тематик: мелкие цветы, цветочные композиции, цветы, шинуазри / chinoiserie. Цветовая гамма и орнамент обоев Jim Thompson подчеркнут роскошность и стилистику интерьера. Они удачно комбинируют как с искусственной, так и с естественной подачей света, умело играя с разным типом освещения
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Travel back to a time when divine beings mixed with mortals, when heroes battled sorcerers, and nature was a mysterious realm ruled by beautiful and dangerous deities • From the legends of Hercules and the Titans, to the tales of the underworld and the destruction of Troy, this elegant collection contains more than 40 fascinating tales retold by a selection of expert storytellers • Beautifully illustrated with dramatic scenes from master artists of previous centuries, these enduring myths have formed a major part of Western culture for millennia and continue to capture our imaginations today
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