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Canongate Stories We Tell Ourselves. Making Meaning in a Meaningless Universe Holloway Richard

Canongate Stories We Tell Ourselves. Making Meaning in a Meaningless Universe Holloway Richard

цена 1 157 руб.
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Throughout history we have told ourselves stories to try and make sense of our place in the universe. Richard Holloway takes us on a personal, scientific and philosophical journey to explore what he believes the answers to the biggest of questions are. He examines what we know about the universe into which we are propelled at birth and from which we are expelled at death, the stories we have told about where we come from, and the stories we tell to get through this muddling experience of life • Thought-provoking, revelatory, compassionate and playful, Stories We Tell Ourselves is a personal reckoning with life’s mysteries by one of the most important and beloved thinkers of our time подробнее
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