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Abacus The Woman Who Walked in Sunshine Макколл-Смит Александр

Abacus The Woman Who Walked in Sunshine Макколл-Смит Александр

цена 1 944 руб.
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The one with Mma Ramotswe's summer holiday • Mma Ramotswe is taking a break, leaving important tasks in the capable hands of Mma Makutsi, co-director of the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency. But Mma Ramotswe soon finds herself interfering in cases (secretly, or so she intends) • While on 'holiday', she delves into the past of a man whose reputation is brought into question, she is called upon to rescue a small boy - and discovers Violet Sephotho's latest underhand business endeavour: the No. 1 Ladies' Secretarial College • Meanwhile, Mma Makutsi hires a part-time science teacher as an assistant, and suspects that her authority is being undermined • Will Mma Ramotswe be caught out? подробнее
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Mma Ramotswe and Mma Makutsi have always relied on the advice of the classic guide to their trade, The Principles of Private Detection. But who is the eminent author, Mr Clovis Andersen, and what if he were to come to Botswana? That seems a very unlikely possibility, and yet. . . when Mr Andersen visits Botswana on holiday, he is delighted and intrigued to stumble across a roadside sign that reveals the existence of the No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency. Professional courtesy suggests that he call and announce himself • Meanwhile, Mma Makutsi and Phuti Radiphuti are embarking on married life and building a new house - a tricky business under any circumstances but especially hazardous when the name of the contractor is the Joy and Light Building Company
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1 944 руб.
'Ex-CID. Ex-New York. Ex-cellent' reads the sign outside the Satisfaction Guarantee Detective Agency. Cephas Buthelezi certainly talks the talk, Precious discovers, but would he have the wherewithal to deal with her current case - a man who has been attacked by ostrich rustlers and is eager to reassess his life • Meanwhile, there are difficulties at the Tlokweng Road Speedy Motors, where one of the apprentices has discovered the Lord, problems at home with the mysterious death of a hoopoe and romantic complications when Mma Makutsi sets up a typing school for men
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1 944 руб.
Mma Ramotswe knows she is very lucky indeed. She has a loving family, good friends and a thriving business doing what she enjoys most: helping people. But the latest mystery she is called upon to solve is distinctly trickier than it initially appears, and, of course, there's plenty to handle in her personal life between Charlie and his new bride and Mma Makutsi and her talking shoes • In the end, Mma Ramotswe's patience and common-sense will win out, and, without a doubt, all will be the better for it
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1 944 руб.
As the countdown to Mma Makutsi's wedding begins, all is not as it should be at the No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency. While investigating unpleasant occurrences on a southern cattle-post, Mma Ramotswe, always on the side of the weak against the strong, has reason to reflect on Rule No.3 of The Principles of Private Detection: never lie to the client. Apprentice mechanic Charlie seems to be avoiding certain important responsibilities. And as Mma Makutsi's big day approaches, her nemesis Violet Sephotho is casting her net wider: by standing for election which could spell trouble for the entire nation • But as friends and family gather under starry African night skies, it turns out that even the most perplexing of apparitions - and the most shocking of crimes - may yield to rational explanation
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A highly original 'detective' novel with unique setting and characters, this is the first of four 'Botswana' titles are both beautiful and charming • Wayward daughters. Missing Husbands. Philandering partners. Curious conmen. If you've got a problem, and no one else can help you, then pay a visit to Precious Ramotswe, Botswana's only - and finest - female private detective • Her methods may not be conventional, and her manner not exactly Miss Marple, but she's got warmth, wit and canny intuition on her side, not to mention Mr J. L. B. Matekoni, the charming proprietor of Tlokweng Road Speedy Motors. And Precious is going to need them all as she sets out on the trail of a missing child, a case that tumbles our heroine into a hotbed of strange situations and more than a little danger
