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Alma Books Silas Marner Элиот Джордж

Alma Books Silas Marner Элиот Джордж

цена 1 701 руб.
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Having been accused of theft and hounded out of a religious community many years previously, the weaver Silas Marner now lives alone in the village of Raveloe, hoarding the precious wealth he earns. But when Silas’s beloved gold is stolen, and an orphaned girl finds her way into his home, he is given the opportunity to transform his selfish and embittered life • George Eliot’s favourite novel – rich in symbolism, humour and social criticism – Silas Marner is one of the great nineteenth-century portrayals of rural life подробнее
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A heartwarming and poignant tale of a lonely man brought back to life and faith • Silas Marner lives a friendless and isolated existence near the country village of Raveloe, hoarding his gold. One night his fortune is stolen and Silas loses everything he holds dear. But then the golden-haired child Eppie appears in his home, and Silas begins to reform bonds of faith and human connectedness that he once renounced forever
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 583 руб.
Silas Marner (1861) is Eliot's classic tale of an outsider. A weaver who comes to live and work alone in the Midlands village of Raveloe, Silas Marner's sole pleasure is to count his growing hoard of gold. When it is stolen, his life ceases to have meaning - until Eppie wanders into the weaver's cottage one snowy New Year's Eve and falls asleep on his hearth. Eppie is two years old • Silas rears the little girl with friendly help from the villagers and she loves him as a father. Then, after sixteen years of contentment, Eppie's true background comes to light
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 902 руб.
Несмотря на то, что "Сайлас Марнер" - самый короткий из романов Джордж Элиот, он является одним из ее самых почитаемых произведений. В нем рассказывается печальная история несправедливо изгнанного Сайласа Марнера - ткача ручного ткацкого станка из Равелоу в сельскохозяйственном центре Англии - и о том, как он возвращается к жизни невероятным образом благодаря девочке-сироте Эппи • "Сайлас Марнер" - нежная и трогательная повесть о грехе и покаянии, действие которой разворачивается в исчезнувшем сельском мире и удерживает внимание читателя до последней страницы, когда испытываются узы привязанности Эппи к Сайласу • Книга на английском языке • Although the shortest of George Eliot's novels, Silas Marner is one of her most admired and loved works. It tells the sad story of the unjustly exiled Silas Marner - a handloom linen weaver of Raveloe in the agricultural heartland of England - and how he is restored to life by the unlikely means of the orphan child Eppie
My-shop.ru г. Москва
812 руб.
"Сайлас Марнер" - классическая повесть Джорджа Элиота об аутсайдере. Единственное удовольствие Сайласа Марнера, ткача, который приезжает жить и работать в одиночестве в деревню Равелоу в Мидлендсе, - подсчитывать свои растущие запасы золота. Когда его крадут, его жизнь теряет смысл - до тех пор, пока Эппи не забредает в коттедж ткача в снежную новогоднюю ночь и не засыпает у его очага. Эппи два года • Сайлас воспитывает маленькую девочку с дружеской помощью жителей деревни, и она любит его как отца. Затем, после шестнадцати лет довольства, всплывает истинное прошлое Эппи • Книга на английском языке • Silas Marner (1861) is Eliot's classic tale of an outsider. A weaver who comes to live and work alone in the Midlands village of Raveloe, Silas Marner's sole pleasure is to count his growing hoard of gold
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 088 руб.
The Penguin English Library Edition of Silas Marner by George Eliot • "God gave her to me because you turned your back upon her, and He looks upon her as mine: you've no right to her!" • Wrongly accused of theft and exiled from a religious community many years before, the embittered weaver Silas Marner lives alone in Raveloe, living only for work and his precious hoard of money. But when his money is stolen and an orphaned child finds her way into his house, Silas is given the chance to transform his life. His fate, and that of the little girl he adopts, is entwined with Godfrey Cass, son of the village Squire, who, like Silas, is trapped by his past. Silas Marner, George Eliot's favourite of her novels, combines humour, rich symbolism and pointed social criticism to create an unsentimental but affectionate portrait of rural life
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 668 руб.
When the weaver Silas Marner is wrongly accused of crime and expelled from his community, he becomes a miser and vows to turn his back upon the world. But an extraordinary sequence of events, including the appearance of a tiny child in his cottage, melts Silas’s heart and transforms his life. George Eliot’s tender pastoral is at once a realistic story of rural life and a symbolic drama of sin and repentance. Written in her simplest style, it paints a vivid picture of a rural life long since vanished
My-shop.ru г. Москва
3 015 руб.
