г. Москва, Московская область
Doyle A.C The Adventures of Brigadier Gerard 1 = Подвиги бригадира Жерара 1: на англ.яз

Doyle A.C The Adventures of Brigadier Gerard 1 = Подвиги бригадира Жерара 1: на англ.яз

цена 236 руб.
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Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the character Sherlock Holmes. His works also include fantasy and science fiction, as well as plays, romances, non-fiction and historical novels. "The Adventures of Brigadier Gerard" is a collection of wonderful historical stories about Brigadier Gerard, an officer in the French Army during the Napoleonic Wars, the bravest soldier, and one of the most gallant lovers in France подробнее
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Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the character Sherlock Holmes. His works also include fantasy and science fiction, as well as plays, romances, non-fiction and historical novels. "The Adventures of Brigadier Gerard" is a collection of wonderful historical stories about Brigadier Gerard, an officer in the French Army during the Napoleonic Wars, the bravest soldier, and one of the most gallant lovers in France
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Arthur Conan Doyle was a British writer best known for his detective fiction featuring the character Sherlock Holmes. His works also include fantasy and science fiction, as well as plays, romances, non-fiction and historical novels. "The Adventures of Brigadier Gerard" is a collection of wonderful historical stories about Brigadier Gerard, an officer in the French Army during the Napoleonic Wars, the bravest soldier, and one of the most gallant lovers in France
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