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Abacus La's Orchestra Saves the World Макколл-Смит Александр

Abacus La's Orchestra Saves the World Макколл-Смит Александр

цена 1 944 руб.
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With a failed marriage behind her, La - short for Lavender - moves to the Suffolk countryside on the eve of the Second World War to nurse her broken heart. Lonely and at a loss, a friend encourages her to bring the villagers and the men from the local airbase together by forming an amateur orchestra. One of her musician recruits is Feliks, a handsome and enigmatic Polish refugee. A friendship begins to blossom between the two, and La finds her feelings stirring to life again • Poignant, tender and inspiring, La's Orchestra Saves the World celebrates the power of love and friendship in the shadow of the collective tragedy of war, as well as the extraordinary healing power of music подробнее
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1 944 руб.
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1 944 руб.
When Isabel Dalhousie and her husband Jamie book a table at an expensive Edinburgh restaurant, she finds herself battling with her conscience. Lately, there has been a lull in work for the Review of Applied Ethics, and the care of their young sons, Charlie and Magnus, is often undertaken by their housekeeper Grace. Is Isabel deserving of such a luxurious dinner? • But Isabel holds herself to impossible moral standards. Not so, the parents of one of Jamie's students, who have no qualms about ensuring their son's place in the school orchestra, despite his mediocre talent. In the restaurant, Isabel witnesses a row between local businessmen; another reminder that thoughtless ambition is too often second nature to others • Compelled to intervene in the aftermath, Isabel's sense of integrity is observed by a fellow diner, Iain Melrose, who seeks out her help
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1 116 руб.
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