г. Москва, Московская область
Dickens C Christmas Stories. The Chimes = Рождественские истории. Колокола: на англ.яз

Dickens C Christmas Stories. The Chimes = Рождественские истории. Колокола: на англ.яз

цена 251 руб.
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The Chimes is Charles Dickens novella that concerns the disillusionment of Toby "Trotty" Veck, a poor working-class man. Trotty has lost his faith in Humanity and believes that his poverty is the result of his unworthiness he is visited on New Year's Eve by spirits to help restore his faith and show him that nobody is born evil, but rather that crime and poverty are things created by man подробнее
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The Dark Flower opens in 1880 with 18-year-old undergraduate Mark studying art at Oxford, and ends 30 years later with Mark ostensibly happily married, yet torn between his wife and a beautiful teenage girl could still be delivered by the hand of a discreet manservant, and the residents of Piccadilly kept their horses stabled close by so that they could gallop down to Richmond for fresh air
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Рождество - это не просто праздник, а самое настоящее волшебное время, когда даже взрослый заново открывает в себе ребёнка, загадывает заветные желания, мечтает о будущем и искренне верит в чудеса! В этот сборник вошли самые популярные рождественские песни западной Англии, а также тексты песен французских провинциальных колядок • Читайте зарубежную литературу в оригинале!
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283 руб.
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