Our consciousness rarely registers the beginning of a growth within us any more than without us: there have been many circulations of the sap before we detect the smallest sign of the bud • Set in the agricultural town of Raveloe in the English countryside, Silas Marner is a tragic figure. Exiled from a religious community because of a wrongful accusation of theft, he works from day to day as a weaver, saving his money and living a lonely life as a recluse • It is only when his money is stolen and a small orphan girl, Eppie appears in his life that Silas's fortunes begin to change and he truly begins to learn what it means to regain his faith in life
My-shop.ru г. Москва
320 руб.
Мистер Джонс с фермы Мэнор настолько ленив и пьян, что однажды забывает покормить свой скот. Последовавшее за этим восстание под предводительством свиней Наполеона и Сноуболла приводит к тому, что животные захватывают ферму. Пообещав устранить ужасное неравенство на фермерском дворе, переименованная животноводческая ферма организована в интересах всех, кто ходит на четырех ногах. Но с течением времени идеалы восстания извращаются, а затем забываются. И появляется что-то новое и неожиданное • Скотный двор - история революции, которая пошла не так, как надо, - это блестящая сатира Джорджа Оруэлла на разлагающее влияние власти • Книга на английском языке • Under the feckless husbandry of Mr Jones, the Manor Farm has fallen into disrepair. Pushed into hardship, the animals decide to stage a revolt, and, led by two young pigs, Snowball and Napoleon, they overthrow Mr Jones and drive him away from the farm
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 462 руб.
In the provincial Burmese town of Kyauktada, the world-weary John Flory – a thirty-something English teak dealer – leads a life of quiet disillusionment, hardly mixing with the natives or the expat community, and deriving some comfort only from his conversations with an Indian friend, Doctor Veraswami, and the attentions of his local mistress. His prospects seem to improve when he meets the orphaned niece of a timber merchant, Elizabeth Lackersteen, who appears to reciprocate his feelings of love – but the arrival on the scene of another suitor, the boorish police officer Verrall, and the scheming of a disgruntled local magistrate threaten to shatter Flory’s dreams and put him on a path to tragedy • Based on the author’s own experiences in Burma as a young officer in the Indian Imperial Police, Burmese Days – here presented in the version published in Britain in 1944, which follows the text of the first American edition – is George Orwell’s debut novel, invaluable both as a faithful description of life in Burma during the twilight of the British Raj and as an expose of the failings of colonial rule
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 947 руб.
Discover George Eliot’s first novel, a tale of rural tragedy and redemption • It may seem like an old tale: the beautiful village girl, her faithful admirer, a country squire's seduction. But seen through the eyes of any of its players, the old tale becomes one of fresh heartbreak, innocent hopes, best intentions gone awry, and better selves lost and restored. George Eliot's first novel shows all her humane intelligence and intimate knowledge of the richness and complexity of ordinary life
My-shop.ru г. Москва
2 142 руб.
Alma Classics edition of The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer contains 3,000 notes and 30 pages extra material • "And specially from every shires ende • Of Engelond to Caunterbury they wende, • The hooly blisful martir for to seke, • That hem hath holpen whan that they were seeke." • Assembling at the Tabard Inn in Southwark, a group of pilgrims begin their journey to Canterbury Cathedral. To entertain themselves on the long road, their host suggests that they regale each other with stories, with the teller of the best tale set to earn a free supper • The pilgrims correspond to all sections of medieval society, from the crusading knight to the drunken cook, and their tales span a range of genres, including the comic ribaldry and deception of 'The Miller's Tale' and the story of chivalry and courtly romance told by the Franklin
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 947 руб.
Долгие годы войны и раздора привели к падению Британии, ныне известной как Взлётная полоса–1. Теперь она входит в состав Океании, одной из трёх тоталитарных сверхдержав, претендующих на власть над миром. Большой брат, загадочный лидер управляющей Океанией Партии, держит население под контролем с помощью строгого наблюдения и полицейских репрессий. В обществе, где всякие проявления индивидуальности жестоко подавляются, власти активно манипулируют мыслями подконтрольных им людей, историей и языком. Один из тех, кто переписывает историю во благо Партии – сотрудник Министерства правды Уинстон Смит. В нём зреют мятежные страсти и недовольство существующим строем, но со временем он осознаёт своё бессилие перед лицом государственной машины… • Роман Джорджа Оруэлла «1984» – возможно, величайшая антиутопия и одно из самых влиятельных произведений в истории современной литературы, которому мы обязаны словами «новояз», «двоемыслие» и «мыслепреступление»
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 458 руб.
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