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Constable & Robinson Nicholas II, The Last Tsar Paterson Michael

Constable & Robinson Nicholas II, The Last Tsar Paterson Michael

цена 960 руб.
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The character of the last Tsar, Nicholas II (1868-1918) is crucial to understanding the overthrow of tsarist Russia, the most significant event in Russian history. Nicholas became Tsar at the age of 26. Though a conscientious man who was passionate in his devotion to his country, he was weak, sentimental, dogmatic and indecisive. Ironically he could have made an effective constitutional monarch, but these flaws rendered him fatally unsuited to be the sole ruler of a nation that was in the throes of painful modernisation. That he failed is not surprising, for many abler monarchs could not have succeeded. Rather to be wondered at is that he managed, for 23 years, to hold on to power despite the overwhelming force of circumstances. Though Nicholas was exasperating, he had many endearing qualities подробнее
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Nicholas II and Alexandra have gone down in history as the last royal couple of Russia. With them the Romanov dynasty, that had ruled the country for three hundred years, came to an end. Rarely has a personal narrative been so interwoven with the destiny of a nation • The love of Nicholas (1868-1918) for his wife Alexandra (1872-1918) and their five children Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia and the Tsarevich Alexei, distracted his attention from his tasks as ruler. After a turbulent reign he was finally forced to abdicate and was transported with his family to Ekaterinenburg. Half a year later, in 1918, the Bolsheviks murdered him and his family. The Romanovs had become the symbol of the old regime in Russia
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Блистательный и неотразимый граф Дракула наслаждался семейной жизнью и всеми прелестями, из нее проистекающими, до тех пор, пока у его вечно уткнувшейся в телефон супруги не стали проявляться явные признаки зомбификации! Проведя расследование, граф выяснил, что неизвестный злоумышленник запустил страшный вирус, распространяющийся через телефоны, видеоэкраны и телевизоры! Этот вирус подчиняет себе волю и желания своих жертв, не делая различия между людьми, вампирами или орками!
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The electrifying new Orphan X adventure in the bestselling series - Evan Smoak returns with a mission which could cost him everything • A heavily-armed counter-assault team, a convoy of tactical vehicles, air support, a large animal sedative, arm and leg restraints, a hood, mouthguard – This was not your average invitation to meet with the President • But then Orphan X is not your average guest. The last survivor of the top secret programme that raised and trained him, Evan Smoak was sent around the world to do his government's dirty work. Until he escaped • Now, once again in need of his particular skill-set, the President tracks him down and offers him a deal: kill a dangerous target or face execution • Evan’s spent years trying to atone for his former life
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2 951 руб.
В интернет-магазине shop.buka.ru вы можете купить цифровую версию игры The Last Faith с активацией в сервисе Steam • Вы не пощадите никого, кто встанет у вас на пути, будь то грешник или святой. Зачастую жестокая, всегда приободряющая игра The Last Faith являет собой безбожный союз metroidvania и soulslike. The Last Faith предложит вам уйму бескомпромиссных, требующих идеальной точности сражений с огромным количеством добивающих приемов
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Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803—1873) was an English novelist, poet, playwright and politician. A lot of his works contributed to the early growth of the science fiction genre. "The Last of the Barons" is a historical novel first published in 1843. Its plot revolves around the power struggle between the English King Edward IV and his powerful minister Earl of Warwick, known as "Warwick the kingmaker." The novel also explores the themes of romance and science in the Middle Ages
Буквоед г. Москва (пункт выдачи заказов)
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Edward Bulwer-Lytton (1803—1873) was an English novelist, poet, playwright and politician. A lot of his works contributed to the early growth of the science fiction genre. "The Last of the Barons" is a historical novel first published in 1843. Its plot revolves around the power struggle between the English King Edward IV and his powerful minister Earl of Warwick, known as "Warwick the kingmaker." The novel also explores the themes of romance and science in the Middle Ages
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В интернет-магазине shop.buka.ru вы можете купить цифровую версию игры The Last of Us Part I - Deluxe Edition (Предзаказ) с активацией в сервисе Steam • Игра The Last of Us™ с эмоциональным сюжетом и незабываемыми персонажами получила более 200 наград «Игра года»
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В интернет-магазине shop.buka.ru вы можете купить цифровую версию игры The Last of Us Part I с активацией в сервисе Steam • Игра The Last of Us™ с эмоциональным сюжетом и незабываемыми персонажами получила более 200 наград «Игра года»
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4 799 руб.
В интернет-магазине shop.buka.ru вы можете купить цифровую версию игры The Last of Us Part I с активацией в сервисе Steam • В мире, где цивилизация пала, а зараженные и заматерелые выжившие бесчинствуют, Джоэл, измученный герой, должен вызволить 14-летнюю Элли из армейской карантинной зоны
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6 699 руб.
В интернет-магазине shop.buka.ru вы можете купить цифровую версию игры The Last of Us Part I - Deluxe Edition с активацией в сервисе Steam • В мире, где цивилизация пала, а зараженные и заматерелые выжившие бесчинствуют, Джоэл, измученный герой, должен вызволить 14-летнюю Элли из армейской карантинной зоны
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The fully revised new edition of the international bestseller THE 80 MINUTE MBA is your short cut to business brilliance. A traditional MBA is for either the time-rich, very wealthy or lucky few with a generous corporate sponsor. So what happens if you want to get a hit of high-quality business inspiration without spending two years back at school? • THE 80 MINUTE MBA is the gateway to fresh thinking, in less time than it takes a standard meeting to get past coffee and donuts. The MBA in a box book is old hat. Managers need the encouragement to think differently, not in the same straight lines • THE 80 MINUTE MBA is an injection of inspiration, creative thinking and dynamic approaches which will help you see the world of business differently • Stimulating new material brings this edition right up to date with critical business thinking
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Founded in 1147, Moscow was for much of it's early history in thrall to other nations - to the Khans, the Tartars and the Poles. The city was devastated by fire time and again, but with each rebuilding, it grew ever more magnificent. For every church that was destroyed, it seemed that two more were built • In this evocative and fascinating anthology, Moscow's turbulent growth is recorded through the voices of visitors and residents: Peter the Great's bloody reprisals after the revolt of the streltsy in 1698; a visit to the city's brothels by medical students in the 1890s; Kutuzov abandoning Moscow to Napoleon in 1812, and Napoleon's ignominious retreat from the burning city; Pushkin railing against the mindlessness of 1830 society; the flowering of literary greatness in the ninenteenth century and of the Moscow Art Theatre in the twentieth; and the dazzling profusion of jewels in the Treasury of the Kremlin
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1 003 руб.
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