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Ebury Press How to Build a Girl Moran Caitlin

Ebury Press How to Build a Girl Moran Caitlin

цена 1 485 руб.
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My name’s Johanna Morrigan. I’m fourteen, and I’ve just decided to kill myself • I don’t really want to die, of course! I just need to kill Johanna, and build a new girl. Dolly Wilde will be everything I want to be, and more! But as with all the best coming-of-age stories, it doesn’t exactly go to plan… подробнее
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Ты становишься футболистом, потому что любишь футбол. А потом ты становишься футболистом и внезапно оказываешься в самом странном, сбивающем с толку мире из всех возможных. Мир, в котором один товарищ по команде приходит на тренировку в ярко-красном костюме, цилиндре в тон, трости и очках без стекол, а у другого так много спортивных автомобилей, что они забывают, что оставили Porsche на вокзале. Даже если их фамилия указана на регистрационном знаке • Так что пройдемте со мной в раздевалку, чтобы узнать, какие игроки отказываются прикасаться к футбольному мячу перед игрой, узнать, почему у множества миллионеров никогда нет геля для душа, и послушать, что говорит Криштиану Роналду, когда смотрит на себя в зеркало • Нас будет тренировать и уговаривать Харри Реднапп, огорчать Рафа Бенитес и успокаивать звук аккордеона, на котором играет помощник Свена-Горана Эрикссона Торд Грип
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'Over the years I've had some incredible finds, but the one that excites me the most is the next one.' • Drew Pritchard set himself up as a dealer when he was a teenager, rooting around in scrapyards, working out of a shed and getting about in a ropy old Transit. Now he's a leading figure in the antiques trade with an international online business, and he's hugely popular presenter of hit TV show Salvage Hunters. But he's still as driven by the thrill of the find as he was forty years ago • In this engaging and informative narrative, clearly structured into practical themes, Drew reveals what it takes to start with nothing but an obsession and a dream. He shows you how to create the opportunities, establish a network, get the best out of auctions and fairs, spot the fakes, develop your eye, build a reputation, buy and sell and yes, make a profit
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Discover the mindset that made Lawrence Okolie a champion • 'Whatever your situation, I want to help you. I'm proud of the changes I've made to my life. While flipping burgers in McDonald's, I found my ambition and now I'm a boxing champion. I've changed how I look at myself. how I look at the world. and I've improved my lifestyle • If I can do this. I know you can too • Perhaps you're feeling scared. a bit hopeless or unsure about where you're heading in life and what to do next? Maybe you feel stuck and you can't see a way out? I want to help you to change your life.' Lawrence Okolie • Discover • How anything is possible • Why you don't need luck but you do need purpose and faith • When fear and risks are good things • Why positive energy and kindness are essential • How curiosity is power • That you are not defined by your past • Why you shouldn't fear failure • That you can control your future • And much more
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If you're reading this, then we have something in common .... Whether it's a love of getting crafty, meticulously organising or making fun-shaped snacks! • I find it hard to sit still, but losing myself in a craft project or tidying a drawer is my form of meditation. It's a chance for me to forget about the things going on in the world around me for a minute • I hope this book helps you to lose yourself for a moment, too - and that you enjoy reading it and even, maybe, having a go at some of the bits inside • Lots of Love, to the moon and back • Stacey x
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