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"Пес, вернувшийся с холода", трогательная и веселая новая часть серии "Особняки Кондурой" рассказывает о дальнейших приключениях нового любимого персонажа Александра Макколл-Смита: терьера Фредди де ла Хэя • В благородных окрестностях "Особняков Кондурой" в Пимлико творятся странные дела, в основном во имя любви. Одинокий Уильям Френч и его верный пес Фредди завербованы на службу в МИ-6 обольстительной женщиной-оперативником, соседка Уильяма Кэролайн обнаруживает, что ее поклонник Джеймс таинственным образом исчезает, а Барбару Рэгг влечет в Хайленд расцветающий роман • Веселый и ласковый Пес, вернувшийся с холода, присоединяется к восхитительному лондонскому племени милых неудачников и подающих надежды в новой серии приключений в жизни, любви и философии
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At a local wedding, Mma Ramotswe reunites with a friend whose daughter has inexplicably turned away from her. Elsewhere, several ladies in the region fall under the spell of a charismatic self-styled reverend. With little work on at the agency, Precious and Mma Makutsi see no harm in looking into such curious events. Meanwhile, Charlie is anxious. How can he, the part-time detective, secure his love's hand in marriage? Even in the quietest months, it seems, there's plenty for the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency to investigate
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From the Booker Prize winning author of Paddy Clarke Ha Ha Ha and The Commitments: the story of an ordinary woman whose extraordinary character will stay with you long after reading • ‘He loved me and he beat me. I loved him and I took it. It’s as simple as that’ • Paula Spencer is thirty-nine, the mother of four and learning to live without Charlo, her violent, abusive husband • Paula’s started drinking more and dreaming more, taking herself back to her contented childhood and audacious teenage years. Everything was better then, not least the music, the soundtrack to her romance with Charlo. As the past floats by and mingles with the present Paula Spencer finds herself coming alive, in all her vulnerability and her strength
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Mma Ramotswe knows she is very lucky indeed. She has a loving family, good friends and a thriving business doing what she enjoys most: helping people. But the latest mystery she is called upon to solve is distinctly trickier than it initially appears, and, of course, there's plenty to handle in her personal life between Charlie and his new bride and Mma Makutsi and her talking shoes • In the end, Mma Ramotswe's patience and common-sense will win out, and, without a doubt, all will be the better for it
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The one with the election • When Ramotswe enters politics to oppose the construction of the dubious-sounding 'Big Fun Hotel', her opponent turns out to be local troublemaker, Violet Sephotho. But the general air of excitement cannot eclipse important matters of detection. Charlie, assigned a mysterious hit-and-run case, strives to prove his worth to his superiors as well as Queenie-Queenie, the woman who has captured his heart • Mma Makutsi is meanwhile in danger of being outwitted by a local bigwig property developer • Twists and turns abound in the latest adventures from the No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
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Precious Ramotswe, that cheerful Botswanan private investigator of 'traditional build', is now married to Mr J.L.B. Matekoni of Tlokweng Road Speedy Motors. The Agency is busy, but Mma Ramotswe cannot ignore the plea which is made by a woman who comes to her with a tale of particular misfortune. Unfortunately, her attempts to help are interrupted by a close encounter between her tiny white van and a bicycle, and by a spectacular disagreement between her assistant, Mma Makutsi, and one of the apprentices at the garage. This apprentice has found a fancy girlfriend who drives a Mercedes-Benz. How can he be rescued from his folly And as for Mma Makutsi, she has found a dancing class, and a man who may not be able to dance very well, but who admires her greatly
My-shop.ru г. Москва
1 944 руб.
The latest in the hugely popular 44 Scotland Street series from the worldwide bestselling author, Alexander McCall Smith • Life for Bertie seems to be moving at a pace that is rather out of his control. Upstairs, at 44 Scotland Street, his father Stuart is powerless to stop over-bearing Irene and her determination that Bertie will travel to deepest, coldest Aberdeen on a three-month sojourn. Can his friend Ranald Braveheart Macpherson save the day? And can the boys execute a great escape? Meanwhile, further up in the New Town, Bruce Anderson's property development plans are thwarted by a sudden crisis of conscience that leads to a shocking revelation. And, in Big Lou's cafe, it seems that love might blossom at last • Warm hearted, humorous and always wonderfully wise, Love in the Time of Bertie offers philosophical insight as well as sartorial elegance
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